DwnldDude Posted July 13, 2017 Report Share Posted July 13, 2017 Hmm. so i got it mostly working, however when it tries to move the alt window, the window it just disappears. I can see the alt window, the right size on top of my main window, then instead of popping over to the second monitor it just dies. Then it does the same with the second alt window. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DwnldDude Posted July 13, 2017 Report Share Posted July 13, 2017 2 hours ago, DwnldDude said: Hmm. so i got it mostly working, however when it tries to move the alt window, the window it just disappears. I can see the alt window, the right size on top of my main window, then instead of popping over to the second monitor it just dies. Then it does the same with the second alt window. AH i figured it out. my second monitor is only 1600x900, so when it loads the alt windows they must be too small to run. i switched my monitors around, and it works loading the alts on the 1080p monitor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geboran Posted August 8, 2017 Report Share Posted August 8, 2017 On 7/12/2017 at 9:34 PM, DwnldDude said: AH i figured it out. my second monitor is only 1600x900, so when it loads the alt windows they must be too small to run. i switched my monitors around, and it works loading the alts on the 1080p monitor. I have the same problem where the alt windows just disappear on 'monitor 2'. I can run the main window + 1 alt and that one opens as you would expect on the 2nd monitor without issue; however, when I try to go with 2 or more alts, the windows start loading on the 1st monitor, will flash/load for a split second on the 2nd monitor, then disappear altogether. Frustrating! If it's a scaling issue with the Alt window size calculations, which entries would I need to 'play with' to possibly correct this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wiz Posted September 11, 2017 Report Share Posted September 11, 2017 I am looking for an assist macro...and instructions on how to set it up as a keyboard shortcut. Does anyone have one? I just want to acquire a target with my main and have the other two shoot the same target. Any guidance appreciated. Thanx. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geboran Posted December 6, 2017 Report Share Posted December 6, 2017 Would love to see more AHK scripts being shared for some different helpful things. <wink, wink> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scorpions Posted December 8, 2017 Report Share Posted December 8, 2017 On 9/11/2017 at 7:22 PM, wizardo said: I am looking for an assist macro...and instructions on how to set it up as a keyboard shortcut. Does anyone have one? I just want to acquire a target with my main and have the other two shoot the same target. Any guidance appreciated. Thanx. This script only targets the nearest mob and then fires your guns on your main window and up to 5 alt windows, but it works good. To have this work correctly, your windows must me named EnBMain, EnBAlt1, EnBAlt2, ext. In the game, the key Control for "Target nearest enemy MOB" I set for 'e' and "Fire all weapons" to 'f'. To make the script run, you just hit <alt><q> on your keyboard. ---------------------------------------------------------------- !q:: WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBMain sleep 50 SendInput e sleep 50 sendInput f sleep 50 IfWinExist Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt1 { WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt1 sleep 50 SendInput e sleep 50 sendInput f sleep 50 } IfWinExist Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt2 { WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt2 sleep 50 SendInput e sleep 50 sendInput f sleep 50 } IfWinExist Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt3 { WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt3 sleep 50 SendInput e sleep 50 sendInput f sleep 50 } IfWinExist Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt4 { WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt4 sleep 50 SendInput e sleep 50 sendInput f sleep 50 } IfWinExist Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt5 { WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBAlt5 sleep 50 SendInput e sleep 50 sendInput f sleep 50 } WinActivate Earth & Beyond - EnBMain Return Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geboran Posted December 8, 2017 Report Share Posted December 8, 2017 (edited) On 8/7/2017 at 7:38 PM, Geboran said: I have the same problem where the alt windows just disappear on 'monitor 2'. I can run the main window + 1 alt and that one opens as you would expect on the 2nd monitor without issue; however, when I try to go with 2 or more alts, the windows start loading on the 1st monitor, will flash/load for a split second on the 2nd monitor, then disappear altogether. Frustrating! If it's a scaling issue with the Alt window size calculations, which entries would I need to 'play with' to possibly correct this? I still have an issue where I can't get anything but the main window and 1 alt (at full screen size) to run on my system 1st monitor (main) - 1920 x 1080 (Recommended) 2nd monitor (second) - 1680 x 1050 (Recommended) Is there a way for me to 'tweak' the Alt loading script so that it will load the smaller alt windows correctly (and not disappear)? EDIT: I was wondering.... I think I'm running the 64-bit version of AHK.... is that what others are running too without this issue? EDIT #2: Well, I uninstalled AHK 64-bit and installed AHK 32-bit; same issue, though it was looking a little better; I saw the window slide over to the 2nd monitor, but then it disappeared, and the client didn't keep running (though the terminal server connection was there. Edited December 8, 2017 by Geboran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wyzzard Posted January 23, 2018 Report Share Posted January 23, 2018 On 5/3/2017 at 10:16 PM, wolfie said: Ok, now for the scripts. You don't have to put them where I did, but, hey, I like to keep all game assets in one place. So Net-7, the Starship creator, and these scripts are all inside my main EnB folder. In the case of the scripts, I created an AHK folder. First script: LaunchEnB.ahk ; ============================================================================================== ; ; This script runs an instance of Earth and Beyond ; ; It runs Net-7, hits the Play, Dismisses the Terms Window and sets the title to "EnBLoad" ; ============================================================================================== #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #singleinstance force ; Allow only one to run at a time Progress, w200,, Please do not disturb the process. , Loading EnB Instance Progress, 10 Gosub, LoadMultiUnlocker Progress, 20 Run , *RunAs D:\Programs\Games\Earth & Beyond\Net-7\bin\LaunchNet7.exe, D:\Programs\Games\Earth & Beyond\Net-7\bin\ ; Handle the Net-7 Launcher WinWaitActive, LaunchNet7 Sleep 5000 WinSetTitle, Net7 Sleep 2000 SendInput {Return} Progress, 40 BlockInput, On ; When the terms notice comes up alter the title and dismiss WinWaitActive, Earth & Beyond Progress, 50 Sleep 1000 WinSetTitle, Loader Sleep 1000 SendInput {Enter} Sleep 1000 Progress, 75 ; Wait until the main window initializes and rename it WinWaitActive, Earth & Beyond Progress, 90 WinSetTitle, EnBLoad BlockInput, Off Progress, 100 Progress, Off Exit LoadMultiUnlocker: IfWinNotExist , Net7 multi client unlocker { Run , *RunAs D:\Wolfie\Downloads\_Downloads\Other Games\ENB\Net7MultiClientUnlocker\Net7MultiClientUnlocker.exe, D:\Wolfie\Downloads\_Downloads\Other Games\ENB\Net7MultiClientUnlocker Sleep 2000 WinWaitActive, Net7 multi client unlocker WinMinimize } Return The LaunchEnB script is what actually loads the programs such as MultiUnlocker and Net-7 proxy app. You will need to edit the 2 paths within this file. While this file isn't intended to run alone it can. It will launch Enb and leave the window titled "EnBLoad". This is normal as its whats expected by the next script. Second Script: EnbLaunchClients.ahk ; ============================================================================================== ; ; This script launches the main EnB window and 1 to 6 alt windows as provided by a single number ; on the commandline. ; ; Call with no parameters and it will default to the main window and a single alt ; Call with 1 parameter and it will create that many alt windows and tile them. ; Example: ; EnbLaunchClients.ahk 4 ; Launches main window and 4 alts (total of 5) ; ; This secript will detect the number and window size of monitors. The main EnB instance will ; load on your primary monitor. ; ; If only one alt is requested, it will consume the next monitor. ; ; If more than one alt was requested the second monitor will be divided into a 2 x 2 grid that ; will support up to 4 alts not being overlapped. ; ; If more than 4 alts are requested, it will permit up to 5 but #5 and #6 will be centered ; vertically on the second monitor and they will overlap the other alt windows. ; ; For some reason if I try 6 or more clients, I get the "Already Running" dialog. So, this ; script caps at 5. ; ============================================================================================== #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ; ============================================================================================== ; Config Section ; ============================================================================================== ; Use PrintScn and drop a copy of an EnB window into paint. Then pixel peep to get the settings. ; These are default for my Windows 10 setup ; WindowsTitleBarHeight = 27 ; Uppwer title bar area WindowsBorder = 2 ; The side and bottom borders EBMainWindowExtraPaddingW = 5 ; Makes its width 5px smaller(in case you want to get to your desktop) EBMainWindowExtraPaddingH = 5 ; Makes its height 5px smaller(in case you want to get to your desktop) EBAltWindowExtraPaddingW = 5 ; Makes its width 5px smaller(in case you want to get to your desktop) EBAltWindowExtraPaddingH = 5 ; Makes its height 5px smaller(in case you want to get to your desktop) ; ============================================================================================== ; ============================================================================================== ; Global Vars Section ; ============================================================================================== EBMainMonitor = 1 EBMainMonitorTop = -1 EBMainMonitorLeft = -1 EBMainMonitorW = -1 EBMainMonitorH = -1 EBMainWindowW = -1 EBMainWindowH = -1 EBAltMonitor = 1 EBAltMonitorTop = -1 EBAltMonitorLeft = -1 EBAltMonitorW = -1 EBAltMonitorH = -1 EBAltWindowW = -1 EBAltWindowH = -1 EBAltCount = 1 ; ============================================================================================== ;Grab the command line count if 0 = 1 EBAltCount = %1% ;Limit to 5 alts if EBAltCount > 5 EBAltCount := 5 DetectMonitors() ;MsgBox, Main Monitor %EBMainMonitor% at %EBMainMonitorTop% x %EBMainMonitorLeft% is %EBMainMonitorW%w x %EBMainMonitorH%h Game is %EBMainWindowW%w x %EBMainWindowH%h ;MsgBox, Alt Monitor %EBAltMonitor% at %EBAltMonitorTop% x %EBAltMonitorLeft% is %EBAltMonitorW%w x %EBAltMonitorH%h Game is EBAlt %EBAltWindowW%w x %EBAltWindowH%h LoadMainEBWindow() Loop %EBAltCount% { LoadAltEBWindow( a_index ) } ;BlockInput, Off CoordMode, Mouse, Client Run, EnBPlay.ahk ExitApp LoadMainEBWindow() { global SplashTextOn, 400, 200, Loading, Loading Main Window WinMove, Loading, , EBMainMonitorLeft,EBMainMonitorTop IfWinNotExist , EnBMain { SetWindowSize( EBMainWindowW, EBMainWindowH ) Run LaunchEnB.ahk WinWaitActive, EnBLoad WinSetTitle, EnBMain ;WinMove,,,%EBMainMonitorLeft%,%EBMainMonitorTop% } SplashTextOff } LoadAltEBWindow(TheAltNumber) { global ;BlockInput, On local TheAlt = "EnBAlt" + TheAltNumber local GridAlt := TheAltNumber -1 local Grid0 := (GridAlt & 1) = 1 local Grid2 := (GridAlt & 2) = 2 local Grid4 := (GridAlt & 4) = 4 local AltWindowT := EBAltMonitorTop local AltWindowL := EBAltMonitorLeft ;msgbox %Grid0% %Grid2% %Grid4% AltWindowL := Round( AltWindowL + ( Grid0 * ( EBAltWindowW + ( WindowsBorder * 2 ) + EBAltWindowExtraPaddingW ) ) ) AltWindowT := Round( AltWindowT + ( Grid2 * ( EBAltWindowH + WindowsTitleBarHeight + WindowsBorder + EBAltWindowExtraPaddingH ) ) ) AltWindowT := Round( AltWindowT + ( Grid4 * ( EBAltWindowH / 2 ) ) ) ;msgbox %AltWindowL% %AltWindowT% SplashTextOn, 300, 100, Loading, `nLoading Alt %TheAltNumber% of %EBAltCount% `n`nPlacing window at %AltWindowL% x %AltWindowT% WinMove, Loading, , AltWindowL,AltWindowT IfWinNotExist , %TheAlt% { SetWindowSize( EBAltWindowW, EBAltWindowH ) Run LaunchEnB.ahk WinWaitActive, EnBLoad WinSetTitle, %TheAlt% WinMove,,,AltWindowL,AltWindowT } Sleep 1000 SplashTextOff } DetectMonitors() { global local AltFrameH = 0 local AltFrameW = 0 SysGet, MonitorCount, MonitorCount SysGet, MonitorPrimary, MonitorPrimary If MonitorCount >= 2 { EBMainMonitor = %MonitorPrimary% If EBMainMonitor = 1 EBAltMonitor := EBMainMonitor + 1 If EBMainMonitor > 1 EBAltMonitor := EBMainMonitor - 1 } Loop, %MonitorCount% { SysGet, MonitorName, MonitorName, %A_Index% SysGet, Monitor, Monitor, %A_Index% SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index% If (A_Index = EBMainMonitor) { EBMainMonitorTop = %MonitorTop% EBMainMonitorLeft = %MonitorLeft% EBMainMonitorW := MonitorWorkAreaRight - MonitorWorkAreaLeft EBMainMonitorH := MonitorWorkAreaBottom - MonitorWorkAreaTop } If (A_Index = EBAltMonitor) { EBAltMonitor = %A_Index% EBAltMonitorTop = %MonitorTop% EBAltMonitorLeft = %MonitorLeft% EBAltMonitorW := MonitorWorkAreaRight - MonitorWorkAreaLeft EBAltMonitorH := MonitorWorkAreaBottom - MonitorWorkAreaTop } } ; Set EB Window Sizes EBMainWindowW := Round( ( EBMainMonitorW - (10 + ( WindowsBorder * 2) ) ) - EBMainWindowExtraPaddingW ) EBMainWindowH := Round( ( EBMainMonitorH - (10 + ( WindowsTitleBarHeight + WindowsBorder) ) )- EBMainWindowExtraPaddingH ) AltFrameH := ( WindowsTitleBarHeight + WindowsBorder) AltFrameW := ( WindowsBorder * 2) ; Assumed settings for only 1 alt EBAltWindowW := Round( EBAltMonitorW - ( AltFrameW + EBAltWindowExtraPaddingW ) ) EBAltWindowH := Round( EBAltMonitorH - ( AltFrameH + EBAltWindowExtraPaddingH ) ) ;If the alt count is more than 1 assume a 2x2 grid if EBAltCount > 1 { EBAltWindowW := Round( ( EBAltMonitorW - ( ( AltFrameW + EBAltWindowExtraPaddingW ) * 2) ) / 2 ) EBAltWindowH := Round( ( EBAltMonitorH - ( ( AltFrameH + EBAltWindowExtraPaddingH ) * 2) ) / 2 ) } } SetWindowSize( WindowWidth, WindowHeight ) { If WindowWidth > 100 && WindowWidth < 10000 && WindowHeight > 100 && WindowWidth > 100 && WindowWidth < 10000 { ;MsgBox, Applying Registry: %WindowWidth% x %WindowHeight% RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Westwood Studios\Earth and Beyond\Render, RenderDeviceWidth, %WindowWidth% RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Westwood Studios\Earth and Beyond\Render, RenderDeviceHeight, %WindowHeight% ;MsgBox, Set: %WindowWidth% x %WindowHeight% } } This script takes care of loading the main window, the alts as well as calculating their proper window sizes. There is a config section at the top of this file. If your windows theme has odd sizes for the titlebars and borders, you may wish to screenshot a EnB window and throw it into paint to verify your border sizes and title bar height. Also in the config section are 4 variables for controlling extra padding around the windows. I like to have a bit of squeeze between the windows so I can click between them. This helps a lot if you are running 5 alts (6 total) as the 5th one will overlap two on the second monitor. And you can then click between the windows to access it if you need to. Set the padding to 0 if you don't like it. Easy. This script grabs the monitor details from windows. It selects the main display for the main EnB window. It selects your other monitor for the alts. If you have more than 2 monitors it will choose the monitor next to the main. If your main is #1 it will choose monitor #2 for the alts. If your main monitor is #2 it will choose monitor #1 for the alts. If you have only one monitor, it obviously will load them all on the one. If you do not like how the script picks monitors, check this section: If MonitorCount >= 2 { EBMainMonitor = %MonitorPrimary% If EBMainMonitor = 1 EBAltMonitor := EBMainMonitor + 1 If EBMainMonitor > 1 EBAltMonitor := EBMainMonitor - 1 } Replace it with: EBMainMonitor := 1 EBAltMonitor := 2 And edit the numbers after the "=" to be whatever monitor number you want to force the windows to. The rest is automatic. It grabs the display sizes and handles the math for window sizes minus the padding you specified and minus the standard boards and titlebar. Then pokes that into the registry prior to launching the first script. Once the LaunchEnB.ahk loads a copy of EnB, its left with a window titled "EnBLoad". This script then takes that window and renames it to "EnBMain" or "EnBAlt1" or whatever the sequence is. It moves that window to the calculated display position. It then calls the launch script again and repeats the process until the required number of copies are run. Last Script: EnBPlay.ahk ; ============================================================================================== ; ; This script is the play time script and handles feeding commands to the alts as well as the ; main window. ; ; ============================================================================================== #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #singleinstance force ; ============================================================================================== ; Global Vars Section ; ============================================================================================== MainMouseX:=0 MainMouseY:=0 ; ============================================================================================== ; ============================================================================================== ; Main Startup Section ; ============================================================================================== CoordMode, Mouse, Client GetWindowSizeByTitle("EnBMain",w,h) EBMain := new ObjectXY(w,h) EBMainLocations:= New EnBWindowLocations(EBMain.x,EBMain.y) GetWindowSizeByTitle("EnBAlt1",w,h) EBAlt := new ObjectXY(w,h) EBAltLocations:= New EnBWindowLocations(EBAlt.x,EBAlt.y) MsgBox EnB Play Script Initialized.`nReady to play. WinActivate, EnBMain SaveMainMouse() ; ============================================================================================== #IfWinActive EnBMain ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Main Window Only Macros ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;=========================================================== ; Formations ;=========================================================== Numpad1:: KeyWait Control Gosub, FormationPipe Return Numpad2:: KeyWait Control Gosub, FormationBlock Return Numpad3:: KeyWait Control Gosub, FormationSlot Return Numpad4:: KeyWait Control Gosub, FormationAlt Return ;=========================================================== ;=========================================================== ; Alt Targeting and Firing ;=========================================================== Numpad5:: Gosub, AltSelectMainTarget Return Numpad6:: SendToAlts(" ") ActivateMain() Return ;=========================================================== ;=========================================================== ; Looting ;=========================================================== !Numpad5:: AltSelectMainTarget("EnBAlt1") AltLoot("EnBAlt1") Return !Numpad6:: AltSelectMainTarget("EnBAlt2") AltLoot("EnBAlt2") Return !Numpad7:: AltSelectMainTarget("EnBAlt3") AltLoot("EnBAlt3") Return !Numpad8:: AltSelectMainTarget("EnBAlt4") AltLoot("EnBAlt4") Return !Numpad9:: KeyWait Alt IfWinExist , EnBMain { FromMainXY( "SelectedObjectAction",LootButtonX,LootButtonY) FromMainXY( "LootTopSlot",LootSlotX,LootSlotY) WinActivate, EnBMain SendInput {Click, %LootButtonX% , %LootButtonY% } Sleep 1000 SendInput {Click, %LootSlotX%, %LootSlotY% } Sleep 000 SendInput {Click, %LootButtonX% , %LootButtonY% } } Return ;=========================================================== ;=========================================================== ; Gateing and Registration ;=========================================================== !NumpadAdd:: KeyWait Alt Gosub, ItemActionAllAlts ; Operates Main Action on selected thing (gate, dock, etc) Return !NumpadSub:: KeyWait Alt Gosub, ItemSecondActionAllAlts ; Operates Secondary Action on selected thing (register for example) Return NumpadAdd:: Gosub, ItemActionMain ; Operates Main Action on selected thing (gate, dock, etc) Return NumpadSub:: Gosub, ItemSecondActionMain ; Operates Secondary Action on selected thing (register for example) Return ^NumpadAdd:: KeyWait Control Gosub, AltsAcceptWormhole ; Accepts Wormhole on all alts Return ^NumpadSub:: KeyWait Control Gosub, AltsRejectWormhole ; Rejects Wormhole on all alts Return ;=========================================================== ;=========================================================== ; Inventory Sales ;=========================================================== ^SC029:: KeyWait Control MainSellWholePanel() Return !SC029:: KeyWait Alt loop 12 { Send, {Ctrl Down}{Click}{Ctrl up} Sleep 100 } return ;=========================================================== ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Main Window Only Macros ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #IfWinActive #IfWinActive EnBAlt ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Alt Window Only Macros ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;=========================================================== ; Inventory Sales ;=========================================================== ^SC029:: KeyWait Control AltSellWholePanel() Return !SC029:: KeyWait Alt loop 12 { Send, {Ctrl Down}{Click}{Ctrl up} Sleep 100 } return ;=========================================================== ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ Alt Window Only Macros ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #IfWinActive ;=========================================================== ; Utilities ;=========================================================== FormationPipe: FromMainXY( "Formation", FormX, FormY) FromMainXY( "FormationPipe", OptX, OptY) ActivateMain() Click, %FormX%,%FormY% Sleep 1500 Click, %OptX%,%OptY% Sleep 1000 Gosub, FormationAlt ActivateMain() Return FormationBlock: FromMainXY( "Formation", FormX, FormY) FromMainXY( "FormationBlock", OptX, OptY) ActivateMain() Click, %FormX%,%FormY% Sleep 1500 Click, %OptX%,%OptY% Sleep 1000 Gosub, FormationAlt ActivateMain() Return FormationSlot: FromMainXY( "Formation", FormX, FormY) FromMainXY( "FormationSlot", OptX, OptY) ActivateMain() Click, %FormX%,%FormY% Sleep 1500 Click, %OptX%,%OptY% Sleep 1000 Gosub, FormationAlt ActivateMain() Return FormationAlt: ;SendToWindow("EnBAlt1", "`,") SendToAlts("`,") Return AltSelectMainTarget: SaveMainMouse() WinGet, winList, List, EnBAlt Loop % winList { _hWin := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %_hWin% AltSelectMainTarget(title) } RestoreMainMouse() Return ItemActionAllAlts: FromAltXY( "SelectedObjectAction", OptX, OptY) WinGet, winList, List, EnBAlt Loop % winList { _hWin := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %_hWin% ClickOnWindow(title,OptX,OptY) } RestoreMainMouse() Return ItemSecondActionAllAlts: FromAltXY( "SelectedObjectSecondaryAction", OptX, OptY) WinGet, winList, List, EnBAlt Loop % winList { _hWin := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %_hWin% ClickOnWindow(title,OptX,OptY) } RestoreMainMouse() Return ItemActionMain: FromMainXY( "SelectedObjectAction", OptX, OptY) ClickOnWindow("EnBMain",OptX,OptY) Return ItemSecondActionMain: FromMainXY( "SelectedObjectSecondaryAction", OptX, OptY) ClickOnWindow("EnBMain",OptX,OptY) Return AltsAcceptWormhole: FromAltXY( "WormHoleAccept", OptX, OptY) WinGet, winList, List, EnBAlt Loop % winList { _hWin := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %_hWin% ClickOnWindow(title,OptX,OptY) } RestoreMainMouse() Return AltsRejectWormhole: FromAltXY( "WormHoleReject", OptX, OptY) WinGet, winList, List, EnBAlt Loop % winList { _hWin := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %_hWin% ClickOnWindow(title,OptX,OptY) } RestoreMainMouse() Return AltLoot(TheAlt) { local lX,lY IfWinExist , %TheAlt% { FromAltXY( "SelectedObjectAction",LootButtonX,LootButtonY) FromAltXY( "LootTopSlot",LootSlotX,LootSlotY) FromAltXY( "SelectedObject",ObjectX,ObjectY) ;msgbox %LootButtonX% %LootButtonY% CoordMode, Mouse, Client MouseGetPos, lX,lY WinActivate, %TheAlt% SendInput {Click, %LootButtonX%,%LootButtonY%} Sleep 1000 SendInput {Click, %LootSlotX%,%LootSlotY%} Sleep 500 SendInput {Click right %ObjectX%, %ObjectY%} Sleep 500 WinActivate, EnBMain MouseMove, lX, lY } } AltSelectMainTarget(TheAlt) { IfWinExist , %TheAlt% { FromAltXY( "GroupLeaderTarget",tgtX,tgtY) ;msgbox %tgtX% %tgtY% WinActivate, %TheAlt% SendInput {Click, %tgtX%, %tgtY%} Sleep 500 } } AltSellWholePanel() { local ClickDelay := 200 local MouseLow := 0 local MouseHigh := 20 local r := 0 local c := 0 local s := "" loop 4 { ; Row Loop r := a_index Loop 3 { ; Col Loop c := a_index s := "InventoryC" . c . "R" . r SetMouseDelay, Rand(MouseLow,MouseHigh) FromAltXY( s,tgtX,tgtY) MouseMove %tgtX%,%tgtY% Sleep 100+Rand(ClickDelay) SendEvent +{Click} } } ; Row Loop } MainSellWholePanel() { local ClickDelay := 200 local MouseLow := 0 local MouseHigh := 20 local r := 0 local c := 0 local s := "" loop 4 { ; Row Loop r := a_index Loop 3 { ; Col Loop c := a_index s := "InventoryC" . c . "R" . r SetMouseDelay, Rand(MouseLow,MouseHigh) FromMainXY( s,tgtX,tgtY) MouseMove %tgtX%,%tgtY% Sleep 100+Rand(ClickDelay) SendEvent +{Click} } } ; Row Loop } ;=========================================================== ; Core Utilities ;=========================================================== ActivateMain() { WinActivate, EnBMain Sleep 250 } SendToAlts(SendToAll) { SendIt := SendToAll WinGet, winList, List, EnBAlt Loop % winList { _hWin := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %_hWin% SendToWindow(title,SendIt) } } ClickOnWindow(TheWindow,X,Y) { IfWinExist , %TheWindow% { SetMouseDelay 100 WinActivate, %TheWindow% SendInput {Click, %X%,%Y%} Sleep 100 } } SendToWindow(TheWindow,TextToSend) { IfWinExist , %TheWindow% { WinActivate %TheWindow% Send %TextToSend% Sleep 150 } } SaveMainMouse() { global WinActivate, EnBMain local lX,lY MouseGetPos, lX,lY MainMouseX := lX MainMouseY := lY } RestoreMainMouse() { global ; SplashTextOn, 400, 300, Mouse, Mouse Stored: %MainMouseX% x %MainMouseY% ; Sleep 5000 ; SplashTextOff WinActivate, EnBMain MouseMove, MainMouseX, MainMouseY } Rand( a=0.0, b=1 ) { IfEqual,a,,Random,,% r := b = 1 ? Rand(0,0xFFFFFFFF) : b Else Random,r,a,b Return r } GetWindowSizeByTitle(WindowTitle, ByRef WinWidth := "", ByRef WinHeight := "", WinMode := 1) { local TheWindowID WinGet, TheWindowID, ID, %WindowTitle% fnWinGetPos(TheWindowID, , , WinWidth, WinHeight, WinMode) } fnWinGetPos(hWnd, ByRef x := "", ByRef y := "", ByRef Width := "", ByRef Height := "", Mode := 0) { VarSetCapacity(WRECT, 8 * 2, 0), i := {} , h := DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowRect", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &WRECT) if (Mode=1||Mode=3) VarSetCapacity(CRECT, 8 * 2, 0) , h := DllCall("User32.dll\GetClientRect", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &CRECT) if (Mode=2||Mode=3) DllCall("User32.dll\ClientToScreen", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &WRECT) , DllCall("User32.dll\ClientToScreen", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &CRECT) i.x := x := NumGet(WRECT, 0, "Int"), i.y := y := NumGet(WRECT, 4, "Int") , i.h := i.Height := Height := NumGet(Mode=1||Mode=3?CRECT:WRECT, 12, "Int") - (Mode=1||Mode=3?0:y) , i.w := i.Width := Width := NumGet(Mode=1||Mode=3?CRECT:WRECT, 8, "Int") - (Mode=1||Mode=3?0:x) return i, ErrorLevel := !h } Class EnBWindowLocations{ ; These were the dimesnions on which all the points were measured Static BaseClientWidth = 1901 ; Don't Change these! Static BaseClientHeight = 1038 ; Don't Change these! Static WindowWidth := This.BaseClientWidth Static WindowHeight := This.BaseClientHeight Static ScaleWidth := 1 Static ScaleHeight := 1 Static Coords := {} Static TempScale = New ObjectXY() __New( WinWidth, WinHeight ) { This.Coords["SelectedObject"] := New ObjectXY(1700,870) This.Coords["SelectedObjectAction"] := New ObjectXY(1835,697) This.Coords["SelectedObjectSecondaryAction"] := New ObjectXY(1762,697) This.Coords["GroupLeaderTarget"] := New ObjectXY(1818,626) This.Coords["Formation"] := New ObjectXY(1755,360) This.Coords["FormationPipe"] := New ObjectXY(1677,300) This.Coords["FormationBlock"] := New ObjectXY(1752,300) This.Coords["FormationSlot"] := New ObjectXY(1832,300) This.Coords["LootTopSlot"] := New ObjectXY(1696,316) This.Coords["WormHoleAccept"] := New ObjectXY(760,555) This.Coords["WormHoleReject"] := New ObjectXY(1150,555) This.Coords["InventoryC1R1"] := New ObjectXY(90,414) This.Coords["InventoryC1R2"] := New ObjectXY(90,495) This.Coords["InventoryC1R3"] := New ObjectXY(90,578) This.Coords["InventoryC1R4"] := New ObjectXY(90,658) This.Coords["InventoryC2R1"] := New ObjectXY(202,414) This.Coords["InventoryC2R2"] := New ObjectXY(202,495) This.Coords["InventoryC2R3"] := New ObjectXY(202,578) This.Coords["InventoryC2R4"] := New ObjectXY(202,658) This.Coords["InventoryC3R1"] := New ObjectXY(318,414) This.Coords["InventoryC3R2"] := New ObjectXY(318,495) This.Coords["InventoryC3R3"] := New ObjectXY(318,578) This.Coords["InventoryC3R4"] := New ObjectXY(318,658) ; Set up the scaling This.WindowWidth := WinWidth This.WindowHeight := WinHeight This.ScaleWidth := This.WindowWidth / This.BaseClientWidth This.ScaleHeight := This.WindowHeight / This.BaseClientHeight } Set(name, X, Y) { return This.Coords[name] := New ObjectXY(X,Y) } Get(name) { local tmp = New ObjectXY() This.TempScale := This.Coords[name] tmp.x := This.TempScale.x tmp.y := This.TempScale.y return tmp } GetScaled(name) { local tmp = New ObjectXY() This.TempScale := This.Coords[name] tmp.x := This.TempScale.x tmp.y := This.TempScale.y tmp.x := Round( tmp.x * This.ScaleWidth ) tmp.y := Round( tmp.y * This.ScaleHeight ) return tmp }} Class ObjectXY { x := 0 y := 0 __New(xIn,yIn){ This.x := xIn This.y := yIn } } FromXY_old(obj, ByRef X, ByRef Y){ x := obj.x y := obj.y } FromMainXY(Setting, ByRef X, ByRef Y){ global local obj := EBMainLocations.GetScaled(Setting) local x1 := obj.x local y1 := obj.y X := obj.x Y := obj.y } FromAltXY(Setting, ByRef X, ByRef Y){ global local obj := EBAltLocations.GetScaled(Setting) X := obj.x Y := obj.y } This script gets launched at the end of the EnbLaunchClients.ahk script. Once this script initializes, you will see the "EnB Play Script Initialized." dialog box appear (see previous screenshots). This indicates that the play script is ready for action. This play script listens for the various keboard shortcuts that I programmed into it and then takes care of sending keystrokes to the main or alt windows or clicking the mouse on various areas of the windows. The class at the end of the script "Class EnBWindowLocations" contains the mouse X/Y positions on MY default window size of 1901x1038. It performs scaling FROM those settings TO whatever size YOUR windows are. Don't edit those positions! It calculates them so they are right for whatever your monitor size is and whatever size the windows loaded as. So if you change the padding or have a bigger or smaller desktop than I do, the numbers will scale automatically by the program. I tried to label the main groups of hotkeys so its easy to tweak them as you want or add your own. As I said, these are NOT meant for a human to type. You probably don't want to hit Alt-NumPad5 for an alt to loot. Or Ctl-NumPadPlus to accept a wormhole. These were made quirky to stay out of the way of EnB's standard FPS key settings. And I use them in my G13 and G15: Except for chatting, I never touch the normal QUERTY keys while playing. One hand on the G13, one on the mouse. I ran out of keys on blue (non-combat) so I programmed G13 and G16 (lower left corner of the G15 keyboard) to refuse and accept wormholes as these aren't used much and its quick to hit them using my left hand thats normally on the G13 pad. The exception to that is the quick sales and quick buys. Ctl-Tilde will attempt to sell a 12 slot inventory panel, whats visible. Due to EnB's bot detection (at least I think thats what it is) it misses some. I have randomized the click times, randomized the waits and I simply can't get it to sell 100% of the time. The other key combo is Alt-Tilde. It buys 12 of whatever you have selected from the vendor. Very rapidly. Extremely handy for fillin up your hold with trade goods quickly so you can get on the road. I set it to 12 just so it didn't run me broke if I accidentally hit it. If you wish to change the number of buys, search the play script for "!SC029::". Right after that is a "loop 12". Change the 12 to however many you want to buy when hitting this key combo. The "!" means ALT. The "SC029" is the scancode for the Tilde key (top left corner on standard keyboards next to "1". Again, you can change the key combos to whatever you desire in the play script. And then program your keyboard or arrange them to suit a normal keyboard play style. Wolfie, I am having a problem. I followed your steps exactly, but when I click one of the EnbLaunchClients.ahk shortcuts, it gets to the Net 7 launch window where you click Play, and it stops there. What am I missing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wyzzard Posted January 23, 2018 Report Share Posted January 23, 2018 (edited) Please help Wolfie.... cannot get this working at all. Feel free to email me directly if need be @ rjacobsen2009@gmail.com I figured out what was wrong. I had to right click on each one of the shortcuts on the desktop and allow them to run as administrator. Sorry for the bother. Edited January 23, 2018 by Wyzzard Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wyzzard Posted January 23, 2018 Report Share Posted January 23, 2018 So, it turns out there are issues. I cannot left click in any of the created windows to do anything. Also, when creating the windows, they all get placed at the top left corner of the main monitor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitsunari Posted February 11, 2018 Report Share Posted February 11, 2018 On 6/29/2017 at 12:41 PM, akeean said: Thanks, I'll try your the alternative, tho I really doubt that would be the issue. Because it seems you can click in the login screens of your alts fine, while I can't. Something is intercepting my clicks. (I've also tried different variants of left mouse down followed by sending a left mouse up, none of the mouse down events are received by the client, while mouse up plays a sound effect on ui elements and causes them to flicker for a couple of milliseconds) I've screen capped the character selection screen of EnBAlt* window with OBS. This is me first trying to click on "Edison" twice via the button using my mouse, then on the character itself, then back to the button tapping left on my mousepad. The EndMain window works without issue. I've not interfered at all with the startup, basically not touching my mouse&keyboard till the "script done" window popped up. Tho I think that it might be some issue with AHK itself. Just to check.. what flavor of AHK are you using? Cause there seem to be three different flavors that might not be all that compatible to each other. Maybe I'm just trying to run your script with the wrong version...? I've tried it with AHK 1.1.2600 (Unicode-64bit install option) on win10x64. PS: AHK 1.0 & 2.0a both throw different errors when trying to run the scripts with it so I guess ahk 1.1 was correct. Akeean, How did you manage to fix your clicking issue? I too am running win10x64 however when I try the script or even just trying to open 2 EnB's manually, I cannot click on the second screen at all. The screen works, it registers when I hover over buttons but my mouse clicking only works on my main screen. Very irritating and I cannot figure this out Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akeean Posted February 12, 2018 Report Share Posted February 12, 2018 On 2/11/2018 at 12:52 AM, Mitsunari said: Akeean, How did you manage to fix your clicking issue? I too am running win10x64 however when I try the script or even just trying to open 2 EnB's manually, I cannot click on the second screen at all. The screen works, it registers when I hover over buttons but my mouse clicking only works on my main screen. Very irritating and I cannot figure this out I could not fix the clicks with two screens running. :-( I only multiboxed when I had the 1080p tv attached (and left my optimus laptop internal screen deactivated when playing like this). I've since stopped playing EnB for now. Good luck! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
karekiu Posted November 11, 2018 Report Share Posted November 11, 2018 Has anyone been able to get the windows to size correctly? I have a laptop at 1920*1080 and a monitor at 1680*1050 and my problem is that the windows are all too big. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
karekiu Posted November 11, 2018 Report Share Posted November 11, 2018 11 hours ago, karekiu said: Has anyone been able to get the windows to size correctly? I have a laptop at 1920*1080 and a monitor at 1680*1050 and my problem is that the windows are all too big. Solved it myself, I have my graphics settign set to 125% scale. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spa[IS] Posted November 11, 2018 Report Share Posted November 11, 2018 On 5/4/2017 at 5:43 PM, Zarg said: I'll have to check this out. Most of my macro code is in AC Tools, and it is really sensitive to screen/windows positions. So I either run it with E&B full screen or windowed in the default top-left starting position. But using something like this to get repeatable accurate locations of windows could fix much of that. This was sent to me Yesterday. I tested it as-is. Worked fine and 3 screens were placed on my monitor. I could change the window positions if I felt a need, but they seemed ok where they were. I use the unlocker so it was easy to set up, only thing I did wrong first attempt was putting the accounts in wrong order, I put main account first instead of last. Hope it helps. Made the logging 3 accounts easy for me, and looking at the code it can be changed to 4 easily enough. 3ScreenLogin.mac Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Palimow Posted November 23, 2018 Report Share Posted November 23, 2018 So I've gotten this to work mostly but I cannot find where to change the Fire All button. I'm also running into a problem where all my alt screens fire their weapons but my main screen does not. I'm not familiar with writing script and have managed to get though some of this on my own but I can't figure this one out. Any tips? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AChillingSight Posted December 12, 2018 Report Share Posted December 12, 2018 (edited) On 11/23/2018 at 6:58 AM, Palimow said: So I've gotten this to work mostly but I cannot find where to change the Fire All button. I'm also running into a problem where all my alt screens fire their weapons but my main screen does not. I'm not familiar with writing script and have managed to get though some of this on my own but I can't figure this one out. Any tips? The code is on line 75 (if you haven't added anything) Numpad6:: SendToAlts(" ") ActivateMain() Return Change the space in between the quotes to whatever your key is in game. As for the main not shooting, I can't see anywhere in the script where that's in it so you still need to initiate the firing with your main window character. I'm looking to add that to the code above so when I tell my alts to fire, my main does as well but it's late in the night. I've never coded with AHK so tomorrow when I have time to research/test I'll do that and share the code for you if you like. Palimow: If you want the script to activate firing for your character, add this SendToWindow(EnBMain," ") above the SendToAlts(" ") line. That'll activate firing for your main then do the alts One issue I'm running into is location based clicks: accept WH, dock/land and station register. It iterates through the screens but doesn't click action. I haven't had a chance to debug yet, but if anyone has any solutions to try first, let me know. Edited December 12, 2018 by AChillingSight Edit 1: Solved my issue; Edit 2: added how to activate main firing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Palimow Posted December 13, 2018 Report Share Posted December 13, 2018 Ya that'd be great. It's a very useful script so any improvements are welcomed. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AChillingSight Posted December 17, 2018 Report Share Posted December 17, 2018 Change the Numpad6 that he has set to the following Numpad6:: SendToWindow(EnBMain," ") SendToAlts(" ") ActivateMain() Return I'm no expert on AHK but what Wolfie did makes sense to me more or less. He hasn't been on since May (at least the forums) so feel free to post any other ideas/suggestions and I can give a whirl at adding it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geboran Posted May 8, 2019 Report Share Posted May 8, 2019 Does anyone have any good, working AHK macros they could share? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jrichards Posted April 3, 2022 Report Share Posted April 3, 2022 Wish his default setup worked for me but it just launches all the clients in my main window in windowed mode at full size. Also doesn't skip sizzle video so this takes forever to get into game. Just sticking with my tried and true method. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
statusquo2 Posted April 12, 2022 Report Share Posted April 12, 2022 delete or rename EB_Sizzle.bik in C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\Data\client\mixfiles and it will skip it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Woodstock HGM [HGM] Posted April 12, 2022 Report Share Posted April 12, 2022 Remember that Unattended Macro use IS NOT allowed, if I hear of some one running programs to mine or combat, and If I contact you and each avatar in the groups and no one answers, (1st PM each toon, 2nd on local, 3rd on broadcast) I start kicking avatars of the group offline, and ban for at least one month . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dirtyntired Posted September 2, 2022 Report Share Posted September 2, 2022 I am not near smart enough to figure this out is there a idiot proof guide somewhere? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Posted February 4 Report Share Posted February 4 (edited) I wanted to share my technical achievement. I managed to automate (well, semi-automate, like a semi-auto vs full-auto gun) the process of FN->NV trade runs (and NV->FN) down to just pushing F3 (twice per sector). Here's what it CANNOT do: Walk around in stations Run in a loop where multiple clients are juggled (no way for it to know if you're warping or not, so i'd drop you out of warp) Fly around on NV planet. Be easily converted to something that is fully automated. So, it doesn't run afoul of the 'no unattended macros' rule. And, it has some (major) technical blockers that would prevent it from ever being useful while unattended for more than, maybe, 65 seconds at a time (AP warp from gate-to-gate is around 65 seconds ) I offer no support for this script. I share it because: It is a technical achievement and I want to brag a bit. Others can learn from my code and implement their own ideas Learning how to fix something is the best way to understand a new concept. I can't be bothered. It only works at 1280x700 resolution It is SUPER picky about graphics settings (maxed out, 100% on all sliders, don't touch Gamma), and any change in colors will break it. I also included some other useful scripts, like: how I launch my clients and run the unlocker on them automatically. Buying/selling trade items without (manually) clicking 40+ times. Inviting alts to a group. Moving items into the trade window (2 methods) Vault Collapse - Combine stacks in your vault! It's hard to see because they are mostly white and transparent, but just below this text I attached all the images the script needs to run. If there's a 'dark mode' for the forum, that would probably help see them. If not...uh... fn_nv_trade_automation_ahk.7z Edited April 9 by Doctor Replaced with compressed archive, save some space, make images easier to find. Use 7-zip to uncompress Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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