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  1. the original was locked after the initial reports to prevent multiple messages being sent to staff emails for the same outage. When the server is restarted the thread is then unlocked and available for the next time. You could leave yours up for players to add their comments & experiences which will not be sent to the team as a server failure notification.
  2. The server notification (Zackman) current thread has been unlocked. Please notify server outages on there but please do not keep adding comments there for the same outage. This thread server notifications current by janwarrior does not notify EnB staff of outages. Maybe renaming this thread would reduce the risk of confusion.
  3. connection to global server failed
  4. Login server is offline. This topic is locked until the issue is resolved.
  5. This thread is now locked until the server is back up.
  6. I have responded to your query in a PM. We should be able to get you up and running fairly quickly...
  7. Santa has had his engine hacked, he wont be disappearing off to clubs, strip bars etc any more.
  8. I'm around for a few hours while I wait to be called for taxi duties so I have santa pinned down, he isn't going anywhere for a while.
  9. He wanders off, so you will have to go and have a look around if there's no staff around to reign him in...
  10. We will run a script to wipe last years completion of the mission...
  11. We are planning and working on adding new content.
  12. All is looking normal, nothing unusual to report, Thanks Kyp
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