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Everything posted by Mattsacre

  1. For every one you kill of a  faction  and gain +1 in moto you get  2x -1 of the other faction, so kill a progen lose 2x towards that faction that you gain 1x in alliance.
  2. if you feel jenquia re underutilized you may be mistaken, progen after L3 PL have access to 4 dmg types (chem,plasma,impact,explosive), there is only 1 PL in the game that has energy dmg. So if they want the mob to be debuffed for chem they have a line of debuffers for that, but with the exception of looted only items and grav link (note PP don't get GL) they are dependant on other player classes, the best plasma debuffers are jenquia items. If a terran/progen wants to max their plasma dmg, they are going to need a  jenny along. The blacksun pirate debuffers that are race/class restricted are that way for that reason, they make one class dependant on another to gain access to the best debuff of the type of dmg they specialize in.   Jenquia's that want plasma dmg to pair with their plasma debuffers ...ever notice all most all the plasma beams are Getco ? There are very few plasma beams that are a perfect fit for a jenquia, all of their perfect fit beams are energy based, so they are dependant on other classes to get energy debuff (traders are an exception, there are energy debuffers that JS can get, like TS can get to explosive debuffers)   Sleven, read what I said, I said TIER 5, for a PW that's 7 dots. PW GL is a 7 tier skill, PS its a 5 tier skill. At the 5th tier GL debuffs for impact/explosive, the devices always are functional at any level you can access them. GL at L5 kicks in with it's debuff, they are different buffs, thus they stack. One is skill based, one is active. Like plasma resist equip and active are different buffs but stack to get you +20(+30)= +50 resist.
  3. I think Geist understood that when he posted Terrel, we know about the dmg drop off for range thing, but if you crunch the numbers you will find, that even under the 50% range/100% dmg window, with the modifying items like range boosts from devices etc. (that Jenquia have access to, that progen don't) that they are still outstripping many PL ranges and staying in the 100% dmg window, this while having the added advantage of a instant dmg count and not delayed like projectiles/missles, beams don't have "wasted" shots, they are either hit or miss, missles/projectiles have a hit/miss ratio and a wasted ammo ratio piled on top.   Zack is saying that accuracy is already factored into the actual dps delivery, since you can't actually see details showing that difference, many are skeptical.  In live there was a text base thing that showed a miss like " archos round jams barrel and misfires" or "wrong round loaded into reaver, reload required". If accuracy was actually calculated in a separate ratio other than a flat line dmg increase it would benefit toons with more weapons obviously, for good or ill, the dmg output with weapon evolution would cause more weapons to have a ever divergent increase in dps when compaired to lesser slots, (personally I think that's to good, that's what diffentiates the choice of a toon with more slots of one type or other, if a PW has to stand and tank he should get a reward for that, if another gets to stand off or cloak to dish it out, they should have a give in another area)   I'm seeing Will's and Zack's points and am straddling the fence I guess, if the accuracy was a separate ratio that was accessable, people could see the actual benefit of equipping for it in a transparent fashion. If it was a separate ratio that happened to buff more weaps, more benefit...duh..isn't that what's support to happen?   I can give a for instance, a sting L3 gives a 3% accuracy buff, when my PW as at that level to equip it, his PL were at 14 dmg per round, with that 3% buff what was the gain for using that device? Nothing. With that buff added the PW didn't gain 1 iota of damage boost, on my hit/miss look he didn't hit 1 more time in a 1 minute time frame of combat. If he was getting a flat 3% dmg. boost what would he show, if the buff had been 5% (a L4 sting has that) and did 20 dmg per shot he would have seen a net flat dmg gain of 1 dmg. Less than 20 dmg and 5% he gets squat for laoding a sting buff. So if the accuracy ratio was used instead of flat dps...he should hit 3 more hits out of a 100 (average), but on checking he hit not one more nor one less out of 100 shots. So what was the gain for a accuracy buff? So for a non-maxed to to fit for "accuracy" what would be the reward? If it does work on the high end...whats the actual gain in real terms. If there isn't a discernible gain why bother, fir for something else...maybe resists, or speed etc.
  4. Small question...along the JW line there are small tabs on upper left of the value boxes, is that by design for something or just a small graphical anomaly?   (good job it will help all those constantly asking weap or device slot next? :))
  5. I tell you what we used to do during old live (tm). Our guild had a 3 strike rule. When some spawn was being accessed by a member of out guild, and they had someone else move in and start hogging the mobs, our members were taught to: 1.offer to join or add others to their group (when the anti-PLing dynamics got added..often offers got declined for obvious reasons) 2.share the mobs, try and forgo KSing theirs that they were obviously wailing on and ask the same. If there was a wait for fresh spawns, offering solutions like 1 for me 1 for you worked for other players that were polite. 3.try and be patient and ask others to please not continue their behavior, give them a few "oopsies" before they called in help.   If after they had done all that, they were to call in other guildies, hopefully a officer. A officer would try and work through those same steps with the offender, if they persisted, then they got another last warning of "you have been warned, you will not like our response."   If after all that was exhausted, we felt we had been more than generous and over patient and polite and proceeded to the "lesson" phase.   We would call out in local (so everyone could see what we were intending), that they had gotten warned at least 3 times and the guild was now taking action.   Lesson: We logged in maxed toons and a group of guild if possible and proceeded to clean out all spawns, even ones they had started on..i.e. we KSed them and everything in the area for 30 min.   Most often they got the message and either left, or reformed their actions and played nice after that, rarely if they were a guilded player they might complain to their officers, if the officers responded and they weren't already known to us, we had chat logs to show their members actions as evidence of the offenders poor behaviour. (Most often their officers already knew us and how reputable we were and just told their member to knock it off without any chats needed).   Extremely rare the other guild had a ass as officer and they wanted to compete and prove a point and try and "counter KS", in that case it became a fun sort of PvPE competition to see who could out do the other, sometimes with more than one guild coming to the impromptu  "event" with some joining to help out KS the ass(s) to make sure the point was made, PLAY NICE, AND WE WON'T MAKE YOUR PLAY UNPLEASANT.   I would suggest this for you, if you don't have a guild to turn to, ask nicely for some aid to help them stop that behavior in chat, you would be surprised who might show up to help modify the jerks actions, many of us hate bullies and will go out of our way to teach them manners.
  6. There is no walk through, but the two most basic PW tactics is: 1.stay stationary and use your skills to inflict as much damage as possible as fast as possible, while taking as little as possible, that's what combat trance is all about, and knowing the right optimal time to apply shield sap (before the mob runs out of shield to draw off) getting resistance items plays a large role as well (especially like ivory ward) and staying upgraded on shields. 2.kite, keeping mobs at edge of your dmg envelope using grav link and burden type devices or shut down devices like shatter to disrupt their reactor charge to minimize their dmg output to you, and knowing when to allow them in your envelope to sap them or not.   PW are anything but "point and shooters" there are all kinds of niceties to their skill set, and since they can't cloak as jenny or kite as well as terrans, they tend to have a edge of your seat experience in combat more so than the others, if you get in over your head with a mob, they have far less escape tactics than the others and will pay accordingly. Don't forget hull damage control for a PW, while they don't have the escape tactics others have, that's their "gut it through" skill, allowing them to sock up more damage than others do (praying you kill the mobs before they finish you off :))   You will find that grav link is underrated by many, but especially at tier 5 its going to be your best friend when paired with shield sap. L5 gravlink has a unmentioned debuff, it debuffs the mobs to impact and explosive dmg, thus increasing your dmg output when using that ammo type. If you should be so luck as to loot a taniwa device (active impact/explosive debuff) it does stack with grav link, or if you have a other player with a debuffer that really helps.
  7. You free warp to the east a few seconds, then warp to paramis station and you will totally miss the grav well, it's always been there, and quite frankly fits with the whole graphic vib of paramis sector. Ever noticed all those blackholes off in the distance?
  8. Just to let you know, the iron for the PS, and the lithium for the TS have resources just outside their starting area on either side of the gates. Of course this is not made clear by the mission briefing and is counterintuitive of the premise of starting missions, you shouldn't be leaving start zone until L10. That would be Mars and lagarto next to the gate to mars beta for PS's iron. And earth and margesi near the gate to equatorial earth gate.   The JE has a better time of it since their sector has rather large and abundant resources they are needed to get as well as follow up missions. They have quite contrary to the other 2 explorers zones also have pockets of 6-8 stuff in there as well at hidden navs.   I also have to concur the resources need to be expanded to a much larger and faster spawning extent for the PS/TS zone (PS had lots of stuff Old Live (tm) in comparison to current offerings..it's rather pathetic and empty by comparison now)
  9. Can confirm its a bit henky of late on WH, it seems to boil down to these few results, a Galactic map hang, a toss to same sector navs off, a incomplete WH initiating (like you declined the WH) but hit yes not no, and finally as it should a completed WH.   Most of the funny stuff happened while multied with a JE and another alt. with the alt most often missing the WH,GMH or navs off. But it has happened when not multied or when offering WH to others. Figured it was par for the course and when the WH fails to build I just reinitiate, or on GMH task manager out.
  10. whoa...did my answer to this get deleted? was it the spoiler?   KK here goes again and please delete the LINE if you want to redact, not the whole post please.   to P.S. yes I did get the eruption II and from the L21 mobs mentioned in xipe.   I think I have narrowed down the glitch using your info TooTall.   Somehow I've gotten into stage II weapons Fletchette L7 mission before I was suppost to be allowed to.   At the point of Vegeto and Scuti telling me to consult Inquiro, Iquiro offered me 4 tree options, 1 ea for shield, reactor, weapon and comps. I chose weaps and had to scan, rip and build a L9 test beam to give to Telum. That should have ended my exam at that stage in weapons. Then I should have been directed to vegeto and scuti to learn the MM and rivivus reactor, of which I would have needed to then use in the next stage of weapon build towards the L7 fletchette.   However, having let me into weaps past that stage, Inquiro is locked into a talk tree of buy the L9 exam beam for 1m and build for Telum (I have done that already, got the 800 faction and 900k refund and the xp's), Inquiro won't break out of that loop so I can advance Vegeto/Scuti to learn the reactor/shield, and Telum is locked into talk loop of give me encryption, MM, Rivivius. Since I didn't learn those, nor have the recipes I can't provide them. Since I can't get Iquiro to break out of its loop I can't learn the MM/Rivivius.   It might advance the weap tree from Telum and break the loop so Inquiro will revert for access to Scuti/Vegeto if I get MM/R to feed her, but who knows, perhaps I won't get that result and then having never learned those recipes can't ever build past 7 since those are needed in future stuff. on anything but Agrippa I would forfeit and redo, but then forfeiting might crash the arc and lose me that token you are warned about.   However, that is moot since I'm suppost to be trying this "right" and should be supplying my own MM/R for this build, just like the eruption II thing. I don't know how it let me in to weapons earlier than it should or why, perhaps there is a bug. This whole thing isn't suppost to let you into II until you got what stage I is needing since you need all of stage I to build upon to get through II and all of II to build through III.   Looks like I've found a way to break it  :)   Byahkee or whomever is bug tracking this, does this give you enough base and background to figure it out? Let me know what to do or what you need in further tracking and hopefully I can continue on my Agrippa content wending...for now I guess the PP is back into garage :/  
  11. There is a "slight" problem with this, if you have a toon named bob and another named chuck, and you transfer items from bob to chuck via the web portal, while it don't "show" that item associated with bob is (bob'sitem), and everything in chuck's vault is (chuck'sitem), through the web portal everything you transfer to chuck from bob, until you log on chuck, is still counted as (bob'sitem). So internal flagged (bob'sitem) can't stack with (chuck'sitem) since to the game they are actually two different items, just like a 200% pmed  part is different from vendor 100% item.   That make sense? Same with looted item that a vendor sells, there is a internal flag that you don't see that says "this part is looted and not vendor" and "this part is vendor and not subject to xp", until you forceably stack them they are (to the games logic) two associated but different items.
  12. Ok, I finally pulled my P out of the mothballs and have been doing Agrippa content, I ran into the L5 parts insanity etc. and worked past that etc. and now find myself stuck again.   I have all the stuff that should have triggered any mission tree etc. 3 hull mesh, L4 device, stage II encryption forms etc etc. and have all the faction needed, the skill build maxxed, the over L100 and under L135 (133) etc etc., done the stage II test of the L9 beam and rebuild and turned in etc etc. and am stuck here:   Agrippa stage II 2/3: In which Telum wants stage II encryption (have it) a Manus shield (no recipe) and a Redivivus reactor (no recipe) to continue the mission to 3/3.   What I'm missing is the recipe for the shield and the reactor, I did those 2 chains from the appropriate NPC's and should be up to the point of being able to build them for Telum, and yet I don't have the recipes. What's wrong? Heck I've even gone past this with the comps guy and have all the PP substrate/ion/chem parts missions done, got the electronic forms turned to encryptions...still no recipe for the shield/reactor.   All the shield/reactor NPC's tell me is see Inquiero, and they want me to keep buying the L9beam to rip and build for telum..ive done that already, and bought it a second time just in case Telum needed that in hold to key the mish....   Whats going wrong...why no recipes? any help please.
  13. It was as Stanig said, it was a 10k faction hit to killing raid of RD base, it is as Pezant said as well, there was a exploit used back then to avoid the RD faction hit, all but the "final blow to kill" group would log out and back in, when the final blow hit they weren't technically in the raid when the faction hit was assigned, then when it was killed they would divide the spoils.   This also brought up another exploit however, loot stealing. There were a couple of clowns that sat around cloaked while the raid went on, when they saw everyone log out they swooped in and grabbed the loot, by the time everyone had logged back in they usually had gotten everything and fled before the returnees knew what had happened. This caused a HUGE outcry by raiders (think about it though...they were exploiting avoiding RD faction hit..the thiefs were exploiting them logged off and there not to stop them :))   It was deemed a bad exploit however to loot steal and they changed things with loot rights, and role assignments etc.   Don't know if the old exploit of avoiding RD hit can still be used, guess we will have to see if anyone tries it and succeeds won't we?   P.S. Got a side idea..the final boss or one of the prebosses aught to have as part of their loot drop.... a feather! Have some text from the boss or even a parrot sound over of "Arrrhg ye kilt me parrot! Yer gonna pay dearly for th't matey!" For those complaining about the rep grind to find a feather might not object so much if they knew for sure they gonna get a feather loot for 10k faction hit that they are getting from base kill anyway.
  14. I'm not saying the S n'H device wasn't useful (marginal at best though), but I think you know what I'm refering to, there are other MMO (glares at WoW, a little at LoTRO and others) were they added "flavor" content and buffs etc., most geared towards some holiday or another, were they did some dubious task on other players (weather they desired the task performed on them or not) that they got some title or something.   Some of those things gave tangible rewards like special mounts or gear or abilities or emotes etc. etc. Some of those buffs they "just had" to perform were of a annoying nature to the other player, it hampered their play in some fashion, some were of a total grievable nature like knocking you out of a AH or a bank or hampered your travel in some fashion, other were minor and were click/dispel in nature, but then the retard would put it right back on you with out your leave to do so.   These I object to, most especially the hampering ones, imagine you are in terminal on a large comp build jag and some jerkwad keeps putting some buff on you that drops you out of terminal every time they drop the buff on you....or imagine someone being able to pull you from warp and warp interdict you as a "celebration" of some sort...I don't find that celebitory myself.   WoW has a slew of these annoying crap buffs, and given the average 13 yr old mentality of most of those players...it can get very annoying.I havent played WOW since ST2 :)   LoTRO has a buff that forces you to dance for a while, you can't travel or do anything else for the buffs duration...imagine if you were on the way to a fishbowl and your raid was waiting on you and some retard put a buff on you like that...it would T me off if not you.   EVE had ways that people could stop you from warping with scramblers or from thrusting with tanglers or targeting with target blockers or range reducers, and in many cases it wasn't considered "hostile" enough to count as a assault and have security forces stop them from doing so, they could hamper your game play with impunity just to annoy you. Need I even mention jet cans abuse :/?   So basicly what I'm saying, if "flavor" content is going to go down this type of path, just to get things to award titles/achievements for.....count me out, I've left 3 other MMO's over that crap (and other annoyances as well).   I guess this could be considered a pre-rant on the subject :)
  15. Whoa hope that wasn't for me....I was attempting two things, humor and help.   My help was genuine..if you can't get the mob to spawn and you don't want to wait a ticket, you probably get it advanced on a like mob elsewere.   As to my humor, since its subjective, if you were pointing at me and implying snobbery, best bend the finger elsewere, it was humor on my part, perhaps not your type but none the less humor. (sometimes humorless folks need a little help noticing it...its up there in post #3 ^) :)   OH..and look a little of it here in post #5! Imagine that!?!
  16. While cloaked, you are never suppost to have any reactor recharge, it is in fact suppost to be discharging, this is so you can't remain in cloak forever. Lower levels of cloak skill use less amounts of energy and you can prolong your cloak status by this method, however you sacrifice thing like being able to move while activating for the lowest level and moving at half speed at next.   The gaining power while cloaked was a bug, I believe it was related to the "gain power while free warping" bug. If you wish to see how much power will be drawn off etc. you can read the complete skill discription and see, you will also see that you aren't meant to be gaining while cloaked. If you were gaining reactor under cloaked they would need to rename that and call it powerdown like the PS can do at higher level of the skill (of course then you couldn't move while so..thats what they give up....cloaked gets to move)
  17. Quite often things vendor bought and things looted don't autostack..even if you are under the stack size for them. There is some internal marker I'm guessing, since you could trade the looted one for xp and the vendor ones wouldn't, I'm thinking there is an internal flag. When this happens you have to manually stack them, I.E. drag one on top of the other to merge them, there after they stack. Of course also PMed ones don't stack with nonPMed since they are 200% and a horse of another color.   Also anything account vault transfered from the home page also don't auto stack, you once again have to log on the toon recieving the stuff and manually stack them to merge, there after they then stack.
  18. Well I can see a way that building 1k of L2 should translate to being better at L9 of something, it's called tech progression, they didn't start making prius or hummers in the early 20's, they build lots and lots of model A's and model T's in Mr. Ford's factories before they learned how to make ever better cars, more power, more speed, better gas mileage, more creature comforts, even safety..all of these evolved from building lots and lots of lesser tech items.   So L9 weapons shouldn't be effected by L2 engines skill building? You do know that lots of those parts in engines (like bolts and rivets and heat dispersment tech etc etc.) are also used in weapons right? Why shouldn't the knowledge gained from perfecting just how you build a superb engine not translate into making a better anything? Many of the tech gadgets we use today and take for granted were tech progression and spinoff from the space program...we made better rockets...why not better cell phones? We made better ceramic heat tiles, why not better space heaters?   No building lots of L2 things SHOULD translate into build better higher level of anything, it's SKILL you are advancing, technical knowledge and the processes involved. Yes, perhaps it should be in smaller increments of skill gained for lower level items and a greater skill gained for higher items built, but the end result should be the same, anything built should have a cumulative greater knowledge towards better builds.   When the first cave man lite a fire, he started us on the eventual path to stars. Would you discount his discovery of fire as minor, if so, then by all means go get a club and toss on some moth eaten skins, crawl into some cave, forgoing all your current modern wonders, since fire don;t count towards technilogcal advances in your book (oh wait...books weren't invented yet..better make that mud drawing on cave wall :)).
  19. About your "first activation/first damage" thing Phorlaug.....not built in client, and even if doable not right to do. Yes there are peeps that "KS" so to speak, there are those that say "I killed 51% before you, I didn't Ks..it don't exist" I'm not one of those and I find it a piss poor excuse for bad behaviour. There are those in the camp (of which you seem to be one) that say first shot owns the mob, I also don't agree with them either.   Let me paint a picture for you:   Lets say there are 2 players killing and looting an area, one a cloak beamer and one a projectile/missle user. Lets for the arguement make you the beamer and me..oh lets say a PW. Now Iv'e been hunting this area, hoping mister named mob would spawn and so have you. Per your "first activation/first damage" idea lets proceed; named mob pops up and maybe we see it at the same time..maybe I, the PW see it a fraction sooner than you and start firing, you see it and fire, beam damage is instant damage, projectile isn't and missle is even longer than projectile damage, you unfairly get the "first activate/first damage" and "own" the mob. Now since you got the mob maybe you love that and think thats fair since you got the mob...but consider this, lets swap places...YOU are the Pw and I'm the JD...do you like it now?   Lets take the logic a step farther, let's say you are a JE that don't have a chance in hell of killing some named mob solo, but could grouped. So someone in your group parks a cloaked JE on some named mobs spawn point and does zip but sit idle. While that JE, safe in his little cloak bubble sits there, some other solo or grouped bunch of players (not in that JE's group) is doing all the heavy lifting of clearing a spawn point of "trash" mobs, not suspecting that little JE is there. Up pops mister mean ol' named mob and cloaked JE snipes him and then recloaks. That jackass JE just "owned" the mob for his group to come in from even sectors away and kill it at their leasure, they did ZIP to "earn" that mob, leaving that solo/group that was keeping the area clean of trash and doing the "work" out in the cold for the named mob. This may seem a extreme example, true, but you know if it can be done, it will be done by some inconsiderate jackass.   Just like the "51% first isn't KSing" crowd are exploiting a dynamic to justify their poor behaviour (aka asshattery) so to would the "first tap is legal killer" crowd be enabled to exploit a dynamic into asshattery.   I'm not saying you would do this Phorlaug, I've been around killing with you about and we were both curtious folks, but as always, as you know, if it can be done, some jerk is going to do it, not all players are curtious folks.
  20. While I respect you need for more difficult Canman, if you were being serious with your suggestion...quite frankly it's not doable. Not saying devs can't do anything they put their minds to, I mean not doable by player base. Who, besides yourself devotes to  a 10 spawn raid that takes 1 hr for ea of the first 3 waves to complete (3 hr) and next of the next 3 raids immune to 1/3 of the player/raiders (thats 2/3 dps kill rate btw) , then something (what has a specific mob that somehow recognizes which toon is a healer somehow) and has some new debuff to use to forbid them healing, then 3 more waves that take 12-24 hrs spawn later?   Just your timing on that alone is a minimum of 39-75 hrs. to do, let alone the time for the middle waves and heal wave thing...I don't know about you..but I don't know any player that plays for 75 hr. without some shuteye. I think with that type of raid its even illegal here in USA...thats the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause in the constitution :)   I see you may be throwing out a extreme idea for a raid thing...but really 39hr raid? Don't think you are going to get 4+ (24+ peeps) groups to hold together for that!   As to the make em all activatable...BRAVO! Long time asked for...long time desired and *hand rubbing together...slobber dripping* much anticipated!   Stanig,you don't know just how much activatable raids have been desired, they will go a LONG way towards stopping grief and anger over timed raids, they certainly will cut the "only the big guilds can run those raids" calls, or the " such and such guild owns raid X on day Y" postings. Once again BRAVO!
  21. The day they put pets of any type in, tiny voltoi or not, is the day I'm out of here. NO PETS! NO  EFFECT OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS! and most of all NO CONTENT ADDED FOR SILLY FORCED BUFF ON OTHER PLAYERS! (like sprinkle crap on other players or buff them with snugs-n-hugs etc.)   If you want pets, empty achievements or be able to force content on other crap ou are on the wrong MMO...you need to head that a way--------------->
  22. Most of these MISSION types (we don't have quests in EnB, we also don't have dwarfs,fairies, elves of talking cow people :)) require to to go to the nav they told you and then the mission advances to the kill or look for stage of the mission. I would suspect if you went to the nav and had that part of the mission advance, if you didn't see the mob you needed, you could go elsewere and kill a like mob elsewere and have it count, like Autodestruct said, kill a L23 somewere else if thats the mob you need.
  23. Eh, let em advertise, if they want to go to all the trouble to build enough to get listed, let em have some self satisfying list.  If someone feels that  having someone with more builds is going to be that much better, thats their problem, they shouldn't base desicions on "feelings" and rather use logic, "buyer beware" fits in here. If they want to wait for a long time to get a item from player X rather than player Y because of some list, it's their right as the consumer to do so, personally I don't want to wait for ages for player X if Y is handy.   Of course this is all predicated on a manditory "opt-in" for participation and not a opt-out. If it can't be opt-in then forget it, some builders don't want the hassle being hounded for builds, nor care to be on some "I built more than you Na-na-nee-na-na list" and shouldn't be subjected to either without opting-in.
  24. I have to tell you something...I truely admire the policy of no (ADM) or (Dev) belonging to a guild, and can respect them having "private" toons that can guild but (Dev) powers are divorced from them. After this game sunset'd many players went to EVE, anyone that was playing after this sunset'd on that MMO may remember the HUGE scandal that broke out when:   A. It was discovered that Devs had toons that had no distinguishing characterists like tags (Dev). B. Those toons were in several of the leading  player corp. (their guilds). Especially the PvP corps. C. Despite claims to the contrary by CCP (the EVE parent company), Devs had been feeding those corps superior tech items, recipes, and inside game dynamic information.   When some irrefutable proof was presented that CCP had been lying and covering up these facts, their response to that, did more damage to their stock and paying public account dropping than the  original scandal, they first tried to suppress all forum references to it and deleted all threads, but once outside tech reporters started pulling archives and reposting proof, it was a done deal, they couldn't bury it any longer and admited it in a lame, self serving, press release that was replete with questionable propaganda, that in  itself, became a source of MORE controversy :) (namely the excuse that they wanted Devs playing anonamously so the could monitor the "player experience" and didn't feel it neccesary to inform the public of this little tidbit, which in its self isn't earth shattering IF they had removed the tool access from those toons)   They then did what they called  a house cleaning and removed some tool access to some of those Devs, rewrote the employee standards and practices, added in some monitoring tools to detect violations and said all was good, nobody need worry anymore...so sorry..trust us. And then..months later, SUPRISE!!!, they (the devs) got caught at it again...and CCP went into damage control saying they caught the perps and were "handling" it internally, and then said they couldn't discuss who it was or who got dismissed because of legal reasons. All good, except one niggling problem, it wasn't them that caught them, nor their "detection tool", it was good ol fashioned human jealosy that narced one employee off on another.   So yes, with all this other MMO history here, keep up the good work! (and DON"T do like those tards did at CCP) be open and above board and you can't go to far wrong, nothing sanitizes like the true power of sunlight.
  25. So let me understand this. A L4  of ce3k Eruption I that drops from L30-35 RD , has the next lvl a L5 ce3k Eruption II drop from L21 mob.....Does anybody other than I not find this insane? Why not start having L9 weapons drop in start sectors? >.< Has nobody ever heard of experience,mob, loot progression?   Let me lay this out: I spent a week trolling NP and market chat asking if anyone knew what droped ce3k eruption II, nobody knew for sure, so there was a plethora of suggestions, all of which I tracked down, killing near 1k RD/chavez from 25-42 in my search, I even added Body snatcher types to that list. From one end of the universe to the other, I found plenty of eruption I, but no eruption II. A WEEK of searching for a part drop from a mob that should have L3-4 loot and the L5 version from what I was killing.   The Agrippa content is already a  hefty time and credit sink, need we add even more illogic, time, credit and frustration to it by having insane loot dropings? It takes a good amount of time to get through that content slowing progen down in advancement compared to othe races, do we need to add ADDITIONAL weeks(s) to it tracking stuff that has no logical mob vs loot rules? If we aren't going to have mob/loot parity then at least bite the bullet and have the DB list the mob dropping / things location. :rolleyes:   *sigh* :cluebat:
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