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About Astrowarrior

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    Guild Leader Mercenarys Inc
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    Edmonton Alberta Canada

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  1. try this https://www.net-7.org/#faq
  2. yes I have toons still logged in .. from yesterday . On a side note , sooo much astralite and grailwater lol
  3. i have toons in game . its a launcher issue
  4. Dedicated man right there ^ Impressive ^
  5. Usually at the front of the base ... solo mob
  6. Good post Zarg .. totally agree
  7. (16):19: 4:39 To daffyduck: can i help you with something? (3):19: 5:30 Daffyduck (private): nope....just looking...why (16):19: 5:51 To Daffyduck: just wondered (3):19: 6:30 Daffyduck (private): am i doing something wrong (16):19: 6:43 To Daffyduck: not while you are watching (3):19: 7:18 Daffyduck (private): ahh...so u OWN this place (16):19: 7:40 To Daffyduck: go careful... (3):19: 8: 1 Daffyduck (private): you can kiss my ass... (16):19: 8:12 To Daffyduck: and you can be kicked (16):19: 8:18 To Daffyduck: from the game (3):19: 8:35 Daffyduck (private): why 16):19: 8:53 To Daffyduck: dissent to a dev / member of enb staff (0):19: 9: 2 COMPUTER: Daffyduck logged out I agree with you Black but he logged out , was not kicked . To the Devs . Please do not think Damage Inc is being disrespectful in any regard . All here have great respect for the work and time that you put in . We are all human and make mistakes on both sides. Do notice that when Daffyduck was informed of who he was dealing with he logged out and nothing else was said . Mouli u need to present facts . Many have lost respect for because you continually put your spin on the facts when its not actually the case . As a group Damage INC decided among its active 25 plus ( I am guessing its a lot more but being conservative ) player base that many triggers were being wasted because the guilds in the rotation, aside from public, could not field enough players to complete the raids . When the triggers were killed it was usually because the raid was multiboxed by a few continually or the triggers were killed and raids were left to despawn thereby presenting the illusion of completing the raid . So it was beneficial to a few but not to the majority of the server. Here is a three month example as proof to back up my statement of triggers going to waste http://damageinc.cryptic.com/raid-trigger-log.txt Thank you Zargol for the all the work and time that went into this. Our player base is continually increasing as others see the positive benefits of having raids open to all. All can roll on items looted. With the increase in the turnover on all triggers many more raids are being done in a timely manner , many more have the opportunity to win. Damage Inc has the numbers at the time to do this but anyone is welcome to lead. ALL RAIDS ARE OPEN TO ALL and announced in General chat. It is done fairly and without any issues up to now. This will continue in the future regardless of what Mouli says. He has appointed himself as Moderator of a failed rotation which benefited few in the end days. It has seen its time come and go as evidenced. To present a suggestion to the Devs, such as making the PRS a Pay to Play event would probably end all this drama and bring the community back together again . Create an NPC outside . Pay fee. Lock it out when 12 enter. Kick 12 when raid ends. I have no idea if this is possible or any combination of such just throwing it out there.
  8. Seems unusual that static is aware of when the spawn happens to the second.
  9. Yes same here. Also the option to view the site in mobile app is broken/not working.
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