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Everything posted by Marco

  1. Power down works better, then live. At least IMO. - Marco
  2. As Slayerman stated earlier today. https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/280-svn/ Should contain what you are looking for. - Marco
  3. Did you read this post, from a few hours ago... https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/451-client-patch-50/ - Marco
  4. nice pix. We are not working on the V'rix at the moment. - Marco
  5. You'll want the P-wipe... trust me. - Marco
  6. Only thing changed it the Client patch 50 (I think its 50) is a fix to the Skills Issue... "Bug: Please Report Me" and the issue with losing skill points on "acquiring" a specific skill. Otherwise there is no need to panic... "Nothing to see here people. Move along." - Marco
  7. I am against bot-ing, myself. Could I ask a favor? Guys/Gals, play nice. No need for the insults at each other. This way everyone can be happy. - Marco
  8. Yokan was a bad example, it was originally Dahin, till someone else moved it for an experiment. We decided afterwards to leave it there since it allows the possibility of the wormhole skill, to be "redone" to add new wormhole destinations. Another thing to consider is that the Terrans are not as "tightly" knit as the Progen and Jenquai tend to be. The Terran factions (like Earthcorps) do not have the same amount of loyalty to each other, as the Shinwa or Centuriata have with their fellow factions. Remember they Terrans are in it for the money. Keep in mind, we are in a Stress Test, not a beta test. Gates, and things move around alot. Same with Content. - Marco
  9. That is why we are in a stress test. we are not in a "Beta" phase yet. character progression is not a primary concern as game functionality. - Marco
  10. Although, looking at this logically, it doesn't make sense that I can build something, but not use it. Those two shields would not need to be "built." - Marco
  11. All the Dev, who owns that sector, would have to do is increase the Depth buffer... - Marco
  12. Let me guess that the roids were around +25 or -25 Kilometers on the Z-axis? If so, then that is a result from the Developer, of that Sector, making a very small Depth buffer. - Marco
  13. Riia, I believe, managed to get it changed. IMO, I feel that a item labeled "Progen Only" Should only be made and used by the Progens. There is no item that can have "2" restrictions put on it. If I take an item and add a "jenquai Restricted" and a "Progen Restriction" the game client translates that as "Terran Only." It seems more Logical to me to do that, Hence why there is only one reactor per Terran class that is "Terran Only," and 1 shield per jenquai class that is "Jenquai Only," and 1 engine for Progen labeled "Progen Only." In the end it is entirely the Item Team's call. - Marco
  14. Talk to Riia.... since that is his department. - Marco
  15. That is because they have not been coded by Kyp yet... - Marco
  16. You do realize that the scout is getting two skills added. Both have been mentioned on the forum many times, well old forum anyway. Afterburn and NullFactor - Marco
  17. Doing a "Force Update" with the Launcher should fix this... This link: http://marco-enb.blogspot.com/2009/12/aww-our-patcher-broke-again.html Has a nice step by step guide on how to "Force Update" with the launcher. - Marco PS: If you're wondering what I mean by "Using the Net7 Launcher" then you need to install the Net7 Launcher. The game doesn't work straight off the CDs without the proxy.
  18. I vote we do "all day" Maintenance on Tuesdays... Shiver Fragbait, shiver!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...*hack*...*cough*...*wheeze*... I can't really do that "evil laugh" for too long. - Marco
  19. I should just ban that mac address to make you buy a new one. - Marco
  20. Hey, the whole planet eater thing was because a few players kept shooting the baby... Although did a Jove's Fury fishbowl happen last night? GMs shouldn't be screwing around like that, unless an SDEV is involved.... like with Tienbau involved with the Saturn incident. On a plus side, looks like some of the new "Anti-Blackhole code" is working. - Marco
  21. Nice. How about when the Planet Eaters ate Saturn? - Marco
  22. Contact Arthurdent. He is the Beta Lead. - Marco
  23. Arthurdent has one similar to earthandbeyond.ca -Marco
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