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Everything posted by Marco

  1. Dev Shortcuts. I made them for Devs to use. - Marco
  2. Yup. Sad to see the Mobs don't fight each other.
  3. Voodoo magic. Not sure on exact details, ask Tienbau. But be forewarned... he's busier now, then ever. - Marco
  4. Nothing, can't modify a character, while they are logged in. - Marco
  5. Guild chat was working, last I checked. - Marco
  6. It looks great on ubuntu, but on Vista it looks like crap since the icons and "bar" don't match up the same. If you could removed that big dark box, it would look better. Although, on a side note, this has been my Desktop since November. I like the kill animations in DA:O. or just visit http://marco-enb.blogspot.com/2010/01/side-note-anyone-like-dao-i-took.html - Marco
  7. More like two months. Knowing our luck, it would cause everyone's characters to be rest to zero, with zero skill points. And just for the "icing on the cake," the database would end up with such a severe amount of corruption, that we would have to drop the database and create an empty new one. Actually, that sounds like a swell Idea for a Account Wipe. Maybe I should go suggest that to the DEV team? *Sneaks away while looking like * - Marco
  8. Ah, ubuntu. Looks like crap on Vista. - Marco
  9. Connection Speed? MVAS miscalculations? Don't know. Works for me about 80% of the time, and I don't even have a [DEV] account. Just for clarification... That comment was a joke. I know right now some forum reader is thinking... "Oh my! Marco kicked Kenu in the [censored]. What a bad person." - Marco
  10. Don't know, to be honest. - Marco
  11. The mission was being worked on, last I heard. Might already be done. The skill on the other hand is not. - Marco
  12. Fold Enemy is working, as far as I can see. Some mobs don't display range correctly. Hence the Nagifars for example. So then Fold Space would have issues with them. For example, the distance from the mob is measured from their "center point." The actual skin/surface of the mob could be up to a few kilometers from their center. For example, Nagifars, Tengu, Planet Eaters, Sundivers, etc. Basically any huge mobs. - Marco
  13. To the Galaxy map. He doesn't do content, he was an [sDEV]. - Marco
  14. Already discussed and no. If we go through the trouble to code that, we might as well just code the actual skill. Before you ask, there are more "high priority" tasks that are being worked on right now. - Marco
  15. Yeah Negotiate. Kinda Tired when I wrote that. - Marco
  16. Marco


    Sector Editor is my favorite tool as well. - Marco
  17. Your making me want to install Mech Warrior 4. Remember the bouncing MadCats, with the gauss rifles in Multiplayer? - Marco
  18. Marco


    Oh, your starseeker? I was wondering who this "know it all" was! Just kidding. Welcome back. If you like writing "Talk Trees" I'm sure I can find a use for you at some point in time. I despise them the most, since you really need to get into "character" and I'm bad with that Jenquai Yoda talk. Obviously, I'd never make it as a "hardcore" Star Wars fan. - Marco
  19. Oh. I know Mozu tinkered around with it and added some new systems/sectors, months ago. - Marco
  20. Good Luck. if you get it to work, let me know. Since i can't get it to work ona similar setup. - Marco
  21. Its controlled Server Side. Just make a TS. - Marco
  22. Cool Banner. I like how you did the "T" - Marco
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