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How many were on/or not on orig Enb?  

478 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick when you played EnB as your 1st original Game Play!

    • Played original EnB game that ended in 2004. 1st Exposure.
    • Played Enb-Emulator as 1st Exposure to the Game. (2004 till now).
    • For some reason none of the above apply or don't remember anymore.

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Played through live from pretty early on up until sunset.  My main was a 150TE on Andromeda named Marinus.  Was part of a small guild called Rogue Knights; I remember our leader lived in Alaska or something.  I doubt anyone remembers me, but if you do I was the one always spamming trade chat looking for rare ammo samples.  I wanted to be one of the first to have every ammo type in the game analyzed, and I was only missing a few by the end.


I checked out the emulator pretty early on, which is why my account says 2010. Hard to believe it's been 11 years already!


Pegasus from day day 1 forgot guild name had a main Trader called Bowna.  I live in the UK but to make sure i got it on day 1 I had to import it from Canada cost me an extra £40 quid in import fees but was well worth it at the time

14 hours ago, Stranks99 said:

Pegasus from day day 1 forgot guild name had a main Trader called Bowna.  I live in the UK but to make sure i got it on day 1 I had to import it from Canada cost me an extra £40 quid in import fees but was well worth it at the time

Oh man.  Remember when you could import things from places?  Now, the DRM stores just tell you when and where you can play things.


Mad respect paying nearly the price of the game again just to get it when you deserved it.  Even with its complications, I'm glad the globalization of gaming seems to have really cut down on that region-dependent BS.

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

I played on Andromeda server with the same in-game name that I have now... Texe


My main was a TT and just loved building weapons and ammo.  I had a cast of other toons, most notably my PW, which was coming along so nicely... and then E&B ended.  I remember being sooooo bummed about it. 

Back then the server was buzzing with activity, raids, tons of action and of course the odd controversy/squabble. 

Good friends and good times for sure!   


Glad to see this emulator - well done guys!


Posted (edited)

Tyrellius AKA Ty leader of the TerraJen Foundation on Andromeda. I was UK based and before retail I got to level 75 in 25 straight hours. Had to do that as it took about 2 or 3 weeks to get the CD imported. I am sure if I look in my storage, I still have the original box and CD.

We had one of the largest guilds, I think we hit max numbers and had to make a second one. had some of the best crafters too:)


Would be nice to hear from some of the people if they have ever got here.


P.S. I am ashamed to say that I did sell my E&B account just before the game went kaput. Had the founders logo too and got like £300 for it.

Edited by Drei
  • 1 year later...

Drei (aka Tyrellius/Ty), I was in your guild! I cannot for the life of me remember my handle though. But I remember you, Jeff, TechTv (Techvas) and Sani. There are others, of course. I was reminiscing about the past, and I came across our guild webpage on the wayback machine. If you threw some other names out there, I might recognize mine...

On 3/3/2023 at 2:37 AM, Inverness Down said:

Drei (aka Tyrellius/Ty), I was in your guild! I cannot for the life of me remember my handle though. But I remember you, Jeff, TechTv (Techvas) and Sani. There are others, of course. I was reminiscing about the past, and I came across our guild webpage on the wayback machine. If you threw some other names out there, I might recognize mine...


Good to hear from you. I am going to look on my old backups and see if I can find the old website or some of the screenshots I took. See if I can post a few on here.


I was there from the Beta, to the final moments.

So many people who helped me then, and so many who help me now.

JD Galileo Server lvl 137 when it shut down. did not find out about the Emulator until 2022...


fondest memories include farming in VT, fighting tengu, and being invited to a FB Raid before i made lvl 100.

see you all when the server comes online again!

Posted (edited)

  I played from week 2 till it was shut off , 2 - 150 toons Tashayar and Ladyinred 

 Had to wait till week 2 becouse of paydays


Edited by Tashazar

Sunrise when it started to sundown.  Stress test 2,3 and stress test 4.

Been retired for a couple years and haven’t play but trying to come back but now I’m just patiently waiting.

played EVE after sundown but got tried of PVP

  • 2 weeks later...

Played on Orion with a JD "Megasaxon" a PW "MegaGT" and a TE "Megagtx" all at 150. I was a young idiot and spent skill points in places they shouldn't have been. Let's just say I was very happy when the SP re-roll was launched. Fixed that stuff ASAP! 😆


Not sure if i answered this a while ago but i got the itch to come back and see and play again so here goes. 


I was Chromedragon on Pegasus. Started out as a beta tester had the FF Decal etc. I still have my badge from the meet and greet that took place in San Jose Ca. 


I was part of Shadow Squadron initially then moved to Pantheon with Sarina and Master Jag. I played a Terran Trades Man loved all the raids. The mash unit work in the Fish Bowl was nuts. 


Love all the work the teams are doing and the expanded content as well Greate job team. 


I played a ton of command and conquer back in the day. Firestorm, red alert 3, and renegade.  At some point I heard about westwood studios had made this new online space game. It took my 56k internet something like 3 or 4 days to download the 600mb game.  I still remember the awe of first logging in and having this massive game to explore.  I remember being TERRIFED to go through the gate from Jupiter to Saturn.  Anyways, EnB was my first ever MMO when I was about 13 and I played it up till they announced sunset.  Being 14 and using my own money on the subscription, I didn't want to spend my time and money playing a game anymore that I knew was about to be shutdown in a couple months.

I was originally Ghostwing, lvl 150 Jenquai Defender. I joined the Disciples of Rebellion guild for most of my time in EnB.  I Played with some of those same players on EVE Online when EnB shut down.

I've played the Emulator off and on over the years.  I remember when there wasn't much you could do besides fly around the asteroid belt sectors. Combat and loot tables didn't exist yet. (I think it was originally written in java, then that was scrapped and re-written in C++)  I even had access to the source code myself at one point, but I was new to programming (still in school) and never had the time or knowledge to contribute anything.

I recently got the ENB itch back and game here to find out the servers have been the victim of some sort of attack and are still down. I hope they are back up soon and If there is anything I can help with i'd be willing to see what I can do.


Unsure when I started, but played on Galileo. Had a progen warrior named Tenkaris that I played until the Sunset announcement, when I got so mad I deleted my character.


I don't remember the name of the forum ENB players posted on but I remember posting there and coming back to check things out, talking to people I played with, and ended up gifted accounts to play with until Sunset, so I also inherited terran enforcers named Mazzerrackham and Wantosr later on.


The guilds I remember bonding with the most were Lightning Troopers, who left for EVE eventually... and Wizards of Doom, though I was not with them until well after the sunset announcement.


I also came back to the emulator around the 2010 stress test ... 3? era? I played a TT/TE Combo Alyseria and Adama, I ran a guild called The Illuminati.. I eventually lost interest, and came back to see another wipe had happened.


But I obviously still think about this game every so often and check in! Anyone remember me from any of this?


I remember finding EnB by accident when EA was just signing ppl up for Beta test just before it went LIVE I knew it had a great potential even then, so I signed on got my FF decals like so many when it went LIVE good times why it still is dear to most of us.

  • 3 months later...

Played a Gwahir TE on andromeda I was in a guild with Wormwood Hells own or something? A small guild, Then started Honor Amongst Friends with Luckystrike, Selthea and Bluedog?? Cant remember the rest, Then moved my JD Tulkas To The-scorned with Trouble, Deffiance and a few others. Cant remember all the names.

Danced in the nightclub til sun down, with many others.

Found this emu about 5 years ago? I didnt stay long, then re discovered it about 2 years ago, Im dissapointed I missed the glory days of the emu, but its still nice to hop back on and build things for people, Kill things to get goodies to give to people.Very different to the old days of live where you had to sell a kidney to buy a zet above 140% lol.

I think the game developers have done an incredible job and its fun to play from time to time. Though I dont have the time to play as much as I did.

I love seeing new faces, would love to see more people coming back and or playing for the 1st time and feeling jost how fresh a 20 year old game can feel :)

Tulkas (the Desash slayer)

ExploreJE the taxi

PWHulksmash the tank

Gwahir the god awful terran enforcer (aka hacker)

BubTT the medic

Tulkass The clone JD I forgot I made and made a new one then found the account lol

ClobberingtimePW because one PW isnt enough

ReactorbuilderPP Ugh.... I got bored

ThanosPW because 2 PW's arent enough

On 3/14/2018 at 7:18 PM, Wdfifty said:

I was on live for nearly all of it as Wdforty.  Played on the Andromeda server.  Wdforty was a TT that was L150, I don't recall any of my other character names or how many L150's I had.  I do know I had most or all of my characters to at least L100.  And I was in honour amongst friends.  I know I was in another guild or two as well, but I don't recall their names either.  I played Wdforty most of the time.

Oh wow, shame I missed you, the post was only 7 years ago hah! We had a brilliant little guild, everyone helped everyone with no profiteering! It was brilliant :)


anyone from theses guilds still around?

Sadly, I was pretty much a solo player, but a lot of people helped me out.  



  • Guild: United Space Alliance and Brethren of the Wolf
  • Server: Orion
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

fell in love with the game during beta and played all the way till sunset, then moved to eve online when they have announced welcome to all 'refugee' from e&b. Although I liked eve, but the more times pass all the games I am playing, nothing compares to e&b for me, keep returning here through the years

Was on Pegasus, had all classes but my favourite was my TT Miy and my Enforcer Stellar

Had a Dutch friend in the game - Goofer we did kept contact for few years after the game via ICQ

Remember few of the fiercest competitors for market share at Joves where people were selling exotic loot and loot only ammo to print – Mafoo, Dumdidum and few more.


Edited by Stell
  • 1 month later...

This is wild.  I haven't thought about this game in nearly two decades and I never knew this emulator existed before today.  Somewhat disappointed about Starfield, I got to thinking about all the good space games I've played over the years.


I was part of the notorious Rest In Peace guild on Pegasus during EA Live.  I've seen a ton of familiar names on here already.  Probably my biggest claim to infamy was getting a whole lot of people (including myself) who were fully geared out from all the raids at the time an uh, let's call it early sunset for macroing on EA Live.  Oh to be young and stupid again.


I guess I was macroing before it was cool, as I've seen a whole lot of controversy about it in posts on here already, but it seems attended macroing is actually allowed?!  For anyone that remembers (who am I kidding, the polls clearly show that pretty much ALL of you remember) Exploration XP was awful to get on EA Live.  Turns out they had a bug in a repeatable exploration mission at the time that you could just click through all the dialog in a particular order right there at the terminal to complete the mission without going anywhere.  As someone who had maxed out pretty much everything but Exploration in an obscene number of hours of completely legitimate game play, I viewed this both as clever use of game mechanics and something they owed me for Exploration being broken.  ;)  I told a bunch of my friends and guild mates about it too.


As a budding computer science student at the time, I then got the bright idea to automate the process.  I distributed a binary to a whole lot of people that clicked through the whole sequence automatically, and did it very quickly.  Needless to say, the number of people that ended up piling around that terminal grew and grew and the secret was clearly out of the bag.  Not long after, there was a ban wave of the most egregious offenders.  I took to the forums to try and appeal on behalf of all the people who I'd unintentionally helped to get banned by distributing that tool.  Not only was that ineffective, but the community manager actually called me out specifically and posted the details showing the extent to which I had exploited the bug for everyone to see.  I don't actually remember the numbers anymore, but it was fairly obscene, and turned even the somewhat sympathetic firmly against us.  Definitely a humiliating learning experience (and a humbling one at that) for a much younger me.


I don't remember much of what happened after that (I didn't try to come back to the game), but if you were one of the people that got banned for that using my tool, I'm so sorry!  I read that (among other things) the emu has made some balancing changes to Exploration XP... I feel somewhat vindicated by that, hah.


Anyway, this has been a blast from the past.  As a way of paying reparations for my past sins committed against the EnB community and to thank all these devs for their hard work of bringing this thing back to life I decided to make some donations to get you guys the rest of the way to the new server hardware migration & software upgrades goal, it's the least I can do.

Posted (edited)

Yea well I played in 2002, bout Nov. of that year as I had just completed U.S. Army combat medic training in fort Sam Houston and had just arrived at my first duty station 1st brig 2-22 light inf. 10th mountain div. Fort Drum NY. Now on here I put Pegasus server but to be honest I have no clue what server I was playing on cause I went in with a battle buddy and she always had the game on the character select screen by the time I got to her dorm room which is where we played the game together...…..To my deep regret and sorrow Stacy did not come back from Iraq. So now I'm on here playing as a way to remember and honor her. 

Edited by bandj7390

One of my sons introduced me to the original E&B.  He rose to a 150 PW and I made it to a 150 TT.  We didn't have much interaction except to transfer items but we did bump into each other frequently.  He was into RPGs and later introduced me to Final Fantasy, where I was a White Mage.  I guess that demonstrates I'm heavily into support roles, trying to keep people alive.  Was very happy to see the emulator come out but very disappointed it was so buggy several years back.  I stayed away for several years and only recently decided to check back.  Much better now but still has major game play issues with the server.  I've volunteered to help but no response yet.  Server is down now so I thought I'd make this entry to kill my waiting time.

  • 2 weeks later...

hi there :)

i just found this topic so let's share a bit:)


I wasn't playing in the game in 2002-2004, but.. i was playing in EAB beta before the game was released, later i had a breake with in untill i have found this fantastic place and could fly in the galaxy with no limits .



  • 2 months later...

I had several characters. The two that were somewhat known were "Maurauder" a Progen warrior, and "Moneyshot," a Terran Trader.

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