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OK I am having Issues too I have Verizon 4g with a tower in my back yard! 25mb dl and 22mb ul speeds!!  I play Anarchy online WoW and a few other MMOs without issues!!  Mobile broadband is all that is available where I live other than very expensive sat!!  I have tried everything that is mentioned here that I could find and I am still getting Infinate load screans on sector changes or undocking!!  the little Icon in the taskbar says awaiting handoff to master or waiting on server every time!!  I am not real computer savy but I can follow detailed instructions!!  any Help would be Great!! It would be nice if I had a way to say resend gating instructions after it failed instead of restarting the game gating and doing it all over again at the next gate!!

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hey all and Zack, i am going desperate here. Since 3 years, my System Plays all sectors and functions of the game pretty fine. I never had that freezings and such, just maybe because of Network hiccups, but never as a steady outcome of gating. However, since a few weeks i cant enter Zweihander (and only Zweihander!) anymore. My JE that was moved there kindly as a result of a Ticketrequest, cant log in anymore. Any other Toon on my account (and system) cant enter Zweihander anymore. I Play from Germany, there are just a few hops from Cologne to Frankfurt to go, i use a typical DSL-Line at 20 Mbit/sec (ADSLx2). I tried the Workaround mentioned in the Initial post - no success. Also IPv6 is banned from my entire local Network. It gets translated into IP4 when entering my Network as a consequence. Why then the Setting "disable IPv6" should help, is beyond my technical knowledge. Further on, all the Problems are related to a patch somewhen this year, as they didnt exist anytime earlier. To be precise, IP4 will die some day, so wouldnt it be wise, to try to fix that serversided, once and for all? (if possible)  I am not Techie enough, to know exactly what I am doing, following your instructions and i dont feel very comfy with that. First of all, it doesnt help me. Many others have issues like me, that didnt have them before that patch. In my eyes (as a network-noob) it Looks like the Problem is selfmade. I really have no idea or understanding of the mechanics behind it, but: i am thinking logically enough, that no Change on my side cant cause the actual Problem as a rootcause - agreed? If i can help you finding the Problem behind it, i will do. I have teamspeak and teamviewer installed here, my cooperation herewith offered ;) Please feel invited to collect technical data, reagarding that Zweihander-issue on my System, if you think, that it might help to fix the Problems occured. From the Logical side, id try to compare exactly, what part of that patch, that caused the actual issues, is different from the Version before it, that worked so fine for almost all of us. But as prev. said, im not Techie enough to judge or solve the rootcauses. Just to make the info complete: I un/reinstalled Client and launcher last week, trying to solve the probs - the issue remained. I Play on an Acer M3970-System, graphics Card is a Nvidia GT 575, OS is Windows 7 64 bit, CPU is Intel Core i7 2600. My "router" is a Fritzbox 7170. I can Play the SWG-EMU without any issue at all (like EnB earlier), all actual games from Egoshooters to MMOs work perfectly well. I never experienced any issue with IP4 and 6 so far - this is the first time i hear of such an issue, when you define a local Network as either IP 4 or 6, all packets get "translated" and the packets reach their destinations...why not on just a single sector? If I had to guess, i d think the UDP-port used is one, that Windows regards as "not trustworthy" - and therefore blocks it. I read that the Server used UDP 3455 earlier and that it  not using it now, as a serversided fix. Again just a guess, but perhaps the port used now is also a "problematic" one using Windows?

Please help, i really miss my favourite game :)


Kind regards


Edited by Bogota
  • 1 month later...

I just want to bring my issue up again and make absolutely clear, that there is simply no network-Problem on my side. How do i know that? Simple enough: i turned the Firewall off, i turned antivirusprotection Software off and STILL (after reinstalling the whole game) cant enter zweihander, nor can i Play my JE anymore, that was moved there kindly by a GM as a request of a Trouble ticket. Again, i NEVER had gating Problems. I have These Problems with Zweihander and ist gate ONLY! This is logically not an IP-Problem. I know, that in this thread there are many different Problems mixed up and i might not be that easy to understand for my rather well english. I want to push this Problem back into the conscience of the DEVs by saying, that since the post above nothing happened. This is no complaint, i just hope, that there might be a solution now and am eager to hear it. I love this game so much, but with all that new Content, Zweihander is a vital sector again. I wanna add, that all the Zweihander-Topic started when the Bogerilcontent was patched in. I gated there for the JE-HU-Mission for example without any probs ever. Now i cant spawn in Zweihander, cant gate in or (of course) out of it, my guild is clueless and so am I. One Thing i know for sure: Its not a Network Problem, when just one gate and sector doesnt function for all the toons that worked well with it before patching with ports and such. Again, i wanna stress that this no complaint - i just wanna Play my fav game again ;) Please help me back into the game!


Greets from a lonely place outside the EnB universe,



  • 5 months later...

Pree, try to NOT use WiFi when gaming as it is fragmentating packets "by nature" (WiFi has b..load of packet retries and fragmentations).

So try to use the cable connection and set that adapter accordingly.


To make sure you are not using WiFi anymore, rightclick and disable the WIFI adapter.

Okay I have not read all this thread yet but saw this and had to reply. Previously I used a wireless router with a wired connection. Company called "Clear" that was bought out by Sprint and shut down.... (sound familiar ? ) So of course I had to bow down and get on the Time Warner wagon which is a wired cable connection to a modem which my computer is wired to now. Here's the rub.... with Clear my game ran fine no issues, gated smoothly, landed on planets and stations no problem. Now with the new connection I can't even warp, target stuff or anything without mega delay and rubberbanding and gating or landing or docking (except when I first log on) will freeze the game in the planet map screen every time!
I play other more intensive games that are not an issue on this connection only this game gives me problems now. Tried the fix at thread's start which didn't help.


Time Warner is one of the "heavy spam Providers" filling my ban-list on my European Server i operate...

a LOT of crap comes from their networks, so i wouldnt be surprised if the are constantly under heavy load dropping low-prio packets (UDP).


It's also relevant, what route your packets take, depending on your location and their routes.

It could be, that Time Warner in your area is a PITA while they do a fine job in eg. New York.


I know...it's not what you wanted to hear.


Time Warner is one of the "heavy spam Providers" filling my ban-list on my European Server i operate...

a LOT of crap comes from their networks, so i wouldnt be surprised if the are constantly under heavy load dropping low-prio packets (UDP).


It's also relevant, what route your packets take, depending on your location and their routes.

It could be, that Time Warner in your area is a PITA while they do a fine job in eg. New York.
[Their definition of a fine job doesn't include their services.....]


I know...it's not what you wanted to hear.

There are 3 major companies I have on my "Ban-List"....  AT&T, B of A (Bank of America) and DWP (Dept of Water & Power Los Angeles)  Got rid of the first two a couple years ago, the last one I have limited choices. But the ONE company I have kept off my list was Time Warner.... never had cable TV never wanted it, unfortunately my SP (Clear aka Sprint) shut off their service and my choices were Satellite , AT&T or Cable. The first wouldn't work because of the delay the second because ...well, same reason you have them on your list ..... these companies do not have any qualms about sticking their sticky fingers into your wallet and taking what ever they want. Worse part is no one can stop them, they have enough money to protect their interests....I noticed most of this thread is older posts so I guess you're right, that must be the issue....really sux


anyways thanks for the response.... I guess I'll just gather all my toons into one sector and play without gating or docking.... 


They should put a mob in game named " Tim E. Warner ". So I could kill it repeatedly....

  • 11 months later...

Me again, apparently over a year ago there was an update that affected my ability to play my beloved E&B game normally. 
I have been blaming my SP but after exhaustive research and many attempts to reinstall and reconfigure the game on both
Windows 7 professional and Windows 8.1 professional, separate computers, one using ATI graphics and the other Nvidia graphics
I still have the same issue with the game slowly turning to thick sludge over a relatively short period of time if I stay in one zone and
infinite loading if I jump to another sector. I did, however, make it from Carpenter to Akron gate yesterday before it locked up. WooHoo!

What I am trying to say is that I believe that this problem can be fixed by changing some stupidly simple setting either in game or in the launcher

What that setting is I do not know, but I know there must be other players in the USA that do not have this problem.



Make sure 'prototype reorder' is checked on the net-7 launcher.

In fact all 4 boxes on the left should be checked.

  • 6 years later...
Posted (edited)

I just checked and "prototype reorder' is unchecked on the net-7 launcher by default on version 2.2.0. Was, I hope, timing out on the galaxy map loading screen sometimes.

Edited by GameXtreme
Maybe a solution

also check the following items  the Net-7 launcher executable, the EnB Client, and EnbConfig,  ensure that they are running as administrator rights and check the compatibility to at least winxp sp3. this should take care of some or all of your issues,  and then check your antivirus and Firewall software to allow these programs access and free pass to ensure that their not flagged as an issue program.  

  • 5 months later...

I don't know if this has anything to do with the server rebuild, but since it's been back up, I can gate one time before it locks up at the galaxy screen.  I've got all the boxes checked on the left checked on the launcher, I've disabled the IPV 6, made the changes to the network adapters, am running in compatibility mode.  Is there something I'm missing?


Not every vendor supports these settings but they can cause some issues with gating for sure. That said, I cannot see a logical reason for the server being brought up on different hardware to be causing such an issue. Doesn't mean it's impossible but we'd have to do some serious digging to try to find out what might actually be going on.


Seems for me, that it was AVG hijacking the exceptions I put in for the client on Windows Defender.  I disable AVG when I play and it works great now.

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It might be due to the port changes during gating and docking operations which may cause the antivirus and fire wall to think its port jumping to avoid it so it shuts it down,  this is just an idea that popped into my brain when I woke up a short time ago.


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