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About Saywhat

  • Birthday 10/24/1977

Live ENB Information

  • Guild
    Lunar Dawn
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  • Location
    Belen, NM
  • Interests
    All sports, Reading, and Gaming...
    Mostly Basketball now adays.

    Church and Family

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  1. Lol, ok so we can. On it! “I need some sleep.”
  2. Are we allowed to actually recruit other players on “public forums”? Or is this wishful thinking? I am only asking because ghent96 is on to something. If we could reach out to some of these potential gamers it would be Epic..
  3. Thank you all for the amazing support. Although, I am somewhat bummed out. As of late I log in to play, but I am always late for the last BBW or Troller content. 

  4. Completed my first raid (FB) since getting back. Feels good to be back. Thanks again to all those that have been so helpful. 

  5. Wow, over a month in and I am feeling accomplished. Level 141. I wanted to thank the community for helping me get here. Now the grind truly begins. ;) 

  6. All I played in live was a couple PW's and a JE. Played until sunset of course.

    I was in the guild Static on another server, but that was short lived as I chose the wrong server when looking for a RL friend.

    1. Saywhat


      I was lucky Evermore, my RL brother played EnB with me in Live. He has also played some of the Emu, but is often drawn away by RL events. Glad to have you as part of our community. 

  7. Garway... my toons name was Avaitor, I joined the guild after taking sometime off. I was invited to the guild by "Psych: I think. We had been together in a prior guild as a bunch of TE's. Great to see you :).
  8. As I read this post I started smiling. I am looking forward to joining you once again as a raid ready player. Lol, great to be back sad to feel so far behind.
  9. Mouli2, thanks for the link it was a fun read and informative. I am currently out pacing my credits because I am doing CL, TL, and EL jobs to power level my TE. I am broke because grinding mobs for money is just simply boring until your eyes bleed from CL jobs. I have played this game since live and I am eager to get one of my toons to 140 so that I can do some end game raiding. Anyhow thank you.
  10. Andromeda - Lunar Dawn - TE 114 Stress Test before last wipe - PW 144 Back after almost three years current - TE 126
  11. Team Speak, sounds fun and practical since I suck at spelling and grammar.
  12. Lots of useful info for new players. Thank you.
  13. Welcome back Matt, good to have you as part of the family again.
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