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About Jursy77

  • Birthday 08/16/1972

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    Louisville, KY

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  1. Buffs not activating. Server needs a restart....please. Skills don't work either.
  2. Hey Doctor, I'm very interested in both the 7 & 8 Excellent ML's and also the Cygnus NGC 7 if they are still available. YsanneTT is usually hanging around Somerled so she would be the best one to contact. I'm on daily by 5 PM till around midnight Eastern time. Have engine, will travel to where ever you want to meet up. Thanks, Teri
  3. Seems for me, that it was AVG hijacking the exceptions I put in for the client on Windows Defender. I disable AVG when I play and it works great now.
  4. Do you, by chance, use antivirus? I use AVG and it hijacks all the exceptions I put in for the client on windows defender. After shutting down the antivirus when playing I get little to no gate/docking crashes. Just a suggestion
  5. I don't know if this has anything to do with the server rebuild, but since it's been back up, I can gate one time before it locks up at the galaxy screen. I've got all the boxes checked on the left checked on the launcher, I've disabled the IPV 6, made the changes to the network adapters, am running in compatibility mode. Is there something I'm missing?
  6. Uninstalled and wiped all traces of Earth and Beyond from the computer, restarted, installed game from website, restarted, installed Net 7, restarted. Launcher did 2 updates and is still not launching correctly. This is crazy
  7. This is a weird one. Played 3 days ago with no problems. Fired up the game today and the launcher shows up in the taskbar but I can't run it. It shows the window but it won't maximize. I have Windows 10 and this started before the newest update so that's not it. Tried running in Windows 7 compatibility and still the same problem. Reinstalled Net 7 over the existing one only to get a proxy error so I uninstalled Net 7 completely, restarted the computer and installed it again. Restarted after new installation and got the launcher running...until the 2nd update and now it's doing it again. Tried Windows 7 compatibility and still the same problem. Please note that I currently cannot access the launcher so I can't manipulate anything there. I tried searching the forums but couldn't find this problem. Does anyone have any advice? ETA: I don't have my game disc here so I can't re-install the game until I get back home in 2 weeks. Hopefully I can get this fixed without it.
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