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Woodstock HGM

Head Game Master [HGM]
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About Woodstock HGM

  • Birthday 06/04/1955

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    Veterans Armada, and The Lost Empire, Staff, The Peanuts Gang
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    Hanford, Ca. West Coast, USA

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  1. Did you create a Game Account on the Net-7.org page, the Forums sign on will not work as a Game Sign in, Security reasons.
  2. your launcher is very out of date, on the launcher got to the launcher tab at the top left select reset updates, then go select Check for updates. then go to the Help tab upper left and select advanced settings in the pop up window select force updates. there is also a thread here in the forums about how to remove certain files from the launcher directory and restart the launcher to get it to update, you can as a last resort uninstall the launcher completely and reinstall it, most player don't have this issue but it does crop up once in a blue moon where someone has an issue with the launcher.
  3. Celestial Kraken, Your problem is your using the wrong Launcher, you need to download and install the Net-7 unified Launcher from the downloads page of the NEt-7.org Page the Net-7 Launcher is the new default launcher
  4. to change your game password sign in to the Net-7.org pages for the accounts involved the go to the account tab then the avatar settings selection there is a section to change the password just past half way down the page. if it will help you used the same email on you newest account created, and you haven't played since 2013.
  5. I think the server crashed red server indicator and no control or chat to or from any in game toons
  6. Hey Phorlaug long time no see, Welcome Back.
  7. I get that one one of my computers, when ever my local IP is incorrectly shown on the Net-7 Launcher, I restart the launcher and select the correct local IP. Hope that helps
  8. Have you checked to see if its started as fully minimized (hover over task bar icons and see if a mini window of the launcher/game pop up), right click on any window that pops up and select maximize. if needed. also check your anti virus to ensure that its not seeing the game as unsafe.
  9. A few questions, Have you set the net-7.org launcher and the EnB Client Executables to run as administrator and also compatibility mode, also do the same for the EBconfig exe file in the EBconfig sub directory in the EnB game subdirectories? When you start the launcher have you moused over the net-7 icon on the task bar to see if it started as a minimized window, if window pops up when you moves over then right click and select maximize, (you can adjust the size of the window later if it pops up, if the EnB window does the same thing hover over task bar icon right click on mini window select maximize again, if the game window is not to your liking Navigate to the EBconfig directory and select and run the config program and play with the resolution setting until you find one you like make sure you run the test to set the resolution.
  10. good to hear that you have figured out our issue.
  11. have you create a Game account om the NEt-7.org (Portal Page), these would be the game sign in, it is separate from the forums and net-7,org page sign in
  12. Have you created a game account on the NEt-7,org Page (Must be signed in using your forums Credentials). Please use the Net-7.org Launcher to launch the game DO NOT USE the EA game launcher it doesn't work, use the Net-7 launcher.
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