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:D this is intended for new players intrested in building a tt. it is in no way a perfect order of steps, but just some info to get you going. any of you high level tt's out there please point out anything i should change, or whatever i left out.

if you find this usefull, then please post some feedback(positive or negitive) and i can write part 2



here is a basic tutorial to get you started playing a Terran Trader. i've found the tt to be a most enjoyable toon to play. this is a good choice for those who like solo play because the tt can recharge his own shield as well as repair his own hull. as the trader gains levels, his skills improve and he becomes a sought out addition to any group. the trader specializes in useing missles as his primary weapon. as the trader progresses, he will learn the use of the technique known as "kiteing". the method of kiteing is really simple, but you will develope your own kiteing style,which is also fun and enjoyable. another cool aspect of the tt is his build skills. it is quite usefull to build your own weapons,ammo or even shields or engines. the terran trader is always requested to build for other players as well, makeing him very popular! the trader also can use the negotiate skill which will make him able to buy items at a reduced rate or sell items at a slightly higher profit.Ka-chaaaa!

ok lets get going............

first you need to create a toon

1 select an empty char. slot

2 select terran, then tradesman, hit next

3 adjust your face, clothes and be creative

4 decorate your ship,then give your ship a name(s.s. minnow e.g.) when you are done hit next

5 now you must give your toon a name (it can be anything,however there tos rules you must follow. nothing sexist,raceist,profane you get the idea)

6 now select the "sunrise" galaxy and play game. woot! were in!! (note :: if the name you chose is taken, then you must chose a different name, or alter the spelling)

the tt starts in loki station in high earth. if you open the char info. screen now , you will see a basic noob toon with starter gear(pathetic).

there are only 2 npcs (non-player character) here and talking to holly flanders(ned's cousin) will get you nothing yet, so talk to louden macewen.

louden offers 5 opitons in the talk tree and you may chose as you wish but for this tutorial , i chose reactor leak...

at this point , i sugguest to explore the sector by warping to each nav point that looks like "?" (question mark)

the first time you leave the station there are 7 places to click. earth and 6 navs. travel to them all .

as you warp around you will see new navs pop up, so be sure to hit them all, as well as gates.

if you hit everything, your map will not have any "?" and you should have gotten your 1st explore level! well done

now... heres a tip to help find hidden navs. press the letter "x" and look at your target window.

it might say ecs balor, or something else depending on where you are in the sector. if you hover your mouse pointer oner all the other navs you have found, you will not see ecs balor. this is a hidden nav. now press '''c". this will scroll through other nidden navs.warp to each one you can find for some more explore exp.

be sure to press "x" and then "c" at each location as some new ones will pop up as you get closer to them.

ok then....

you may have noticed, if you look at your toon's char.info. screen, that you now have 1 skill point or sp. if you look at your skills list some of the skills have a flashing green triangle. these are skills you may spend your 1sp to upgrade. now.. heres where you must plan ahead a bit because you will not earn enough sp to upgrade every skill all the way, heres what i recommend,but you may play your toon anyway that makes you happy.

this is only my opinion and others will likely say different slightly, but i would list the priority of skills like this...

1 shield tech-this is how high/strong a shield you can equip. this helps you stay alive :)

2 reactor tech- like shield the strenght/power of your reactor will keep your shield/weapons up and running

3 missle tech- your missle weapons. the higher the better but after #1 and #2

as we get a bit higher level, we'll talk about devices,engines and building

ok now back to the mission......

i chose reactor leak first because there is no fighting yet and the mission is short (if you know where to look)

(i have seen this question in new player chat alot and my 1st time i could not find the volitile ship either) after looking and asking i found the ship and here it is :)

goto the waste disposal station as directed in step 1, now goto salvage station 1 . point your ship almost due west but add a little north>), right click the target window(this will make you have nothing targeted) this is called free warping. this drains your reactor quickly on a low lvl toon, but later with the navigate skill, the proper eng/device combo, and a fat reactor , a tt can freewarp all day. nice! now hit warp and watch your ship head west. look for the volitile ship about 9.5 k away from salvage station 1( heres the cords:-85.05,-39.70,.08)

once you find this, return to loki station and talk to louden again. mission complete and 2500 credits woot! you can use these credits to purchase some trade goods for the next mission,also louden gives you a new shield . sweet!

ok then.. open the skills window and upgrade your shield tech. then , open the inventory window and select the "equip" tab.drag and drop the new shield into your ship's shield slot. now your ship has 108 point shield ,instead of 50. soon we will do some combat and this will really help.

ok at this point, talk to louden again and accept the " recruitment:status report" mission as well as the "supplys needed" mission. we will complete 2 missions and gain some more explore exp at the same time. go ahead and leave the station.

open the map and you can see 2 green gates. 1 to earth and 1 to tau ceti. lets goto tau ceti first,click the tau ceti gate and then warp.

go through the gate and gain some nice explore exp. re-open the map in new edinburg and notice the green question mark, this is somerled station, the location of lady dewinter, who is needed for our mission. warp to it. then dock.

inside , you will find dewinter( a very happy and friendly npc)(not!). talk to her and the mission will advance.dewinter refers you to her assistant who is nearby. talk to him.he shreds the report and sends you on your way, and the mission advances.now it says to return to louden.

before that though, here is another sector to explore! this new sector is a bit tougher than high earth and there are mobs that will attack you on sight!

explore carefully and dont forget about the press "x" and "c" tip to find hidden navs. also watch for red icons on your radar or in plain sight when you stop at a nav.you will have a few seconds to reorient on the next nav but mobs will shoot at you if they see you. at this stage, try to avoid getting hit as your shield is a starter shield and wont take much damage. in the process of exploreing new edinburg you will hit another explorer level. ding!!

heres a couple of tips: as you expore any sector your map gets bigger than the window its in, so place the pointer on the map and roll the mousewheel. this will zoom in and out on the map and you can see the whole map. you may right click and drag the mouse and this will do the same thing. :)

also, some might find it helpful to press shift and pull the mouse toward yourself(down). this zooms your ship view in and out and gives you a bigger view around your ship.

after exploreing new edinburg, return to louden in high earth and complete the mission. louden gets upset but the mission completes and bam! 5k trade exp!

now head to earth,explore the sector, and you can purchase the o2 canisters and the terran insignias from the vendor with the green flags. you will need 5 of each. look for the vendor named "lenorn listor" . when you have the needed items , return to high earth and speak to louden yet again. when you turn you items ,you recieve 5k trade exp,2.5k explore exp. and 5k creedits. very nice!!

next we will do the "revenge in triplicate" mission, which is basically the same as before.warp to tau ceti,goto sommerled station, talk to dewinter, she sends you to macgregor, he upadtes, return to louden for another nice reward. now we are cooking!!!

so.... i suspect you are getting tired of warping and exploreing and are ready for some combat so talk to louden and accept the "relentless drones" mission.

now a few tips about combat,be prepared to die. its no fun to get killed and it can become costly, but it is inevitable,so if you die just try again. at first the mobs are easy but as you progress they will get outright mean. so just remember this is only a game.8)

if you get into trouble, just right click the target window and hit "q" and you will freewarp away from the battle. this will give you time to recharge shields, patch your hull, or anything else needed. if the mobs you want to kill are just to hard,you can try useing the new player channel to find a group to join or start your own group.you will need to tell to other players your combat level(cl), or maybe your overall level (ol). most people playing enb are very nice and will help out new players happily.

also, you will notice on your hotbar, in the #4 slot is the recharge shield skill.this is a lifesaver.if you see you are getting low on shield, press #4 and your shield will recharge. this uses some reactor power so keep an eye on both.

now at first the tt will use beam weapons as that it what he starts with, but we will move to missle weapons as fast as we can. when you are cl 0 you will need to press the fire button repeatedly to get your weapon to fire. but when you are cl1 your weapon will fire on its own after your first shot.

ok then... lets go kill!!!!

be sure you new shield is equipped. and head to nav waste disposal station.look around and find some scuttlebug larvae(0). target 1 and press #1 key.

you will see a little clock on the weapon icon and it takes some time for your weapon to reload . press fire(#1) again and take out the mob. if your weapon won't fire you are most likely out of range.there is a red circle in the weapon icon that will turn green when you are in range.

another problem might be ,useing a beam weapon, you must be faceing the target, almost directly.

another handy item is the "e" key. this shortcut will target the nearest enemy, but you will have to face it to get the weapon to fire.

be sure to click to "loot" icon after each kill.collect the loot and do it again. you can sell the loot for some more credits and trade exp later.

continue this untill you gain a combat level or your hull gets full of loot.

when you reach level 1 combat, move over to salvage station 4 and kill the level 1 mobs there. again gain a level or fill your hull. here your weapon will fire continously, after 1 press of fire.

when you reach lvl 2 cl , move to salvage station 6 and complete your mission of killing the 7 mobs there.

when thats done return to louden for a nice reward.3500 of each combat,explore,and trade exp plus 2500 credits!! ka-boom!!!

now sell off all the drops to the green vendor. on my testnoob to write this ,i got 1.6 trade levels out of selling everything off.

this makes my test toon ol8, with cl 2,el 4,tl,2. we just need 2 more levels in anything to get ol10 and get the first hull upgrade. cool!

at this time, i recommend we upgrade the reactor, so put 1 sp into reactor tech. then look at a new reactor here at loki. the vendor here only offers 1 new reactor so i will buy and equip it. same with the engine.1sp in eng. tech 1 new eng.equiped.also at this time i will upgrade the shield recharge skill, as it is the best defence i can use for now. you may have tried to sell the old starter gear, but the vendor won't buy it back! it must be junk!! so, you can do whatever you want but i will just destroy it as its just takeing up important cargo space. just drag it out of the hold and click yes to desrtoy.

im just going to upgrade everything here but you may want to wait untill you are at another station to see a bigger selection.

ok now.....

lets touch on devices. we have 2 empty device slots and they need filling. loki station offers 1 cool device ,but earth or sommerled offer a larger selection

we can look here at loki station and purchase a roadrunner+ .buy 1 and equip it .this will improve the warpspeed of the ship.

after all this upgradeing, we are ready to go back out and get those next 2 levels. so get to it!!

im going to go back out to salvage station 6 and finish a combat level , then sell all the loot. this should be enough to make the 2 levels.

when you reach overall level 10 then go talk to lounden again and he will give you the promotion mission which will take you the rest of the game to complete.

first , warp out to nav salvage station 6 and kill at least 5 more drones. then return to louden. he sends you out to the infinitycorps shipyard in tau ceti.

when you get to tau ceti look in the north for the shipyard. warp out to it but be carefull there as some l5 chavaz are there. talk to the yard quickly then goto sommerled. congratulations!!

now we will go to see louden 1 more time and learn about missles. as you can see i've left some other missions from louden for you to figure out on your own.

also, some missions are repeatable, so you can do them again if you so chose.

when you see louden chose "a time to kill" mission. this one will get you your missle skill and a new launcher to boot! louden sends you back to earth to purchase an ML-X4 orb weaver rmissle launcher. and some ML-X4 ammo for it so go get them. they will be found the the red-flagged weapon vendor. louden asked for a stack of ammo so click buy stack. then warp back to louden. remember those chavez at the shipyard in tau ceti?? he wants you to go kill 2 of them. this won't be a problem with that new ml,so upgrade your missle tech skill, then equip it and then load the ammo by dragging it onto the launcher. then head out to the shipyard.

heres a tip:: stop warping about 10k out from the shipyard,then impulse in toward it. this way you can see the mobs and chose a path where they wont gang up on you. these mobs are aggro(aggressive) and will hunt you when you get close enough. becarefull and use your shield recharge skill(hotkey #4)

got it done?? sweet!!

ok so....... that about covers it for the basic guide to become a master terran trader.i hope this info is useful and helpfull.

please send all donations to....... lol

please lemme know if any of this has helped anyone and if so i will write part 2

rock on and fly well

Edited by Blattu
  • 2 weeks later...

Does anybody know how to go on with the DeWinter mission if you've accidentally sold the data? I cannot drop the mission, and I cannot complete it without the data.


Ok, found what I needed. There is no vendor for it. I had to get it replaced by a GM. (Thanks guys) :)

I'm not at home right now, but I'm pretty sure there is an NPC somewhere that you can buy what you need.

  • 5 months later...

Hope you don't mind, but I'd like to make some additions and correct some inaccuracies in your guide, in the interest of improving it.

ok then....

you may have noticed, if you look at your toon's char.info. screen, that you now have 1 skill point or sp. if you look at your skills list some of the skills have a flashing green triangle. these are skills you may spend your 1sp to upgrade. now.. heres where you must plan ahead a bit because you will not earn enough sp to upgrade every skill all the way, heres what i recommend,but you may play your toon anyway that makes you happy.

this is only my opinion and others will likely say different slightly, but i would list the priority of skills like this...

1 shield tech-this is how high/strong a shield you can equip. this helps you stay alive ;)

2 reactor tech- like shield the strenght/power of your reactor will keep your shield/weapons up and running

3 missle tech- your missle weapons. the higher the better but after #1 and #2

Personally I'd like to go into more detail here. You have six tech skills available to you, and each determines how high level of gear you can use. Upgrading the tech skills of your choice should always be your first priority, because you do not want to be stuck with puny level 1 or 2 shields at high level. Shield Tech, Reactor Tech, Engine Tech and Device Tech should always be upgraded whenever the opportunity presents itself; being able to use the best equipment available to your level does wonders for your speed and survivability, which directly affects your profit margin on trade runs.

You also need to make a choice between Beam Weapon Tech and Missile Weapon Tech; Beam weapons require no ammo, saving you money in the long run since you don't have to buy or lug it around, but you are limited to a maximum of Level 8 beams and you must fight from a much shorter range, making combat more difficult for you. Missile Weapons require you to buy, make, or carry ammo, but provide you with a much longer range, and you can get up to level 9 missiles, which are far stronger than their level 8 counterparts. Having a longer range and the ability to fire your weapon without facing your target is a huge advantage, and considering that you're a relatively frail class, I highly recommend getting Missile Tech and sticking with it as your primary weapon skill; don't increase Beam Tech at all.

ok now back to the mission......

i chose reactor leak first because there is no fighting yet and the mission is short (if you know where to look)

(i have seen this question in new player chat alot and my 1st time i could not find the volitile ship either) after looking and asking i found the ship and here it is :D

goto the waste disposal station as directed in step 1, now goto salvage station 1 . point your ship almost due west but add a little north>), right click the target window(this will make you have nothing targeted) this is called free warping. this drains your reactor quickly on a low lvl toon, but later with the navigate skill, the proper eng/device combo, and a fat reactor , a tt can freewarp all day. nice! now hit warp and watch your ship head east. look for the volitile ship about 9.5 k away from salvage station 1( heres the cords:-85.05,-39.70,.08)

Confused about this "coords" business? Open your starmap and click the button marked "xyz" - this will bring up the coordinates of your current location. You can click this button a couple more times to cycle through coordinate modes; one mode will display the map coordinates under your mouse cursor; I highly recommend turning this mode on, as it can help you locate where things are without actually moving, if you know the coords. Directions are clumsy and inefficient; learn your coordinate locations (and teach your buddies), and getting anywhere in the galaxy is as easy as point, right-click, warp!

once you find this, return to loki station and talk to louden again. mission complete and 2500 credits woot! you can use these credits to purchase some trade goods for the next mission,also louden gives you a new shield . sweet!

ok then.. open the skills window and upgrade your shield tech. then , open the inventory window and select the "equip" tab.drag and drop the new shield into your ship's shield slot. now your ship has 108 point shield ,instead of 50. soon we will do some combat and this will really help.

Just a little note here: Dragging a new piece of equipment into its slot doesn't equip it right away. Your ship needs time to install the new component properly and set it up. You can install fresh equipment in space as well as in a station, but if you install gear in space, allow some time for it to fully install before you start doing anything - you'll see a message appear in your message log when the installation is done. You don't want to switch engines or launchers when an angry Voltoi is breathing down your exhaust ports!

NOTE: There's a limit on the number of quote blocks I can include in a post, so I'm going to have to split this between two posts. Apologies for the double-post, but it's necessary.

ok at this point, talk to louden again and accept the " recruitment:status report" mission as well as the "supplys needed" mission. we will complete 2 missions and gain some more explore exp at the same time. go ahead and leave the station.

open the map and you can see 2 green gates. 1 to earth and 1 to tau ceti. lets goto tau ceti first,click the tau ceti gate and then warp.

go through the gate and gain some nice explore exp. re-open the map in new edinburg and notice the green question mark, this is somerled station, the location of lady dewinter, who is needed for our mission. warp to it. then dock.

inside , you will find dewinter( a very happy and friendly npc)(not!). talk to her and the mission will advance.dewinter refers you to her assistant who is nearby. talk to him.he shreds the report and sends you on your way, and the mission advances.now it says to return to louden.

before that though, here is another sector to explore! this new sector is a bit tougher than high earth and there are mobs that will attack you on sight!

explore carefully and dont forget about the press "x" and "c" tip to find hidden navs. also watch for red icons on your radar or in plain sight when you stop at a nav.you will have a few seconds to reorient on the next nav but mobs will shoot at you if they see you. at this stage, try to avoid getting hit as your shield is a starter shield and wont take much damage. in the process of exploreing new edinburg you will hit another explorer level. ding!!

Some advice: keep your starmap open whenever you're exploring an unfamiliar sector, and remember where the safest navs are. As soon as you arrive at an unfamiliar nav, look around the edges of your windows for red markers - these are enemies (or potential enemies; not everything that's red will come to kick your tailpipe the minute you arrive, but a lot will). If you see red markers, don't stay and fight; immediately click a nav you've already explored and know to be safe and warp away immediately. Most mobs, even aggressive ones, will not attack you while you're warping. Minimize the amount of time you spend stopped at navs with hostiles. Keep in mind that your warp engines take a few seconds to warm up before you start moving, so you want to have a new warp target and click the warp button BEFORE enemies go looking to cause you some grief.

heres a couple of tips: as you expore any sector your map gets bigger than the window its in, so place the pointer on the map and roll the mousewheel. this will zoom in and out on the map and you can see the whole map. you may right click and drag the mouse and this will do the same thing. ;)

also, some might find it helpful to press shift and pull the mouse toward yourself(down). this zooms your ship view in and out and gives you a bigger view around your ship.

after exploreing new edinburg, return to louden in high earth and complete the mission. louden gets upset but the mission completes and bam! 5k trade exp!

now head to earth,explore the sector, and you can purchase the o2 canisters and the terran insignias from the vendor with the green flags. you will need 5 of each. look for the vendor named "lenorn listor" . when you have the needed items , return to high earth and speak to louden yet again. when you turn you items ,you recieve 5k trade exp,2.5k explore exp. and 5k creedits. very nice!!

next we will do the "revenge in triplicate" mission, which is basically the same as before.warp to tau ceti,goto sommerled station, talk to dewinter, she sends you to macgregor, he upadtes, return to louden for another nice reward. now we are cooking!!!

so.... i suspect you are getting tired of warping and exploreing and are ready for some combat so talk to louden and accept the "relentless drones" mission.

now a few tips about combat,be prepared to die. its no fun to get killed and it can become costly, but it is inevitable,so if you die just try again. at first the mobs are easy but as you progress they will get outright mean. so just remember this is only a game.8)

if you get into trouble, just right click the target window and hit "q" and you will freewarp away from the battle. this will give you time to recharge shields, patch your hull, or anything else needed. if the mobs you want to kill are just to hard,you can try useing the new player channel to find a group to join or start your own group.you will need to tell to other players your combat level(cl), or maybe your overall level (ol). most people playing enb are very nice and will help out new players happily.

also, you will notice on your hotbar, in the #4 slot is the recharge shield skill.this is a lifesaver.if you see you are getting low on shield, press #4 and your shield will recharge. this uses some reactor power so keep an eye on both.

Remember back in the previous post, where I pointed out that you want to upgrade ALL of your equipment tech skills whenever the opportunity presents itself? This is why. If you don't upgrade your shields, enemies are going to pop you like a balloon. If you don't upgrade your reactor, you'll run out of energy trying to fight and get slaughtered. And if you don't upgrade your engine, you won't be able to outrun mobs that out-GUN you! If you do NOTHING else, make sure the Shield Tech, Engine Tech, and Reactor Tech skills are as high as you can get them, at all times. Can't stress it enough.

now at first the tt will use beam weapons as that it what he starts with, but we will move to missle weapons as fast as we can. when you are cl 0 you will need to press the fire button repeatedly to get your weapon to fire. but when you are cl1 your weapon will fire on its own after your first shot.

ok then... lets go kill!!!!

be sure you new shield is equipped. and head to nav waste disposal station.look around and find some scuttlebug larvae(0). target 1 and press #1 key.

you will see a little clock on the weapon icon and it takes some time for your weapon to reload . press fire(#1) again and take out the mob. if your weapon won't fire you are most likely out of range.there is a red circle in the weapon icon that will turn green when you are in range.

another problem might be ,useing a beam weapon, you must be faceing the target, almost directly.

Actually, you can make your newbie beams fire constantly just like any other weapon. Just right-click it either in your shortcut bar or on the equip screen, and mark the "auto-fire" box. Once that's done, you can just press F and the beam will fire as fast as it can, so long as you maintain your lock on the target.

You do need to remember to face your target; this is a limitation that beams have that missiles don't. Also keep in mind that every shot with any weapon drains a bit of reactor power; you want to budget your reactor energy carefully so that you don't run out. Reactor energy regenerates constantly under normal conditions, but if you run out of energy you'll find that your weapons will fire more slowly (since they have to wait for the reactor to recover enough power) and you won't be able to use your skills, like Shield Recharge.

NOTE: Gonna have to split this off into another post...

another handy item is the "e" key. this shortcut will target the nearest enemy, but you will have to face it to get the weapon to fire.

be sure to click to "loot" icon after each kill.collect the loot and do it again. you can sell the loot for some more credits and trade exp later.

continue this untill you gain a combat level or your hull gets full of loot.

when you reach level 1 combat, move over to salvage station 4 and kill the level 1 mobs there. again gain a level or fill your hull. here your weapon will fire continously, after 1 press of fire.

when you reach lvl 2 cl , move to salvage station 6 and complete your mission of killing the 7 mobs there.

when thats done return to louden for a nice reward.3500 of each combat,explore,and trade exp plus 2500 credits!! ka-boom!!!

now sell off all the drops to the green vendor. on my testnoob to write this ,i got 1.6 trade levels out of selling everything off.

this makes my test toon ol8, with cl 2,el 4,tl,2. we just need 2 more levels in anything to get ol10 and get the first hull upgrade. cool!

OL, CL, EL, TL? Confused by these abbreviations? I'll explain - OL is your Overall Level, which is the sum total of all your individual experience levels. OL determines your maximum rank in Shield, Engine, Reactor, and Device Tech skills, as well as certain others depending on class.

CL is your Combat Level; it determines your maximum level in Weapon Tech skills, as well as certain others depending on class. Combat experience is earned entirely from killing things, or doing jobs that involve killing things.

EL is your Exploration Level; it determines your maximum level in certain skills, but since you are a Trade-based class, it doesn't matter to you all that much. Exploration experience is earned from doing delivery or courier jobs, analyzing equipment for later manufacture, and going to new and exciting places (visiting question-mark and hidden navs). You can also get exploration experience from prospecting asteroids, gas clouds, and hulks; however as a Tradesman, you're incapable of prospecting. Keep it in mind though - you might want to group with someone who's mining if you ever find yourself in need of exploration experience.

TL is your Trade Level, and of all experience levels, it's the most important for you. It's earned any time you refine raw materials, manufacture goods from refined materials or components, dismantle an already-researched object into its component parts, complete delivery or transport jobs, trade objects with other players, or sell ANYTHING for a profit. As a Tradesman, it's your most important level and determines the maximum level for many of your skills.

Any time one of your levels goes up, you gain skill points. Skill points are skill points, no matter what level gives them. You can, for example, spend skill points from Combat Levels on Navigate or Build Engines if you want, or spend points from Trade levels on your Missile Tech skill. Don't be shy about doing so, either; there's absolutely no downside to it.

at this time, i recommend we upgrade the reactor, so put 1 sp into reactor tech. then look at a new reactor here at loki. the vendor here only offers 1 new reactor so i will buy and equip it. same with the engine.1sp in eng. tech 1 new eng.equiped.also at this time i will upgrade the shield recharge skill, as it is the best defence i can use for now. you may have tried to sell the old starter gear, but the vendor won't buy it back! it must be junk!! so, you can do whatever you want but i will just destroy it as its just takeing up important cargo space. just drag it out of the hold and click yes to desrtoy.

im just going to upgrade everything here but you may want to wait untill you are at another station to see a bigger selection.

ok now.....

lets touch on devices. we have 2 empty device slots and they need filling. loki station offers 1 cool device ,but earth or sommerled offer a larger selection

we can look here at loki station and purchase a roadrunner+ .buy 1 and equip it .this will improve the warpspeed of the ship.

Always, always, ALWAYS look for devices that increase reactor recharge, missile range, and movement speed, particularly warp speed. Speed is of the utmost importance to you as a Tradesman - time is money and the faster you move, the less time you take schlepping goods from place to place and the more time you spend buying or selling them for BIG PROFIT. Only a Jenquai Explorer can get between two places faster than a Tradesman, and even then that's only true if there's a wormhole route between the two sectors (and you can't do trade runs with wormhole anyway, don't even try.)

after all this upgradeing, we are ready to go back out and get those next 2 levels. so get to it!!

im going to go back out to salvage station 6 and finish a combat level , then sell all the loot. this should be enough to make the 2 levels.

when you reach overall level 10 then go talk to lounden again and he will give you the promotion mission which will take you the rest of the game to complete.

first , warp out to nav salvage station 6 and kill at least 5 more drones. then return to louden. he sends you out to the infinitycorps shipyard in tau ceti.

when you get to tau ceti look in the north for the shipyard. warp out to it but be carefull there as some l5 chavaz are there. talk to the yard quickly then goto sommerled. congratulations!!

now we will go to see louden 1 more time and learn about missles. as you can see i've left some other missions from louden for you to figure out on your own.

also, some missions are repeatable, so you can do them again if you so chose.

when you see louden chose "a time to kill" mission. this one will get you your missle skill and a new launcher to boot! louden sends you back to earth to purchase an ML-X4 orb weaver rmissle launcher. and some ML-X4 ammo for it so go get them. they will be found the the red-flagged weapon vendor. louden asked for a stack of ammo so click buy stack. then warp back to louden. remember those chavez at the shipyard in tau ceti?? he wants you to go kill 2 of them. this won't be a problem with that new ml,so upgrade your missle tech skill, then equip it and then load the ammo by dragging it onto the launcher. then head out to the shipyard.

heres a tip:: stop warping about 10k out from the shipyard,then impulse in toward it. this way you can see the mobs and chose a path where they wont gang up on you. these mobs are aggro(aggressive) and will hunt you when you get close enough. becarefull and use your shield recharge skill(hotkey #4)

Overall, not a bad guide for starting out, Blattu. Could benefit from some spellchecking and organization, but the info itself is pretty solid. Well done.



thank you for the corrections.

as i said , this wasnt perfect and was open to corrections.

hopefully this guide has helped some new players.

i'de really forgotten it was here.

thanks 8)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Does anybody know how to go on with the DeWinter mission if you've accidentally sold the data? I cannot drop the mission, and I cannot complete it without the data.

You can either create a new TT on another account to accept the mission and trade it to you or have another player do it. That's what I did and it worked for me.

  • 1 month later...
Thanks, nice guide to read for the complete newbie to EnB and it's classes/game mechanics. I'm sure this will help me out big time as I'm just starting out! :D
  • 4 weeks later...
Are all the rewards correct as far as ST4? Im writing up a little guide but my TT is way past these first missions.
  • 1 month later...
Well, not sure if messed up or not. I created my TT and found someone with the quests and took the one that said I have make 20,000 credits and come back to him. I knew I should have taken another one, but there is no way to cancel what I selected. Now I have to figure out how to make the moolaa.

I guess just kill things and trade to make money. BTW, where is that terminal that gives quests to do? I guess it is not in the game yet?

Thanks all. Some help would be appreciated. I will give someone a squirt gun when I can make one. ;-)
if you take some other missions fron high earth or earth station, you should be able to make yer creds.
at very least post yer toons name and ill slide you some credits 8)

also, i think you must be ol20 to take any jobs from the terminal(not positive)
in the new player help thread is a list of all job/level locations

fly safe
[quote name='Blattu' timestamp='1306963776' post='41503']
if you take some other missions fron high earth or earth station, you should be able to make yer creds.
at very least post yer toons name and ill slide you some credits 8)

also, i think you must be ol20 to take any jobs from the terminal(not positive)
in the new player help thread is a list of all job/level locations

fly safe

My name is Ripster, I play EnB....whoops thought I was in a gaming addiction group.

Anyways, thanks. I did some exploring and got my A$$ handed to me a few times and got towed back to the station...LOL
First lesson as a Terran, it's all about the money. Many if not all skills will require you to have credits to progress. Terminal jobs start at level 50. All terminal jobs require you to be within 15 levels so you need to be overall level 35 to get 50's, 60 to get 75's, etc. Take advantage of the New-Player info on the website, it will answer most of your questions like where to get the terminal jobs of various levels. Second lesson, don't be in a rush to leave your start sector. You can earn lots of credits and level up killing mobs there and selling loot. You should also loot free weapons from mobs. Low level gear will be available in the station there too. Terrans are always in demand for building and hunting so you've made a great choice of character.
For TT there is a mission from start thats a supply run, you go fetch 5x o2 and 5x radiation meds, it is repeatable and stackable, so get 10x and 10x with a 20 slot hull or 15x and 15x with 30 hold. You then just talk through the convo tree take/turn in. You get 5k $ ea and great xp. both trade and explore xp. Earth is just 1 jump there and 1 back so its a real fast turn around for 15kish $ and great xp...while it getds boring should be a good run for you until at least L30.
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