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  1. First item in "from" drop down is "Select an avatar" / "Select a vault" and that should be default. There is no code to modify that list on page load. Destination has always been first avatar as that list only contains avatars.
  2. Can you expand on that? drag-drop still works and you would still need to select source/dest if interface resets or not.
  3. I added click to select and interface does not reset anymore. Everything is lowercase except roman numerals. Its to remove ambiguity what to match against. I also fixed it so it correctly matches against level.
  4. I reworked inventory pages and added keyword filter. Not sure if it broke your script or not.
  5. I will add some improvements to inventory pages, but I have not yet figured best way to do so.
  6. There should be new systray icon in windows taskbar which indicates that net7proxy launched. Also make sure that Client path is pointing to "release\client.exe" in Earth & Beyond install directory and not enb.exe or e&b.exe When client itself is launched by net7proxy, then there should be EULA dialog window with 'accept/decline' buttons.
  7. If its verbal message that Megan speaks, then its invalid ingame account username or password. Try changing password in portal or request new one to make sure its correct. If its visual message displayed on screen, then I have no idea what shows it as nothing like that shows up in server/client code as far as I know. Post a screenshot to get better idea whats going on.
  8. Missile/Projectile range should be correct now. Beam/Projectile gets range from weapon. Missile Launcher gets range from ammo.
  9. Stop complicating things. Press "start" button on LaunchNet7 and keep to checkboxes as default.
  10. Last time I tested in win11 logging into game had no issues. INV-300 should indicate connection error and thats from client trying to access https://sunrise[.]net-7[.].org/AuthLogin url. Not sure what firewall you are using, but most of them nowadays do mitm packet inspection and might block connection.
  11. You need to create new account in support page as it uses its own users list. Request new password in portal for that ingame account.
  12. Yes. Should be same in both now. Should be fixed. Thanks,
  13. You need to be more specific with the error. Post screenshots of launcher and errors.
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