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Everything posted by CptGemini

  1. I'm going to this later this evening and will be taking some video. Gives me a good excuse to get off my ass and out of the house lol.
  2. The one I linked above is the same exact thing, I listened to the whole piece and its the same file size. I also put it on youtube for everyones viewing pleasure.
  3. Same here but I am actually out of work so I don't have much of a choice, I get a little bit from my dad each month to help out with some bills but thats about it. The rest of the money I manage to get my hands on is my moms (whom I live with and take care of), it isnt much that I do get my hands on but its usually for food when I get cash from her. Once I do find a steady job I will be donating what I can when I can.
  4. Look in the downloads section of the forums here, there are lots of links to get it one of which is off of my site. https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/103-enb-game-client/
  5. Yea I searched around for some torrents but none of them had seeders. But that first link has part of the sound track on it.
  6. I managed to find this, not the entire thing but its something. http://www.earthandb...http://www.earthandbeyond.ca/community/fans/music.html Also 12 days of EnB : http://www.earthandb...http://www.earthandbeyond.ca/community/fans/music/12days.mp3 LOL its funny I actually laughed at the 12 days one lol its hilarious
  7. CptGemini


    The day any kind of pvp makes it outside of arenas will be the day I delete enb from all my computers and off of my website and never play it again, thats just how much I can't stand pvp. I could rant more about it but I will just end it here.
  8. Its probably automatic, i think there is something on there that restarts it automatically when it crashes in some cases.
  9. and here i thought it was me having some really crappy lag issues, i lost connection to aim for a few seconds before it crashed.
  10. I just use gmail and have not had any issues with emails as I rarely use my email from my ISP which is road runner.
  11. Server go boom this very second, 2 seconds before i typed this. unless its my connection to the net
  12. I totally agree with you on that.
  13. The buckshot projectile gun is the best one in that catagory for its level imo, and does tons of damage. The only downside is that you run through lots of ammo since it fires 2 projectiles at once.
  14. I'd like to be a part of the team (since I like to help where I can) but there is only one little issue with that. With a certain PS3 game that came out last week and with another PC game expansion coming out in a couple of weeks I will probably be taking some leave from the game here to play the later one I mentioned. How long will said advocate program be going on?
  15. Mine has never worked from the first day I created one so I have not even bothered putting it in my sig, I just use my l33tsig image.
  16. Did you create an account on the net7 site and activate it via the email?
  17. Did you activate your net7 account by clicking the link in the email? That would be the only reason I can think of why it won't work for you.
  18. Fall down? As in minimizing or the game is crashing?
  19. I was getting that recently too, I did everything I could possibly think of to fix the issue. I finally decided to do a clean reinstall by uninstalling the game then reinstalling everything and that fixed it.
  20. Be 'patient' they will get to it eventually.
  21. oooo ooo daddy does that mean we are all getting xmas presents this year ;P
  22. Oh I see I guess I missunderstood it. I thought it was overall level 50 and not CL 50, CL 50 will take me a few months to get and by then there will probably be a player wipe.
  23. Should I automatically get the mission in my log now or do I have to talk to said person on step 1?
  24. I was excited when I found out about this place too lol. Once I find a job I will be donating a nice chunk of change to the project at least once.
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