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Everything posted by ghent96

  1. Well, what command is it running the exe's with, then? Maybe this is the source of his and some other people's problems with inv-300 or loading up, including mine.
  2. Maybe one of the devs posted the wrong versions of files either inside the install package, or inside the update directory that the N7 launcher downloads from. There's been way too many problems for people lately with this launcher, both with new players and old players alike. The launcher is borked. It needs to be replaced by something better anyways, that is more friendly to both useage, and custom content.
  3. A little confused about what your exact problem is: Were you able to login EnB with your username & password from signing up with Net-7? Then you made a PW, clicked it, and waited to go in-game, but got stuck at the loading screen?
  4. ghent96


    recently did a reinstall (Win XP SP3) and now getting the ole INV-300 error. Never got it before. Tried all the standard things I remember telling others to do: downloaded new net7proxy - but noticed the current version on patch.net7.org was wrong, 1.9.6 but read elsewhere it should be 1.9.9 now? downloaded the local.net7 certificates again and installed them, still didn't help downloaded all "new" versions of authlogin.dll, and auth, network, rg_regdata.ini files; still didn't work. Always keep getting EnB loading up with the old EA.com account registration window next to Megan, and blasti99's name prefilled.
  5. One could argue they already made an MMORTS with C&C:Renegade, but it still had matches, and wasn't a persistent world. :/ More of an FPSRTS I guess. Agreed, it would be awesome.
  6. Since live original, and between 2 very different computers, windowed just seems more stable.
  7. Looking at upgrading to a smartphone very soon. Would love to get an Evo , but am on AT&T with an older style family plan with wifey... basically every other carrier is substantially more expensive just for me alone, to get any smartphone, than for the both of us (upgrade to smartphone included) to stay on AT&T. We have to stay on AT&T... so, that limits any Android choice to the Moto Backflip currently. :/ All reviews point to it kinda sucking. Tilt2 and one Samsung phone are Win Mobile 6.5 and actually seem pretty good, and come with a stylus & handwriting recognition, which would be a huge bonus for my line of work - pharmacy. Lots of handwritten notes and Windows Journal files I'd love to transfer onto the phone and such... but Win Mobile is notorious for hangs/freezes and needing to be soft-reset once daily, if not more. Bad. I don't want to have to screw with that constantly. Supposedly the Dell Aero (now out in UK and China) is coming to AT&T soon, and will be an Android phone with stylus and handwriting. No news on when. Every source just says "2nd Quarter" ... well, that's NOW. HTC Aria comes out today, June 20. Interested to see what it's like. Android phone, but 3.2" screen slightly smaller than an iPhone (3.5") or Tilt2 (3.6"), or Evo (4" & some fraction). Android phones seem cool, but some say they take a lot of tinkering to get working well for your taste, but with the advantage of being very customizable, and thus very functional. Sometimes, I like to tinker or fiddle, like with mod'ing games, but honestly with work, I don't want to dink around and tinker, I just want it to friggin work & be simple. I may just walk into an AT&T store June 24 and get an iPhone that day in person. Haven't decided yet.
  8. It's do-able, because it worked in live, but there's some bug we haven't figured out yet with how colors are translated/stored from the client to the server & back. Plus, some of the lighting files may not be made correctly. Certain materials (textures), especially metals, and some of the clothing too, has always been problematic.
  9. Aye, they did have katanas, and with good reason. Other class characters had guns in hip or leg holsters. Originally (in alpha and early beta), pvp combat in stations and on the ground was planned for EnB. Player character models had a mount point for a weapon, and animations for combat type moves. I don't know for certain, but I have a hunch there may still be some code remaining (maybe only in the alpha files) inside the client for this stuff. It may be incomplete, though. Our best chance to have ground/station combat with EnB is by mod'ing C&C:Renegade. It's the same game engine, the same 3D models and graphics files, and fairly easy to mod. That's how I think most of the mod'ers here have learned most of EnB mod'ing - from the Renegade mod'ers. Ships in the station - it is much easier to just put a race-class appropriate ship model in the station (according to faction ownership) on the other side. That can be done now, with current knowledge of the game & mod'ing it. (Similar to what Suri said tho, we can't really change the .exe files, and EA hasn't released the source code yet, so we're very limited on what we can do.)
  10. ghent96


    Who changed it from the sector design that was there before? (That I made) ...and why? Let's have a chat about changing it back. I take it as a little disrespectful to change a previous/ex-dev's work without asking them about it, or documentation somewhere.
  11. Installing 35mb of .Net to run 250kb of net7launch.exe is dumb. Something standalone and self-contained would be better. Also, the launcher doesn't need to check every single .mix file, nor .th6 file. It also tries to patch some of the th6 files, which isn't necessary. These files are index or key type files that the game creates on the fly every time it loads up (if not already present) by reading through every .mix file. You NEVER need to make or change .th6 files; the game does it for you The client update portion of the launcher overwrites mods the player may have installed. This is important because we already have many mods available on the forums, and installed by players - tattoos, orbitals, music, decals. Give players using mods the ability to manually patch their n7proxy.exe and other files as needed. FTP or forum thread, or website - doesn't matter.
  12. When was this tried before? I don't remember it. I made three tutorial sectors way back when (original EnB had 6, but we could do fine with only 3). They're all named after shipyards - eg - Callisto Shipyards... don't remember all of them, atm. At the time, NPCs in space weren't working, nor chat trees. Now that these are working, all that would be needed is attach the appropriate chat tree to the objects in the 3 tutorial sectors. The Megan sound files are already in the .mix files. The player is auto-spawned into a tutorial sector based on their race. Upon reaching the gate(s) at the "end" of the tutorial sector, they are sent to their class's home sector (based on class), or we can have them choose their available gate by faction status from 3 gates that are targeted to coordinates rather than a destination gate (this used to be an option in the Sector Tools, dunno if it still is). It should be relatively easy to remake the Tutorials
  13. Right, Yuri, but we (original beta testers) argued at length many times with Westwood devs about physics and damage types. They never listened. We are stuck with what we have, for the 3 weapon types and their ranges. The reason is just pure gameplay style and balance, and isn't based in reality. :/ Small correction to OP, if I remember right, beams did 50% at their max range. Less than that, was full damage as listed in their info. Maybe that's what he meant to say, but it wasn't reading right to me %)
  14. Imo, in Live, the 2job acceptance limit, probably combined with a slow refresh rate for jobs, led to terminal camping problems. Many job terminals had huge crowds of players camping around them all hours of the day & night. We must take measures to avoid that in the emulator.
  15. Avani is a great player with good experience and views to lend, and usually it seems we agree on a lot of things debated here on the forums. In this case, I think I have to disagree. Faction gains and leveling should take a long time. The goal in EnB cannot simply be to get to L150, to max out, as quickly as possible so a player can enjoy the full content of the game. There should be enjoyable content at every level of the game, for all players... otherwise the emulator fails, much in the same way that some argued original EnB was lacking. L150 maxed (meaning all skills maxed) players shouldn't be common. They should be rare. The uber L9 loot only items shouldn't be common either. Think about how this emulator is very different from Live, how the economy is different. There's no subscriptions. That removes a huge factor or motivation from the L150 race that existed in Live. The more we emphasize "the grind" in the emulator, I think the more we will fail. Slowing down or speeding up leveling emphasizes the grind, either way. Too slow and players get frustrated at not leveling. Too fast and players max out and get bored. Right in the middle might seem to be perfect, except... if content is lacking. Tons of enjoyable content at all levels can totally eliminate "the grind" and slow leveling. Players will focus more on rewards, tangible like items or intangible like fun, at mid-levels of gameplay, rather than focusing on how to max out. Faction gain in Live was almost too easy, in a way, and without consequence. I was busy with a full-time job and g/f, but got RD faction (as JW) in maybe a month or 2, just camping the Mourning Circle or Xipe, whenever it was convenient. If I had really focused, it would have taken less time. After I earned my green RD faction, I still had 3/4 to nearly full Shinwa faction. It was great, sure, but never seemed right. Forsaking and killing one's own should have terrible consequences. In the emulator, we can do a LOT more with factions than in Live. We can make every faction accessible, and attach great rewards to building up a certain faction - items, ships, routes, pvp...
  16. Shield Inversion was never meant to be a primary weapon, just a little something extra on top of the 6 gun mounts that the PW gets, as a balanced trade-off. The PW trades shields, and thus safety, for extra offense. As long as the PW has shields to spare, the skill should be activateable (no cooldown). If it needs balance later on, only the DPS should be tweaked. That said... I have to admit it would be really interesting to see a special weapon line for PW only that is very low, or no, dmg, but has a [stackable] bonus to shield inversion skill. Installing 6 of those would make the skill into a fairly decent primary weapon, and that would be an acceptable balance. Side note on RD faction: it was easy to get back in Live. Took awhile, yes. Maybe a month or 2 once I really put my mind to it, but that's ok. It should be difficult, and rare.
  17. Giving the JT the Build Reactor skill instead of Build Shields was a big mistake, and not what WW originally intended. It's one more thing that hurts the JE, and hurts the entire Jenquai race. It's also redundant. RE: Yuritau and jenq plasma: Jenq were never meant to have plasma beams, unless they used an organic/looted, or a Terran beam. There is/was no Jenq plasma. Ever. Nor was ever intended to be. Plasma missiles, and projectiles, yes, but most all Jenq projectiles were just impact dmg. Also... your post re-iterates the very important fact that EMP needs love. JE wouldn't need plasma if EMP worked correctly. The very few mobs that are energy resistant (voltoi, manes) are considered Psi organics, not regular organics. They would/should be vulnerable to EMP. The problem originally with EnB was that EMP could never do that last 1 dmg hitpoint to kill a mob, even if it was a shield hitpoint. We can fix that now
  18. Great post, Suri. Supposedly, also in live: Plasma was better vs shields & organics (burns them), weak vs hull & mech Chem was better vs hulls and mechs (melts them), weak vs shield & organic Explosive was better vs shields & mechs & damaging systems (concussive force), weak vs organic (too "soft" and bouncy) Impact was better vs organics & hulls (punching holes in skin), weak vs shields EMP was better vs shields & psi mobs (& reactor), weak vs everything else Energy was slightly better vs shields & normal to everything else, slightly weak on hulls. If anything, maybe it is the "normal/base" damage type. Interrupts were based on frequency of hit, damage amount, and hull remaining. This is why fast-firing beams were great, even for a JW, and why you were screwed on escape when your hull was low. Now I know that may seem weird, if you realize that all mech mobs have both shield & hull, and all organics were only shields with no hull. That was a byproduct of original game mechanics, and how the server calculated damage. Supposedly all the resists were based on your shield. Once the shield is gone, so are all resists, and the hull takes more "normal" damage, unless it is impact or chem dmg, or a mech mob hit by explosive. On organics, they're all shield, but impact still works well on them (plasma best), because first & foremost they are organic mobs. If we need a story of some sort to confer an unusual, non-standard resistance upon a mob, then that's always possible. BUT! The devs need to ask themselves why they want to do that, first. Is there a legit need, or is it on a whim, or because it sounds cool, or "because I said so"?
  19. It's a pre-alpha stress test. It must be wiped, and often
  20. Yeah, yikes, TMI. Nah, not really useful, just easier to install than downloading the demo or whatever else online. I'd say more legit, too, except technically EA nullified and voided the entire EULA & TOS of the original EnB game as written, because they chose to shut down the server. That's the way I read it, at least. Nice, eh?
  21. This is why PW get enrage skill To get and hold the aggro. The cost of maintaining aggro, then, is a little reactor loss, that could otherwise go to weapons or other combat skills. That seems balanced. I agree, essentially - warriors have to have a method of holding aggro. Also, I doubt the AI and aggro system is working correctly yet. Off topic, tho, you can't hardly consider 1 element of balance without considering the big picture. TE was never meant to be a combat class. I mean the Scout, of course, not the TW. Maybe only PW & TW should get L9 shields.
  22. There has to be some way of keeping the mobs around & inside their correct spawn zones. Some sort of tethering and/or return system has to be used, to ensure a player cannot train a mob off to the corner of a sector and "dump" it there, permanently denying others from finding/hunting it. Give the devs time on programming the AI behavior of mobs. It's probably pretty difficult. Good AI mobs in any game are hard to find.
  23. ...or, just consider that maybe JE, PE, TE were not meant to use ammo-based weapons as their primary choice Sure, they _can_ use them, if they want, but the trade-off, the sacrifice, the balance of this choice is the cargo space taken up by ammo and the need to take breaks in combat to have ammo made for them. The trade-off and balance for warrior & trader classes is both in ammo space in the cargo vs. loot space, and in the time & cost to build the ammo, vs the superior damage and range of these weapons. If a PW for example, chooses to go out on a long period of combat-only gameplay, then they must load up their cargo full with ammo if they don't want to have any breaks in the action. This means no loot, no Trade XP. The PW will only get combat XP and looted credits, but will get quite a bit of combat XP. Balance. Trade-offs pro & con. It works. The PW could have chosen to equip beams instead, but they sacrifice range, and overall damage ability and skill useage (less free reactor available after beam use). Probably best to leave as it is for now
  24. ghent96


    Not so much a bug report... I'm not trying to be mean, but this whole sector is kinda wrong. . See pics below. Ragnarok sector needs to be redone and properly put in as originally. "one of these things is not like the other, One of these things is not the same..." %) vs.
  25. presenter at a lecture I attended just said "called forward" Har.
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