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  1. Yesterday
  2. Using a phone to look at forums. Allows logins, obviously. How the heck do you log out?! No option under anything I look at. Nothing at the bottom of the page. Nothing under any options that I've found. Is it a secret?
  3. Last week
  4. Still running. See install guides under tech support and hit up https://www.net-7.org for downloads.
  5. I'd like to get back into this game, but cannot figure out the download. Is earth and beyond still up and running or is it shut down
  6. Clearly a port problem, Parssus confirmed it later here in the tread. After hitting "login" the Net-7 (Proxy-) Client is trying to contact the master server - and that communication (port 3805 udp) is clearly blocked (eg. by a firewall) so the client returns to the initial screen shortly after the time out. We can rule out a cert-problem as the certification check takes place earlier (after entering account password, before avatar selection sctreen)
  7. Newbie griefing, Corps politics (extortion), harsh penalty (loosing ships for good in a battle) for "non-rich people" means basically "you're out". Endless mining/grinding, no cool helping community spirit. Walking in stations never made it and the game is still (after decades!) keeping you caught in a ship in 1st ego shooter perspective. I played it for a little time and then quit because of the above. It was/is boring, dull and repeative. Yes, every game it repeative at a certain point - but the repetition itself is way more dull in EVE then eg. "Earth & Beyond" oder "Star Wars Galaxies". (the latter even wasn't really repeative beacuse of it's sandbox style)
  8. You won't receive an email to change your game password. Go to the Net-7 website. Click on the Account tab -> Avatar Settings -> scroll to the bottom of that screen and you will see the place to change your game password there. The top of that page will have the current account you are working with in the drop down box. If you wish to change each game account (your forum username can hold up to 9 game accounts) you must change it in the drop down box and change each password for each account. -Dragonfly EDIT: I see that you specified you did in fact get to where I directed you, but didn't receive an email. This would be something for the webdevs to take a look at, so I will tag @karu for that assistance.
  9. Hi guys, Hope this is the right place. I forgot the password on my in-game accounts and wanted to reset it using the "Avatar Settings" page on net-7.org. When I click the "Forgot Password" button, it asks me to confirm the email, and that part is fine, and from the UI it looks like it's worked. However, in the Network tab in the browser, the call to "https://www.net-7.org/cpanel.php?action=reset_password&uid=useridhere" (useridhere substituted in place of my id) returns response text that says "Message could not be sent.Mailer error: SMTP connect()failed." Maybe an issue with the SMTP server that sends the password reset emails? Edit: By the way, I am not blocked by this currently. I was able to use the Avatar Transfer to move the characters to an in-game account I know the password for. So I am all good for now
  10. It's probably moreso that it was a generic firewall setting that was refusing because the firewall doesn't trust the signature of the certs or something but who knows. Once we get things in a proper order perhaps I can get us a code signing cert and sign it all then it'll stop being such a hassle with security utilities.
  11. In order: Has it been considered? Yes Does the modern emulator run on Linux? No, there is a mix of Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD operating systems. Will Docker be something we look at in short order? Probably not, but mainly because there's plenty of stuff to fix before we create a standalone container that everyone could use reliably. As it is, you sorta have to know what interacts with what to prevent breakages.
  12. Does the modern emulator server run on Linux? I remember a super old version was Windows, and Windows is pretty chunky on Docker. If it's feasible, and the team is interested (eg. I understand if they don't want to disclose the binaries) and wants any volunteer help, then let me know. I'm on vacation pretty soon here but some time in August or later I could put in some work if needed.
  13. Earlier
  14. Is there any chance you guys would ever consider doing a self-hosted (Docker) version of the enb server? That way, in the event that it ever becomes financially unfeasible to continue operating your own, then at least enb could live on in some capacity.
  15. Cool glad to hear you found the culprit 👍
  16. Thanks for the response Yeti. It turns out Avast (my anti-virus & Firewall) had a rule that was blocking my Tcp/Udp protocols. Adding an exception wasn't good enough, I had to update a rule for my Firewall to stop blocking data from your servers.
  17. Hi Parssus, What version of the game launcher are you using if its NOT V2.2.0 then you need to uninstall the Net-7 client launcher and download the newer version from the downloads section and the update for it. I had to talk Donny47 through doing the same process to fix it. I'll be about later though(few hours maybe more) if your still stuck. Yeti(GM)
  18. So, this is continuing to be a problem, even after attempting the galaxy map removal. I wasn't having issues gating, or when I was able to get in.
  19. Of course, no worries. Even though I don't get to play much anymore, this game will always have a special place in my heart and anything I can do to help, I will. I'm not sure if calling my tool "a gui" is appropriate, given how ugly it looks and how old it is haha. But I get your point. Not all of us are technically inclined. Was thinking back just now on how things evolved for the emulator. I remember many years ago, when all "the server" could do was have you open the game and log into a station. Back then I was helping out the data entry team, putting all the known navs, gates, etc into a tool. Look at where we are now. Makes me want to jump in and play, but it's not on top of my todo list so alas 😅
  20. I'm still not sure what to make of it, but give this a shot. I added a few things which might increase the reliability: Increased the ClickDelay to 500ms Made the window title matching exact regex matches Added a loop around activating the appropriate window that checks to make sure the window we activated is on top and indeed active I also added more debug message pop-ups at the beginning to tell you how many windows it found, and then it activates each one in turn and gives you the window handle that it knows the window by. This may give some clue as to the nature of the problem if the number of windows isn't right, or if it obviously has the wrong windows right off the bat. multifire-oregonaut.ahk
  21. Yep, verified working fine now, thanks for the quick fix! Lots of folks still prefer this tool given that it's a GUI and no code required so glad to have the option still available for them!
  22. What was the fix for this? I just had this start happening today after logging in fine yesterday. *Edit* I restarted my computer and it seems to work, but unsure what happened.
  23. Verified with different browsers, most kept caching indeed. Also tested with wget, which was failing before for me as well, and is now working. So looks much better. And have now switched to a different monitoring platform. So hopefully this won't happen again or at least I will be notified much sooner when it does.
  24. @Codemonkeyx Well that's embarrassing 😅 I beefed up security on my firewall rules a while ago (some months) and in doing so I was actively denying traffic from cloudlfare coming in 🤣 The million dollar question is, what is a better monitoring platform for automatic monitoring of my sites that -does- report issues to me. Because it seems the one I have now was also using some cached version for some reason. So while I search for a replacement, meanwhile the site should be reachable again. Sorry for the interruption. Could you verify and let me know if it's ok for you as well now? Thanks!
  25. I don't know what to say. Just tried down for anyone or just me and you are absolutely correct... None of my monitoring picked this up so that's even worse. Going to see what's going on, thanks for reporting it.
  26. It's funny because I was thinking the same thing, but it was because my browser was caching the downloads. When I tried to download via wget, it failed. Sir Tikon on discord shared a screenshot from CloudFlare showing the site is having issues:
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