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  1. I still like this idea much better.  :)   https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/8692-figurines-and-mah-jong-add-the-complete-set/
  2. Well I am sure you read the OP comments and not just skimmed over it. The OP, who it appears is a Lieutenant in a guild, did not mention a /gag feature for any other channel except in a Guild Chat. I am sure you are well aware that those with that rank (Rank 5) is not able to 'kick' or remove anyone. That is only available to those with Rank 7 or higher. In a scenario where Rank 5 is the highest ranking guild member online, there is no recourse, as they can not remove the offending player. Most people want to avoid the drama like a plague, so any feature that can remove the fuel from the fire, and put it in a more controlled environment (Teamspeak or Tells) is always a good thing. BTW kicking people from your guild is always a last resort don't you think? Some people may just be having a bad day when they go off on their rant, but overall are great guild members. And yes Kyp I do think it would calm them down enough to discuss the issue away from the Guild, and I didn't even take Psych 101.
  3. What's to stop abuse? By whom? An officer of the guild? If an officer is abusing the /gag function they would be removed from that rank no? The guild leadership has recourse.  If the guild leadership is abusing the /gag function, the members have recourse... they leave the guild because who wants to be part of that. Are you inferring that guild leaders can't be trusted or objective like the GMs?  <_< Most of the player base are advanced in years, far exceeding that of the 'real developers'. I am sure they are mature enough to handle the awesome power of /gag Kyp. There would be no 'community referendum' and I am not even sure what you meant by this. It could or would be a feature restricted to Rank 7 and above like the 'remove' function, and only until the player logged off or the /gag timed out. Ignore is permanent in the sense that you would have to 'un-ignore' a person.    The feature would be to limit a litany of profanity perhaps coming from a certain player or the harassment of another guild member. It has nothing to do with 'certain popular people' trying to sway opinion. Most guilds have their own forums or even Net-7 forums to 'sway opinion', and if reasonably presented - the guild chat itself. At any rate, apparently there is a hard and fast rule that "a player cannot silence another player on a permanent, or even temporary basis to avoid abuse." I haven't seen this one yet,   So the only recourse would be to kick a player from a guild to stop the abuse, or waiting for a GM to log on in a few hours to deal with a situation that has long since escalated beyond repair, as opposed to muting the player for 5 mins to calm them down and then find a solution while everyone is still part of the guild. Makes perfect sense,    
  4. I think the original poster's intent was to temporary mute someone who goes off on a rant against another guild member in a guild chat. Sure 'ignore' works but you can't make every guild member apply 'ignore' or to make the offending member take their rant to a 'tell' or another channel. Ignore wouldn't work in a guild chat situation anyways, as the offending ranter can still type happily away in guild chat, and ignore is permanent.  Adding a 'gag' feature to guild chat would defuse the situation immediately, forcing the ranter to go to PM's at least not subjecting the entire guild to profanity.    It is a good idea and should be implemented.
  5. You are correct in that analysis Efi, but it is also not a Psionic ability and is in a fact a skill, but not a Psionic skill. The claim was that Jenquai could not possibly use all of their Psionic abilities at the same time, so they couldn't have cloak enabled while using another Psionic skill. My point was cloak isn't a Psionic ability and that using another Psionic, like summon or Psionic should not break cloak to use. As far as I remember, I was able to teleport self while cloaked.    Further to that point, if JD's can not multitask using their Psionics, then there should be no way to use fold space or summon, with a Psionic shield active. But we can.    My main focus at the start of this thread was to get rid of the "Error: Another skill is active". Whether that means automatically cancelling the active skill like in Live (eg. engaging another skill cancels the active skill and continues thru it's cycle, as opposed to manually deactivating a skill first)  or by having skills work simultaneously.
  6.   Well just couple things.   I wasn't asking for anything new - I never do. I ask for things the way they were in live and yes in live you could fold space while cloaked, of course I don't have a screenshot, it's like taking a picture of an alien. I did try to explain that 'cloak' is a function of the ship systems, not a Jenquai's mind. Cloaking is not a Psionic ability, but that didn't register with the naysayers so meh.   And yah about the snide comment, I never mentioned anything about any other class skills, and let's just say it seems to be the MO of some players to post that this class shouldn't have this or that ability because their pet cat doesn't have it so why should anyone else? I prefer that people stick to the points brought up in the OP, not bring out straw men. That being said, my apologies.   As for extra skills like the JE's Contemplation - that skill and the yet undeveloped JD skill 'Disable' will take some coding to complete. I am not asking for the moon, just the removal of how current code is handled. I do not ever remember "Error: Another Skill is currently active" flashing across my screen back in the day. If I tried to use one skill while another was activated, it would override the current skill and cycle up the new one.    I shouldn't have to uncloak to cast a PSI shield. In my eyes, THAT is a game breaker. My only wishlist is to make the Jens like they were. It's not a complex exercise to remove the code that limits it. Out of curiousity, how many skills on your Progen give you an  "Error: Another skill is active"?
  7. Ahh I see, the point is nothing can be fixed because nothing else is fixed.I posted this thread because it was how Jens are supposed to be, not Terrans or Progens. Not asking for anything new here, but since skills have not been brought up to speed because of 'balancing', people tend to think this is how it is meant to be now. For all these many years the Jen skills haven't been up to where they should be. If anyone has a problem with their progen or terran skills than make a suggestion in your own thread, not come to my thread and whine. Perhaps a few more people need to read original storyboard and backstory. But whatever, my head hurts from banging it against this wall.
  8. Oh for sure about the /makeleader command. Basically it will be just like all group commands but raid should supercede group. I was initially also going to suggest a raid formation like group formation where whole group could be put in formation off the main tank group, but that sounds like a whole lotta work, so I didn't mention it... until now. lol   ^_^   A raid leader could invite whole groups by inviting the leader of that group, or single players. It should make setting up raids much easier. This way as well a raid group could be set well in advance of  the raid itself, easier for rolls, solo looter toons, etc.
  9. Currently when running a raid with more than one group, the only channels available are the group chat and guild chat, or a private channel. When a /random command is used it will only be shown in group and the group leaders need to post in guild chat the rolls. Private channels have no commands available to them and is not an option and best to leave private channels alone. A suggestion would be to create a chat like Group that is only used in raids. The Raid Leader would send invites to everyone in the raid, like a group leader, but instead of only having 6 members able to view the group chat - everyone in the raid would be able to see the chat. As well set along the line of group leaders, where they have the ability to set looting rights, make it so the Raid leader has default looting rights that can be passed off to another toon in the raid. Its best not to be based on groups but individual as sometimes a solo toon can be invited into the raid and be able to read the chat.   The Raid chat should only be only available to the toons in the raid, like group chat (In live they used orange text). Commands needed for this channel would be very similar to group commands:     /raid accept - Accepts a raid invitation /raid disband - Disbands your raid if leader, otherwise causes you to leave the raid /raid help - Displays a list of raid commands /raid invite - Issues a raid invite to your current target - if target is Group Leader it will send an invite to all grouped toons /raid kick - If Leader remove current target from the raid /raid refuse - Refuses a raid invitation (Useful when Raid invite fails due to gating)   /credit kill <playername>  - This command will allow the named player to loot every corpse this raid killed.  ***Looting rights should be set by raid leader for the entire raid.    /makeleader - Makes targeted player raid leader if you are raid leader.   /random (x)(y) - This will generate a random number between the values X and Y specified. If you are grouped the number selected will be visible to the entire group.
  10. Well to be frank to your first point, I am not sure what "overpowering advantage' a cloaked Jenquai would have, because while I am cloaked I am not doing any damage to the mob. I am doing no offensive damage. None.  The skills I have mentioned are evasive and defensive in nature entirely. We use our mind power to evade enemies, those skills are powerful, but in a defensive sense only. Remember those skills are needed to compensate for the tiny shield and paper thin hull, and they are no less important to the Jenquai than Progen or Terran skills are to them.   To your last point, it is hardly a game breaker, and what race is getting a 'super skill' exactly? And what skill would this be? Seriously there is no 'super skill' involved, superior mental powers sure, but hardly a super skill. The fact that I should be able to teleport myself out of danger, teleport a friend out of danger, or cast a Psionic shield around my ship using my mind, while my shipped is cloaked, hardly gives me an advantage. I will survive longer in battle, but that was how the race was designed. Evasive, stealthy and quick. I am just looking for logic in the application of how skills are used here, like how does a psionic ability manage to disrupt my ships systems causing it to come out of cloak?   The Jenquai Race was designed to be masters of technology and religiously mental, or is that mentally religious? Anyways these powers have evolved to compensate for their small ships, so they need to be working as intended, if fact they need work as I suggested to bring the balance back into the game.
  11. Well in my opinion - and canon, the jenquai race have evolved to develop their mental abilities, which most jenquai skills are based upon. Some of the skills on a Jenquai ship are ship systems - cloak, energy leech, shield leech, etc. However Psionic abilities a JD would use are psionic based, like Fold Space, Psi shield and Summon. These skill are activated by ME using my awesome mind, not the ships systems. So in this regard I should be able to use any Psionic based ability from my mind, without affecting my ships systems, like cloak.    Again I suggest that jenquai should be able to use any Psionic ability concurrently with cloak, unless the psionic skill is an offensive one,like Summon enemy, summon enemy group, or teleport enemy.  (And to Terrell, I agree Contemplation should not break cloak, nor should the not yet introduced 'Disable' Skill for the JD)   Let's try and remember Jenquai are much different than other races and therefore require a different approach.
  12. I want to say you guys did a MARVELOUS job on the skills in warp with the recent patch.  :D It makes this JD very happy.   There are a couple of items that still need to be looked at, specifically having one skill override another without having the Error: Another skill is active. Specifically all actions related to cloaking and being cloaked.    A great example is having to uncloak before using any other skill for a jenquai. As Cloak is so important to Jenquai, any mental skills (Fold Space, Summon, Psi Shield) should not affect cloak in any way. Using these skills will not break cloak but work concurrently with cloak.
  13. I concur with this assessment. Anything to get rid of the emulator imposed "Error: Another skill is active." limitation is a good a thing.
  14. I would love to provide all the screenshots of swapping devices at warp or using multiple skills at the same time, but I fear they would be like Bigfoot - pretty rare, if they even exist at all. I know in my case, I never took screenshots of game mechanics back in the day in case I would need proof for a situation like this, 10 years later. So I think it may be asking a lot to provide proof of such things. I am afraid the best we will able to do, is to go on the good word of the player community who remember such things. I mean I could take a screenshot of "Error: Another skill is active" but how do you screenshot the opposite - if 2 skills are activated at the same time, there would be no warning text or anything, it would just work.   It could be done with common sense however, as in - does a cloaked toon need to hit cloak again to deactivate to cast a Psi shield, or can they just cast Psi shield  or fold space while cloaked. Not many things would break cloak to activate, not activating devices or others skills - except for cloak.
  15. Is there a limiting factor to being able to activate more than one skill at a time, or at warp? Or for that matter removing and installing gear at warp as well. If I remember correctly, it was possible to swap devices, shields, weapons at warp in Live. About the only thing you could not swap was an engine or reactor as both are required to actually be in warp.    This also applied to using skills at warp. One was able to use skills like Supercharge Shields, Psi Shield, Summon or activate buffs such as telescopium, musca, sextant or any other self  buffs. There were limits to what could be used like cloaking, as there is a skill to cloak at warp, and using skills on mobs at warp - like Summon enemy for example.    It was also possible to activate more than one skill simultaneously, and would increase the 'fun factor' immensely to be able to do so again.    
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