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net-7.org SSL cert expiration coming up 9/11/23 (sunrise.net-7.org:443)


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I wasn't sure if this was the right forum for this, or if I should open a bug report (not a bug, yet!) or what, but hopefully one of you devs sees this.  If you wouldn't mind tossing an ack in here just to let me know you're on it so I don't need to figure out how to escalate it further I would appreciate it, thanks!


I've been working on trying to get the client running in my environment and noticed that the cert expiration is imminent (NotAfter 9/11/23).


It's a little odd that the cert is only valid for 3 months... it seems like an application like this could just make it never expire and re-issue a cert only if you have a security incident requiring you to do so?  For people in a position where they have to trust this cert explicitly for one reason or another having to do so every 3 months is a little cumbersome (as is updating it for you I'm sure!).  Just my $0.02!


$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect sunrise.net-7.org:443
Certificate chain
 0 s:CN = net-7.org
   i:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3
   a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
   v:NotBefore: Jun 13 18:57:16 2023 GMT; NotAfter: Sep 11 18:57:15 2023 GMT


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Cert is on my list, i changed it yesterday already (so to say "in advance"...).


On 9/6/2023 at 3:03 AM, Codemonkeyx said:

It's a little odd that the cert is only valid for 3 months



Lets Encrypt Cert are never valid more/longer than 3 month. It's since 2012 (when they started) like this.

There are bots/script from LE which will renew the cert regulary so you dont have to take care at all.


In our scenario it is a bit different since we use the wildcard-cert from the webserver also for the game-server since that cert holds the subdomain as well.

The renew-automatism is on the webmachine, so we copy the certs manually all 3 month.


I could setup an automatic copy-script between the two (totally different IP range and hoster) machines...someday....sometime....when i am bored... :lol:

And yes, we could split the certs for the subdomain, but this will require other tasks/preps in advance...someday....sometime....when i am bored... :lol:



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14 hours ago, Zackman said:

I could setup an automatic copy-script between the two (totally different IP range and hoster) machines...someday....sometime....when i am bored... :lol:

And yes, we could split the certs for the subdomain, but this will require other tasks/preps in advance...someday....sometime....when i am bored... 

It's on my list too, whichever of us is bored enough first. But yes, this is planned, the last expiration period we had was mostly due to my inattention to it after the migration.

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