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About Beerrun

  • Birthday 10/12/1988

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    VonCorp Galactic Empire
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  1. In case anyone was still around and wanting to try to use ISBOXER, I managed to get it functional again and can assist anyone having issues
  2. I used to use the Net7proxy to launch the game, but as of a few months ago it started giving me a "Server Failed to respond to Login attempt" error. Was something changed with the proxy recently? I've tried on multiple systems, none seem to be able to launch the game through the proxy. I still can play using the launcher, but I can't seem to load more than one client unless I use the proxy.
  3. Also having this problem, really is why I haven't been playing anymore is because I can't get ISBoxer to work because the proxy for some reason can't find the login server. Not sure what changed to make this happen, but I wish someone could/would look into it
  4. Have the same issue, I can never launch the game from the proxy anymore, always have to use the launcher
  5. I did a completely fresh install on another PC and it's giving me the same proxy error...
  6. I get "server failed to respond to login attempt" when I try and start via net-7 proxy. I reset updates in admin mode and did all the steps others have done and still have the same issue.
  7. Hey folks, I took a bit of a leave of absence due to the destructive fires we had here in California. My in-laws lost their home and were staying in my game room/office for the past couple months, and only recently found a hotel to stay in until an apartment opens up. My wife also is 6 weeks pregnant! Anyways, you all will see my Beerdefender squad showing up again this week now that life is calmed down.
  8. I’ve got a Razer blade stealth and a Razer core with a rx580 in it and can’t seem to get the e&b client to show my egpu on the config page, wondering if anyone else has encountered this.
  9. Can you screenshot where you are getting the error? Make sure the IP on the net-7 launcher is your ip... and make sure you are using the Net-7 launcher and not trying to launch from the Earth and Beyond client Edit: to clarify, you should be launching the game using the net-7 client only, not the original game shortcut
  10. No problem! Look for Beerrun or Beerdefender in game if you need anything!
  11. The only way I know of with laptops that used Nvidia's Optimize technology is to right click on your desktop, select the nvidia graphics settings, then go to the 3d settings and change them so that the default setting is to the nvidia card. If you need further assistance on that, I can come up with some screenshots from my own laptop
  12. If anyone has any questions how to use ISBoxer with EnB, I'm working on writing a guide write now with some basic key bindings/toggles one can import, in case there is any interest in this.
  13. Could anyone point me in the direction of the config file where one would unbind keys? I'd like to unbind all the F1-F12 keys so I can bind them to macros or autohotkey scripts
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