You have to make them in the Character & Starship Creator. At the bottom there are arrows to click on to move between classes, you have to use those as no new buttons appear. When you make a character in the Character & Starship Creator it will not overwrite characters you've made by the game, so make sure you design them in a slot that's not being used. If you've already used all the slots in your game account, make a second account. You're allowed, last time I looked, to have up to 9 accounts for a single e-mail registration.
The -noclassrestriction line only needs to be added to the Starship & Character Creator. When you create a character for the first time in the Creator, it is placed in the rightmost slot, but the same applies to when you create your first character via the game. The slot you make the character in, in the creator, is the slot they will appear when you log into the game, unless it's already covered by an existing character. (You do, as far as I know, have to use the same PC for the initial creation, and the characters being put on the server for the first time, afterwards you can access the character from any PC that you can play the game on.)