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    175.00 USD 

Everything posted by Klyde

  1. Hi guys, Since the start of ST4, I have never gotten an email from the emu, no activation email (thanks Slayerman for doing it manually) and no email when submitting a ticket thru the help system. Fortunately, I have only had a couple of tickets filed so far and both were handled. (I may have a current ticket on "Minerklyde" but don't know as no email, so can't check status) I was wondering if there was a workaround for ISP's that may block your mail? My current ISP is sbcglobal.net, I get all kinds of mail delivered to inbox and spam folders (I always check mail online). Other than making a hotmail, gmail or other account, is there a way around this? Thanks Klyde
  2. Klyde

    Black Spitter

    Kenu, could you inform us as to what changes were made to the items?
  3. As Lot mentioned above, it is near impossible to completely curtail macro use. If someone wants to use one they will find a way to do so. I have never understood the reason for using one, I play a game to play the game. I don't play a game to be able to go do laundry, watch tv, or whatever. If I want to do those things, I turn off the pc and go do them. If macro use consumes server resources and game resources, then it should be forbidden, period. Part of the problem is administering those rules once laid out. We have a small team on the project that work for free donating their time so we can enjoy the game we all loved back in live. Adding more rules adds more work to the team which cuts into their gametime even more. As much as I dislike macro use, I'd say if you run across them, beat them at their own game, outgun, outmine, whatever. If you leave their macro with nothing to do they will get no gain.
  4. I hated doing the faction grind, and have only done it on two of my toons with no plans on doing the others. The worst part of the grind was the bonkers spawn of the Chavez in Rag, not to mention the slow respawn of all the higher level mobs. Jobs that would give faction rewards would be awesome! Not so much of a reward that in a days time you get there, but a couple weeks of casual play maybe.
  5. Man, last few have sure kept you Devs busy. Good Luck on a speedy fix.
  6. 2 of my toons get bad opcodes immediately after docking into station at login. 1 of my toons (rarely played) seems to work fine, although haven't tried undocking yet. Was just about to see what happened when server restart happened.
  7. Kyp, how about a forums section or sticky thread on what you Devs would like to get in the way of tools, etc. With the list available for all to see, might lead to more donations above and beyond the server costs.
  8. My PW killed that <expletive deleted> 67 times before getting one, that doesn't include the time he was KS'd by the Dying Centuriata that want him dead too. So, I'd agree with Darkk, the drop is rare, and Avani was very very lucky.
  9. Klyde

    BB ammo samples

    I could not have said it better. The worst part of the missions for progens was the part that was so vague that lots of folks had trouble trying to complete them. Many progens grumbled at the lv30 HU mission because it made us run all over the galaxy at an amazing 2750 warp if we were lucky. But, we did them, and had a feeling of accomplishment afterward. Some of the latter missions were very cryptic and vague to the point of confusing folks. Devs are doing a great job here, but you gotta remember you have developed this string, you know how it works, you know that clicking on A will lead to B... we don't. So more hints or info that helps to lead us in the right direction is needed.
  10. Long missions are fine by me, as long as they are not so vague in direction that I must seek help constantly to complete. The latest (kinda) long mission I did was pw lv100 hu, and other than a very scarce mob in one of the stages, it was pleasingly doable.
  11. Last thing I saw was "Growlz: reloading missions etc." then poof. Down
  12. From the Mars gate warp east, after hitting the grav well keep going hitting the x key and the grav well nav will show up, get close to it and the mission should update.
  13. I :(am a nub. Rant retracted.
  14. I agree with the above. I have been in many many raids in Voncorp, we do not deny anyone their shot at the raids / bosses. However, many times we have been there clearing minions etc. only to have the boss stolen by a solo or small group kiting him off. Do we complain or start albeit weird threads on forums, or degrade another guild in public chat channels in-game? No. We have done joint raids with other guilds, (hello Builders Inc. guys ) and IMO, had fun and made new friends. We have also left lots of loot floating for anyone that could use it. This is an mmorpg, learn to get along with others. Maybe even try asking to be grouped instead of name calling on chat channels and forums, would get you much further. To the op: Post with your main.
  15. I have 1 toon at 150. It took quite a while to get there even with the trade xp boost we had a while back. I have a 12hr per day job, wife, and family that demands some of my time also. My second highest toon is just now approaching 100. Personally, I don't think it's too ffast in leveling, but thats just me.
  16. They used to be right around the station, as if attacking it. Which is what the dialog eludes to from the mission giver. I just started a new toon and after searching found them also.
  17. I have forgotten more than most people will ever know. An old guy
  18. Another way to gain faction without the grind would be awesome! Sitting on a nav mindlessly killing chavez for hours, days, weeks to gain faction blows! I did it in live only because of raids and needing desired gear. Nevar agin. ;P Missions would be ideal, imo, because even though it's a type of grind, at least you are doing something different than camping a spawn. (which of course will be heavily camped once the gates close)
  19. Signed! We took a group in there after the patch, 2 PW, 2TT's, and a TW. Our main damage dealer started on the master, and both of us TT's couldn't keep him from dying. We have since given up on FB altogether. It's not like our group was using crap gear either, the masters dmg per shot is less, but his cycle times on weps is... wow. Plus he had some help from one of the other bosses that nobody had shot at. FB used to be loads of fun, now just a deathtrap for folks that enjoy equipment damage and debt.
  20. Guys, as much as "live" had wrong with it, there was one thing going for it that overcomplicating this ST will definetly do... remove the "fun factor". Lets not get crazy with worrying about build qualities for crap like ammo, or even low level gear with high build skills. That idea to me sounds like removing alot of the "fun" and "easy" from the game. Are there not bigger fish to fry? Like a working game close to what live was, and by that I mean, missions working as they did, jobs, raids, quests like Zeke's, etc. I'm all for improving on what the original game had, where it didn't work. Keeping the "fun factor" is tantamount to any changes to make things more challenging, IMHO. And Seeker is right, ammo at anything besides 100 or 200% would be a disaster with the already small cargo holds and vaults. I don't do a lot of building for market, mostly for myself and guildies, but, overcomplicating things to make builds challenging, well I'll just stop there.
  21. My prayers go out to you and your family.
  22. It's hot here, with a chance of rain. Also, the grass seems to be growing pretty well.
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