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    Dry Ridge, Kentucky
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    EnB, Woodworking, talk radio ( Conservative )

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  1. login server showing offline again. guess we see you tonight then ? have a good day .
  2. Sinjen


    bump for woody to find
  3. i usually do trade jobs fill it up fast then spill over to explore then go mining in a group to fill that . by then you have good shields reactors and such and can cl on much higher lvl enemy to raise Combat quickly. atleast thats how i do my progens
  4. I inly check here once a day. but i try the launcher many multiple times a day. every time i sit down at at pc. even at work
  5. KYP , I should just drop it but i really think you took what i said the wrong way. now ill drop it.
  6. Great up an update... just missing the part that matters. a rough timeline. none of us want to be the last one back on in the game so many of us are checking multiple times a day. so something like, we are trying to have it restored this week. or next week or next month would be great. in 50 years the only people i have gotten away with saying it will be done when its done is my kids. everybody else wanted to at least have an idea of how long something would take.
  7. Well almost. lol nice to see this back up lets us all feel like some progress is being made. thanks guys.....
  8. Server offline 8:09 am EST. 7/20/21 looks like another auto restart hicup.
  9. Woody told me to post in forums so here it is
  10. 7/12/21 9:30pm est game keeps crashing and disconnecting all players. 2 times in less than 30 min sofar that i have noticed.
  11. Login server is down... 7/6/21 4:45 pm EST
  12. Finally says server is up but still will not log in. 12:09 am est 6/30/21
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