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Everything posted by karu

  1. win10 is fine. You can reset individual game account password in net-7.org as long as its linked to your forum/portal account
  2. I don't remember if portal enforces password rules, but if you password has special chars it might be worth checking with easier password. Keep it english a-z alphabet
  3. Make sure launcher is pointer to client.exe and not e&b.exe. Set LaunchNet7.exe, net7proxy.exe, and client.exe to "run as administrator" or "windows xp compatibility mode". (not strictly needed, but all three must have same setting) Launcher should set proper registry keys so game does not ask for registration (if launcher/game run as admin) Even if game asks registration, pressing "cancel" will let you into the game. You need to create game account in net-7.org portal. Login into portal uses forum user/pass. Game account is not the same as forum account.
  4. Yeah, it seems to be correct for windows firewall not to ask for launcher/proxy/client and it also does not seem to be required for there be any whitelisting. If you have other antivirus/firewall or internet security product, make sure that is not begin more aggressive on blocking. If there is some wird config issue, then to completely reset launcher settings, delete AppData\Local\LaunchNet7 directory.
  5. Check window firewall for private/public rules and remove all related to net7/client. Firewall will then ask again to allow/deny the program
  6. There should be Net7-Filelist.txt and Net7-Version.txt in net-7 install directory. Delete them to force update. As you (probably) have net7/client installed in ProgramFiles directory, you need to run launcher as admin or it does not have rights to change files there.
  7. Check local ip setting in launcher.
  8. All you need is ingame username and ingame password to link ingame account to forum account in portal. If you do not know one of the other, then I believe GM can reset the password for you, if you can prove them you own the ingame account. I do not know the procedure for that, so I will not be reseting account info in any way.
  9. proxy 'server not responding' is from proxy listening on wrong internal ip or incoming packets from server are firewalled off (either windows itself or router). fire up wireshark (or any other packet capture) to see if they arrive or not. I have not checked the code long time and no real experience with udp programming, so no idea why proxy does what it does (these are technically reply packets and should not depend on internal ip)
  10. Maybe some fiddling with network settings (reorder etc) in launcher will help you.
  11. I believe there is Cclient-Version.txt and Net7-Version.txt files under net7 install directory. Delete those. Make sure you running Net7Launcher as admin/winxp compat mode, especially if you installed under program files. Also, you do not have game account. You need to go to net-7.org and create game account. Forum user/pass does not work for game.
  12. If you still around, then you are probably trying to use forum user/password to login. You need to create separate game account on net-7.org portal.
  13. Account/Avatar settings on net-7 portal
  14. Launch net7 launcher (LaunchNet7.exe as administrator/winxp compat mode), Make sure net7proxy.exe has same. Under EnB install directly, release/client.exe should also be admin/winxp compat mode. Do not run anything other than LaunchNet7.exe to start the game. Launcher should add proper registry keys so the signup form will not show. Ensuring all three are running under admin, makes it so launcher and client access same registry entry. Its possible to run without admin, but you need to add registry entries yourself then.
  15. Its either firewall issue or wrong local ip is selected. LaunchNet7.exe, net7proxy.exe, and release.exe needs to be allowed in firewall for your network profile you use (ie, private, public, work)
  16. That was random CL66 non-aggro to prevent shield nova macros in Freya chavez spawn. I dont think it ever did kill a macro user... lot of legit player tho ?
  17. No it does not.... anymore. Thanks,
  18. From launcher, one of the menu has reset updates. This will force recheck of all files.
  19. The option is still present in the launcher.
  20. If you want to transfer items between your own characters on accounts linked to portal login, then there is account vault.
  21. https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/settings/password/
  22. Login to portal requires same user/password as forum. Login to game have different user/password. portal user/password is managed and changed from forum. ingame account is under 'Account/Avatar Settings' where you can select individual ingame accounts and change/reset their password. Password is sent to email configured in forum. Just checked and ingame account password reset request email arrives, and the info in there is correct.
  23. The password warning notice you may get on net7 portal does not mean you account is compromised, but it means you password has been seen on public password leaks (password reuse) and you should not use it anymore. password you use on net7 portal and forum is not the same as ingame account password. portal log shows you are able to log into portal just fine.
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