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About Kyp

  • Birthday 10/01/1981

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    Knoxville, TN USA
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    Game Design, games, programming, and most importantly... fun!

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  1. Still running. See install guides under tech support and hit up https://www.net-7.org for downloads.
  2. It's probably moreso that it was a generic firewall setting that was refusing because the firewall doesn't trust the signature of the certs or something but who knows. Once we get things in a proper order perhaps I can get us a code signing cert and sign it all then it'll stop being such a hassle with security utilities.
  3. In order: Has it been considered? Yes Does the modern emulator run on Linux? No, there is a mix of Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD operating systems. Will Docker be something we look at in short order? Probably not, but mainly because there's plenty of stuff to fix before we create a standalone container that everyone could use reliably. As it is, you sorta have to know what interacts with what to prevent breakages.
  4. We might have experienced a minor timewarp in the forums. Sorry about that. Part of the fixes I was doing today. Hopefully all else is pretty well back to normal.
  5. Need to do some routine maintenance and server restarting. Hamster gene resequencing and the like. At any rate, there'll be an outage. Ill at least ask if any raids are ongoing... probably.
  6. Kyp

    Outage today

    Hi folks, web host had some server issues today, sorry about that. Things look to be back but may not be able to bring game server back up today if it is down. Out of town til tomorrow night. Please accept our apologies, didn't come to my attention until this afternoon.
  7. So.. very very high level, when a character from your account transfers between sectors he's being handed off between 'servers' so to speak. These connect you to the new 'map' and give you everything going on there, that is your gating process that you know and love so much. The main reason we didn't want to support multi client has to do with this because the way our server works relies on a UDP/TCP translation that is occurring in the process This is probably something we could improve but would require a major overhaul of the server as everyone knows it, but it would eliminate a lot of things like lags in the graphics in the client, etc. Anyway, long story short the reason I asked what I asked wasn't because I doubted your gear or competency, but because we've had that sorta thing happen in the past so it is something I rule out. If it continues, my recommendation would be to resolve the IP for 'sunrise.net-7.org' and then set up a packet capture between your computer and the server so we can look at the traffic. As far as server logs, some things are logged, others are simply output to the console and don't get saved to a text type of log so it depends on what exactly we're hunting for. However, with the only things I've recently changed in our environment it would likely be security-related updates if we had a sudden issue like this occur, some change in how the firewall 'senses' traffic for example. To understand that I would have to see all of the traffic as my IP address always passes that firewall and I can't 'see' those kinds of issues.
  8. Currently yes, but, it's something on the list to expand.
  9. First thing I'd ask beyond what Woody has said is (and you can privately share this if preferred) what are your ISPs, what type of modem/model do you have that is routing your local LAN. Usually the ISPs "modem" unless you're techy enough to do your own thing. I would first wonder if it's a common thread here. If it's happening for a single character it's something we could target but if it's multi-client because of the nature of how the game server communicates this is why we have the general rule that says we don't support it. I won't explain that in depth because it could have security implications but it has to do with how packets are being handled betwixt client(your public IP/router outward interface from ISP router)/server. The reason is we have seen issues in the past with people trying to use mobile hotspots (weirdly 5g etc works fine, and I've even heard of successful SteamDeck installs of E&B). Unfortunately with networking -- and the reason it's such a headache -- is every device in the path is a potential issue.
  10. This should be resolved now. If you were already blackholed the GMs may have to move you back to Net-7.
  11. Heads up. Shouldn't be very long but need to do some upgrades again. I will pop on and give folks 10 or so to get somewhere safe, then get it done and game back up.
  12. We need to update some software and unfortunately, that's going to take most of our services offline for the duration. As such, this is your heads up that this will occur tomorrow evening Eastern US Daylight Time to see if we can get to the latest versions without issues. Everything is in the name of keeping it all secure. First maint is complete, tonight or tomorrow (25th or 26th) we will be conducting a test of the new software which will require temporarily downing the game and other services to validate our settings, and then we will be back in usual business for a while. Missed the maintenance plan due to the real world, go figure. Anyway, gonna do it tomorrow. Be advised. I will log on and give everyone at least 10 minutes but the testing should be fairly quick.
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