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  1. Pinging @Zackman for this (sorry friend!)
  2. The PTR server is back online. You may see it restart a number of times over the weekend as I will likely be working on some stuff.
  3. Yeah this aligns with how the client handles the handoff between two servers (sectors, stations, etc).
  4. Hey, thanks for the report. Looks like the certificate didn't renew properly. I'll have to get it fixed up in the morning and report back when it's up again.
  5. Checked today and it appears that the authentication & update parts of the server went down. They're now online and you should be able to update and login again. Sorry about that!
  6. I'll check this out tomorrow and let you know when it's back up, sorry for the trouble!
  7. Is this a new issue on the PTR or are you experiencing this on Sunrise as well? None of the code around any of that was changed so it would be very very strange if it's unique to the PTR.
  8. May 24th - 1:00 AM EST Fixed a problem with the PTR project getting corrupted after changing user accounts. The server should now be back online after a very extended downtime (I'm sorry!)
  9. Hey all - the PTR server is back online as of now; I sincerely apologize for the very extended downtime. I had (and still do really) a lot of stuff going on but I should be able to stay on top of things a bit more easily now. If you have any problems getting back in then please let me know.
  10. Very sorry all, life got really crazy for me very suddenly (nothing really bad). I should have some free time to actually get this fixed tonight.
  11. It's been offline the past day and a half or so; it broke due to a software bug after a configuration change and I haven't had a chance to fix it yet. I'll work on getting it back up today. Sorry about that!
  12. Fixed the bug when rendering the embedded topics, let me know if you still see it bug out on your end.
  13. Hmm alright, I'll look into this tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.
  14. Oh dear; I'm not seeing this but perhaps others are? Try changing the Theme (at the very very bottom of the Forums) to something different then back to Default.
  15. That's pretty wild; happy that you didn't have any errors or glitches too. Thank you for running that!
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