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About alurra

  • Birthday 09/29/1971

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  1. I don't typically run multiple clients, so I don't really have a dog in this race ... But out of curiousity, are your toons 'staggered' when they go through these wormholes, by any chance? I play with folks who multibox and they have their toons staggered at about 3 seconds or so between and dont get the issues you have been describing here. If you're not staggered, perhaps just give it a shot and see if it alleviates? If you already are, and it's still happeneing, then I respectfully bow out as I have not a clue. Fly safe! Alurra
  2. Hey guys! I'm so glad people are finding this thread and adding their ideas. I would ask that we try to refrain from interjecting our 'how to fix this' issues into the mix though, if you don't mind? I think it really clutters up the thread making it hard to parse the usable information. If the team wants ideas on how it can be fixed, or what not, let them ask for it maybe? Keep the ideas and what not coming though. We've seen the GM's respond here and now Karu as well. That means they are watching and reading our ideas. Lets give them some great things to work from. For me, personally. I would love to see some more missions from NPC's. They could be storyline related, or maybe even just some side stories to develop the NPC's out some more? Not really sure I can pinpoint any exact NPC right now because my brain is not booted fully this morning, but something along those lines would suit someone such as myself. I love speaking to NPCs and doing missions. How about the rest of you guys? Any sectors or NPC's or storylines that really get your curiosity up? Anyone have a favourite NPC that they'd like to know more about?
  3. Hey fellow pilots! I was in game earlier and asking other players, what they'd like to see happen in game? More content? New ideas? Bug fixes? This is the thread I said I'd create so we can toss ideas around and see if we can generate a bit of noise and make it happen. I would love to get all of your ideas and thoughts here so we can give the team a place to look and see what we're talking about. Lets come together here and help the staff help us. I'd very much like it if we can keep it friendly and light, no fighting and no name calling. Be considerate and remember there is someone else on the other side of that keyboard.
  4. There is a timer. If the leader doesn't show up in xx amount of days then the next highest person that is logged in becomes leader. If that person is still active and in guild you can ask them to transfer back to you. I'm not sure what the time frame is on it to lose your position though. I can't remember. I don't have an answer for your other issues though, sorry.
  5. I might start taking this personally. Every time I try to login it crashes. So, it's down again. Sorry if it's me. *sheepish grin*
  6. ..if your parts are 'coming apart' once you've removed supports ensure that your parts are considered 'water tight' ... even on a preview it might appear solid when in fact it's not actually connected...this can happen frequently when the parts are quite small that you can't/don't see a non connected mesh
  7. Yeah, you're welcome. Just trying to help you help yourself. So if they are both affected then fixing one will fix the other by virtue of your own admission. You, yourself have admitted that you can't run the game on either machine. You said it's not software, nor is it hardware, many other folks play without issue, so it's not server side. If only you are having this issue, the circle flows right back to your systems. Nobody but you has access to those systems and the symptoms you describe are fixed by following all of the advice posted on this thread. Have you looked at your default settings for your video card? Maybe you have the settings maxxed out causing this old as dirt game to crash? Take a look at your systems, in other words. What is there that can stop a game from running properly? You're a developer, how would you troubleshoot some random persons computer that won't play your inserted 'flash' video?
  8. When you are 'running as admin' are you just right clicking and using that or is it actually set to 'run as admin' from the primary file? I ran into this issue in previous installs of Win10 because I was only trying to run it as admin from the shortcut. Once I changed it in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\EBCONFIG. Bring your compatability down to Win XP SP 2, then hit advanced, check the box to run in admin mode save and then give it a shot. That is how I 'fixed' my issue when it occured and it's worked.
  9. They aren't that expensive if you're willing to put your 'kit' together, Mim. Can pick up a decent one for roughly $200 US ..
  10. Wow you paid a lot for that, Tempest Materials cost is minimal at best depending on the type of plastic chosen/used. The biggest consumer is the time to print the item, which depending on the size could run anywhere from 3 hours upwards of 12 hours. I suppose I could take the time to tweak the file a bit more to lower the polygons which would produce a quicker print, however likely it would not look as clean and might actually lose a bit of the detail.
  11. Not glued yet, no. Just the wings, hull and body are glued there the rest are 'balanced'. I'll try to remember to update here once I've figured out the dimensions you'll need to adjust your STL to ensure they fit together more properly!
  12. So, printed it up. The beams that are to hold the armatures in place do need to be scaled back a bit. Over extrusion, not withstanding, they fit in when using blender, however, a printed piece has to have a tad of clearance to effectively slide into the slot. Short of hammering in the beams they will not fit if printed. I will see what I can do to get them to a looser fit without having to scale the other pieces out of range. Pictures are pieces before assembly and after. This is the finished purple progen ship thus far Will be adding paint and other items at a later date, when some of my other projects are completed LOL
  13. Yeah, no, acetone will NOT dissolve PLA. You'll need a cyanoacrilate super glue type adhesive just to glue it together. The only plastic that will be susceptible to an acetone base would be ABS plastic. You'll be fine using just about anything you can come up with off the shelf for priming/filling and what not.
  14. Update so far: Looking at the various pieces of the STL, there are areas that are going to prove 'difficult' in printing. In particular the wing sections as the ends of the wings are rather 'fine' and will require some interesting supports in order to get them printed properly. I have opted to give them an extra shell to see if they will prove a bit more secure. Update when I have more for you.
  15. My apologies, wearing the wrong 'clothes'. Thank you for the STL, Tempest. I'll see about checking it out and getting printed today. I'll update with pics when I'm finished.
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