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About Kyp

  • Birthday 10/01/1981

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    Knoxville, TN USA
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    Game Design, games, programming, and most importantly... fun!

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  1. Server will come down for some overall maintenance on Sunday morning or afternoon and during that we'll make sure our events/holidays are also up to date for everyone to enjoy. Plan for at least an hour down just in case, but should hopefully be shorter.
  2. I don't see why it wouldn't if you had it elsewhere, I do not think it has any of your personal information or login related details either way, just has to be of a certain version and format. That said, it's odd if you reset updates and it's saying it cannot find that. That is available on the patching location I'm pretty much 100% certain but Ill double check this evening.
  3. Glad you all have worked it out. Ultimately at a high level the process is a couple of steps: 1) Install game client as administrator in Windows 2) Install universal installer 3) Register forum and net-7.org account, link them 4) use that account for logging into game, start launcher and point it to client.exe and not their default E&B.exe which was the original game patcher 5) work past any file issues with installations used, get into game and authenticate with that net-7.org/game account, get an orange handprint and play again. It's probably about time to update the universal installer so that it has a modern day installation to eliminate some of that noise.
  4. Start with finding and deleting net7proxy.exe (or renaming it) and then do a reset updates > check for updates from the launcher menu on the upper left. This will get you to pull the latest proxy. From there it may either work or have a different file error, let us know. @CelestialKraken
  5. Find and delete the AuthLogin.dll that you have and then use the launcher to reset files/check for files from the menu in the upper left, that *should* get you around this issue as the latest version is the
  6. This maintenance didn't end up starting, so no. I will do it sometime this week, I got caught up in some stuff outside the electronic world.
  7. Sometime tomorrow I will be performing some updates to our security infrastructure. This will mean the game has to come down temporarily, most likely but if it does go down, we would plan for no longer than 30 minutes. I will get in game and announce a few minutes ahead of starting. 2nd maintenance may run a bit longer as there's a bit of DB maintenance to do in the process.
  8. Folks, Just for future reference, IMing me in addition to the post here won't make anything faster. During my night hours my phone will not get your ping. It's infrequent that it goes down late, but when it does, it does. We don't have 24-hour support capabilities (no one's paid). I got a couple of different IMs this time so making sure that's clear.
  9. Coming back up.
  10. ^ Just about any integrated graphics device should run this just fine in this day and age, and as long as you're on DX8.1 (or newer) you're good to go.
  11. Is likely this was the case. This would have manifested in older versions of Windows as a buffer overrun/illegal access of memory/RAM ExceptionCode c0000005
  12. Sure, if you want to PM me your public IP address as detected by a site like whatismyip in a PM I'll use that to set up a filter I can review on the firewall logging. From there we can maybe arrange some time depending on how long I can record for without any type of impact.
  13. I'm not sure what else to guess at without packet capture data to read and hopefully determine, and be able to look at logging if possible. Would require whatever your public IP address/interface is to the outside world from your network but between that and our firewall log I could look to see if something is getting dropped on our side of things for sure if I didn't do that before.
  14. Ok should be working again, let me know if you still feel like it isn't.
  15. Hi folks, aware of it, workin' on it. The forum's mailbox has gotten spam listed, I may have to update it a bit I'm working on it, and hopefully will have it working again soon.
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