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About Zackman

  • Birthday 12/29/1965

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    Shadow Dragons (Live) Guild: Epic Gamers (Emu)
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  1. Very bad idea. Phone hot spots are (at least here in Europe) aleays proxied and specific ports (esp. UDP) are simply blocked by the provider - so showing "offline". A good(!) VPN-Setup in your home-location (Rapsberry Server for instance) would fix that. By "good" i mean things like port-forwarding, internal network accessing, gateway usage from the home-location and (important) TCP as the protocol since TCP-VPN is encapsulating UDP-Packets. So basically you only need (eg.) port 1194 TCP for an OpenVPN-Server Setup to you home location.
  2. Clearly a port problem, Parssus confirmed it later here in the tread. After hitting "login" the Net-7 (Proxy-) Client is trying to contact the master server - and that communication (port 3805 udp) is clearly blocked (eg. by a firewall) so the client returns to the initial screen shortly after the time out. We can rule out a cert-problem as the certification check takes place earlier (after entering account password, before avatar selection sctreen)
  3. Newbie griefing, Corps politics (extortion), harsh penalty (loosing ships for good in a battle) for "non-rich people" means basically "you're out". Endless mining/grinding, no cool helping community spirit. Walking in stations never made it and the game is still (after decades!) keeping you caught in a ship in 1st ego shooter perspective. I played it for a little time and then quit because of the above. It was/is boring, dull and repeative. Yes, every game it repeative at a certain point - but the repetition itself is way more dull in EVE then eg. "Earth & Beyond" oder "Star Wars Galaxies". (the latter even wasn't really repeative beacuse of it's sandbox style)
  4. Check if it is about 5 Minutes, that would be the standard time for a "NAT keep alive". Sounds like your router is dropping the connection. Server will drop connection after a longer time period w/o any packets (communication) but not within "a few minutes".
  5. Hi! Cert is on my list, i changed it yesterday already (so to say "in advance"...). Lets Encrypt Cert are never valid more/longer than 3 month. It's since 2012 (when they started) like this. There are bots/script from LE which will renew the cert regulary so you dont have to take care at all. In our scenario it is a bit different since we use the wildcard-cert from the webserver also for the game-server since that cert holds the subdomain as well. The renew-automatism is on the webmachine, so we copy the certs manually all 3 month. I could setup an automatic copy-script between the two (totally different IP range and hoster) machines...someday....sometime....when i am bored... And yes, we could split the certs for the subdomain, but this will require other tasks/preps in advance...someday....sometime....when i am bored... Laterz
  6. Freeze...dont move...we are correcting CERTs now...
  7. Oki doki...server should be good again!
  8. Morning! Sorry, wasn't checking this thread lately (hm...i should get notifyer mails...hmmmm). Ok, i take care about the INV-300 and will restart the server anyway (OS patches). Since i cannot give a pre-warning (not able to log in now), i will shutdown the server the hard way...sorry for that !
  9. Heyo! I "THINK"...well.....go for it:) (If it's not disabled on portal itself) Gating Problems: Automatic server restart isn't in place yet, so server might has become instable over the last week(s)...i've restarted a few minutes ago.
  10. I am very sorry and apologize for my horrible lack of common sense and misunderstanding my "duty". I was freightfully bold and visited my very good friends on saturday with my wife. We had a superb day, we were like 100 miles away from any computer and we had a blast sitting around the BBQ watching our 3 yrs. old (grand-) niece becoming such a sweet girl. Now, coming back, i see that you had an aweful, boring day, being very upset about my selfish, egoistic attitude not monitoring "your" server 24/7 and taking care about your personal well-being. You are totally right, we are all have very bad communication skills and totally missed our professional duties. I will reject myself immediatly from any position and suggest that Kyp and David (Net-7 owners, board runners, Admins/CEO) will do the same. I dont have the position to do so, but i simply WILL do so because i totally respect you demanding this. Please forgive me...forgive the whole team and anyone else. Of course you will not have to attend our funerals in the future because we are unworthy, low life forms...
  11. I wasnt aware the server was down? Hmm....i wonder why....anyway, i started it now again.
  12. TS and PS build ammo skill has been fixed. Im restarting server now..
  13. Ok, break line here: ______________________________________________________________________________ We did a rollback to the latest pre-crash database and corrected the errors from b4 - so from this very moment everyone should have back everything now. If not, post here...
  14. Hmm....the turbo kicked in:) Lets see if all data is there, go for it! If anyone is missing something or think something went wrong, post here please.
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