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Everything posted by Klyde

  1. I sense a bit of frustration in your posts. Step back, have a drink or a smoke and chill a bit. :)   Catch more bees with honey than vinegar.   I kinda remember the raid mobs having smaller shields and being harder to take down in old live. But then again, I was usually busy healing the group and didn't have time to watch the mobs too much.
  2. This may work in a solo mob environment, however there is no way to use a single target heal on a tank in a raid. The damage output of the mobs will kill the tank before you can blink an eye, compared to the level of repair of area heals.   Enrage is also a joke in a raid setting, most raiders have prolly CF'd it to oblivion already.   Befriend is also useless. A heal agro's anything close by, if you take the time to befriend each agro'd mob, your tank is dead before you can cast another heal. rinse repeat.   I have just gotten used to sleeping off debt by playing an alt. Just the way it is.
  3. A device to buff "Shield Charging" would be a welcome addition, the buff would only need to address the length of time it takes to activate and maybe use a bit less reactor upon activation. Applying bubbles or reapplying bubbles is always slow and tedious, especially in combat. A device that would add to the buff itself would be overpowering, imo.
  4. The one handy thing I find about the login info is, when it is all "soanso logged out" messages, you know you better not logoff cause something bad is happening with the login server.   It would be cool to have a toggle that keeps it turned on or off depending on preferences, with out having to use the command line every login.
  5. Some of the regular gating as of late lands the toon in various places on the sector map of the sector he gated into. This happens on solo play as well as multibox. I have reset updates and it didn't seem to make any difference. Dunno when it started doing this, just noticed a couple days ago.
  6. I flew out and took a look at the base the other day. It seems the 3 "carrier" type vessels are the only targetable part of the base, at least they were the only things my guns lit green on. Of course there is that nasty group patroling too, which is targetable also. Cudos to the devs, looks much better than before when base parts were flying all over helter skelter. :)
  7.   Well us rednecks in kansas make do with an old 5hp gas genset and the network is a bunch of cans and string. :P
  8. This bug has been around a very long time, and at some point was fixed, but it came back. Anyone that plays a healer class would rejoice greatly if this bug was squashed.   I know of no actions to reproduce this aside from being in a group. Sometime it happens fairly quickly, other times takes quite a while.
  9. I'd like to see it also. :)   We asked for this feature in live right after they came up with the refine all button. Never got to see it happen.
  10. I haven't lost my confidence in the Devs, at all. They do a lot of work to make this game, and add things to it that the original never had.   Some parts of it need adjusting, fixing, whatever. But, this is true of any game.   (Now can I have healer agro lowered? :P )
  11. Klyde

    Healer Agro

    A lot of really good info flowing in this thread. :)   Reduce the splash radius on heals, and get the agro skills working so the tanks can reaquire agro. A healer is gonna heal, whether it is the tank or himself, which serves to compound the agro and leads to xp debt currently.   The OL of EnB relied on groups of mixed characters working together to win against the odds, be it in a raid or just normal hunting in dangerous areas. All classes should have a role in a group, too bad the client doesn't allow for 9 man groups considering the advent of the missing classes.   OL had healer agro in raids and was pretty major in some Bogeril raids, but not like it is today, not even close.   Dunno if Matt above is being sarcastic, but kinda hits it spot on with how many feel currently.
  12. I like the idea, dunno if it is possible. :)
  13. Phor, the pipe... put it down... now.   J/K :P
  14. Bump, due to a second thread started on same subject. :)
  15. I would like to see items with their own icon that doesn't look like bio loot, so people that are inherently lazy like myself wouldn't have to spend so much time "checking". :P
  16. Thanks Kyp, explains a lot of what we are experiencing. Good luck on the rebuild, order in lots of pizza and beer. :)
  17. So, it IS Shads fault! I knew it. :P
  18. That language is from an NPC that was ingame some time back, can't remember his name, but had to do with progen stuff. I think he may be Byakhee's co-hort. :P   It's clearly meant to be as confusing as the Agrippa stuff, which after much reading here and chatting with friends in-game I finished in ST4. :)
  19. Quite possibly they also thought that maybe, just maybe, sometime in the next 5000 years somebody would make a new calendar. :P
  20. As most folks know, I played fairly early in beta (WW's beta), then live. Now in beta we all had specific things to test at specific levels in specific areas. Open beta came along for stressing etc and gameplay was more do it all type stuff. OL happened, (Original Live) many things were broken and adjusted shortly after release. I still remember all the hoopla on enb's forums over the TW nerfing lol. Anyway, during OL, just about everyone was at the job terminals, anyone remember VT? lol. Jobs were the fastest way to gain xp then, and still are. Big surprise. Too fast? Doesn't seem it to me, but then I'm not hardcore knocking them down as fast as possible either. Lots of valid points put forth in this thread, a little less hostility and it would be pretty constructive I think. And Stanig, just as soon as my progens get brought up, they are gonna do your missions, thanks for the work involved in making them.
  21. I'm having same problem, and yeah IE9.
  22. I re-read this thread twice. I fail to understand most of the posts after #2. Low quality builds were a bug that has been fixed. I can't remember what I had for breakfast, but I do remember just how frustrating analyzing and building was at times during EA's live, which was one of reasons EA put in the terminal controllers and overrides. (IE: the bellyaching on the EA forums concerning building.) Also, the mad dash for the Zenrei devices, Ego/ID matrixes. I remember purposely building items and vendoring them to help increase quality on the builds, the more you made the better they got. This game just had a major patch, major... I can remember much smaller patches that screwed up much more stuff, lol. My point is, post concerns, and items for discussion, but tone down the rants please. These guys do this work for free and really it has to be disheartening to read some of the rants. Bringing things up in a nicer way will most certainly be received better. I'm not pointing any fingers at any one person in this thread, just the general tone. My 2 credits, flame away.
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