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I am starting this thread to get feedback opinions from the players themselves. The base question I am asking is "Do you find it difficult to find ALL information needed to get your game running? Including game d/l, launcher d/l, character creator download, how to guide to get it setup, instructions to register with game from initial registration to actually being able to play the game."

First off there is a download section. And it is in a forums section...which can only be seen if you register with THIS website. Then you have to know how to get it all installed....a guide. Well, there is one of those also. On a different website... www.net-7.org. And it is listed under FAQ's.

What I am asking to be implemented is a clear and plain link when you first get to the website. There are several options how to do this...some more complicated but the end product will simplify joining the game best. And that would be to have a multi download...where it combines all of the downloads into one command. Probably the easiest and most reasonable to ask is to create another means of finding ALL information needed to get into game in one easy to find location.

I suggest either a drop down tab be added next to Forums, Home, Members, etc. OR just a plain normal link (outside the forums) that would take you to all of the downloads and install instructions. Home would be most logical but when you load the website it loads you straight to forums....not home? Wonder why? So, let's add the tab so you can see it from ANY section...hmmm, ok. Next under that tab have all of the possible downloads to the game listed in the order they need to be downloaded and a short Install guide to get em started. This would also include such information as needed such as how to amend your character/starship creator to view the new classes...and how to tell it IS a new class. EVERYTHING to get a player going. I prefer the K.I.S.S. system. Keep it Simple.

Now, for why I feel there should be change....immediate or ASAP change to the current locations to find the info.

First off, the downloads cannot even be seen unless you register for the website. Alot of computer users don't register with websites when they first go to them. I doubt anyone here registers with every website they look at. And taking a new player view...why register if there is nothing viewable that shows how to actually get in the game and play.

Second, it is a fact that you are lucky if 20% of the players read the forums. This then leads the only other way to learn is to ask questions of players on TS or another means to be guided through the process. This makes it very difficult for new players...especially since less than 10% will ever get on the official ENB TS3 server. Now many get help through other means, such as guild TS servers, vent, chat, etc. I don't agree that the forums are the place for players to have to search through posts and threads to accumulate all of the downloads and how-to's to get it installed. Again, reason to change to a tab or link on the main loading page with EVERYTHING there.

Third, There is an installation guide on Net-7.org under FAQ's. Hmmmm, maybe they wouldn't be FAQ's if the information was made plain and readily available on the ENBemulator website where the forums are. Sure there will always be a few questions and as we find common ones then answers may be posted in the FAQ's. This also assumes all new players KNOW there are 2 websites....without even a link posted plain and clear to net-7.org and the FAQ's. Or if a player DESIRES he may go into the forums to request answers....but not be forced into searching forums for answers.

First question: How many players have found it difficult and frustrating to Find, Understand, and Download all information needed WITHOUT help from another player.

Second question: How many players required assistance from someone else to find and understand how to get going?

Third question: How many players agree that there needs to be a change ASAP to the website to make it more user friendly for players to get all information from a clear, plain, and easy to find location on the main load in page? OR a comparable option that simplifies the process to what it is now?

I have gotten answers from other players and from some of the ENB staff. For those I ask that you see what results here and feedback there is here (and still consider this is polling the 20% of the playerbase which DO read the forums and not the other 80% which don't read the forums and most likely are the ones who have had the most trouble) I personally detest having to enter forums...but decided if I must enter then I wanted to find out opinions of other players as well and thus this post. (first time I have posted in a forums in over a year)

I ponder how many players have come here then left befuddled and don't return? And the growth of any game is dependent not on the veterans but on the influx of new players. Do you think that as a new player who has never been near ENB before....that you could EASILY acquire everything needed to join in the game and have fun? From the first download to arriving at your first station of duty?

PLEASE be polite and try to give honest opinions and your thoughts on options if you feel we need change to simplify the process. This is not to be a fingerpointing flamefest thread but one of honest objective opinions.

I have laid out my opinion so let's see what other players (of the few who read the forums) think:)



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Agree with pretty much everything you wrote. I think it's difficult enough for those of us that played EnB in Live to piece together everything that is needed to get back in game; for the first timers it must be overwhelming.

If somewhere on the initial page load there was an easy-to-see thingamabob that would allow new-to-EnB-Emu players to have a direct gateway into all the instructions and all the files they need I think that would be great. One merely needs to browse the forums to see how many duplicate posts are made of people asking the same basic questions again and again.

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I will try and address several of your points Wolf for clarification, even though we are actively discussing this at the moment in Teamspeak, so that others may also see where this topic has already gone.

This website, www.enb-emulator.org is holding the forums structure and some other modules. These are all IPB databases and modules, as well as other goodies that integrate well. It was put online immediately after the recent server crashes and currently holds as much info as could be contributed to it, however disorganized as a forum environment may be at times. The pages you see at the top in tabs are all functions of IPB and do -NOT- constitute a portal. There are sections yes, to hold different topics. Can't be helped, it's inherent in the design.

Hence the development of net-7.org .. To try and put as much information as possible, as well as links that will be available to the player all in one location. The immediate goal for last week was to get a registration portal available in a website interface that would create player accounts while validating their participation on the forums as registered members of the community, however non-partaking they may or not be of the resources available here. As much content and information as we could put forward in the short development time we had was made available, and yes, although you may have had to click a link or two for a FAQ that is part install guide and download information.

Frequently Asked Questions .. hmm, to me that says "What do I do first?", "where do I download this?", "what is the answer to Life, the Universe .." .. hopefully what we put forward in that section was brief and to the point, there were easily accessible instructions as to what files to get and links, as well as what order to install them in. It was by no way a fullblown install guide. I agree that there are several items that were not included in it such as character creator instructions and other goodies. Note that the FAQ also suggests ways that the player can get more information and resources via other channels such as Teamspeak and this forum.

The net-7.org project is under development. It will grow into it's second incarnation shortly as we sort out more functionality and make content more readily available. There are several very promising ideas on the table which are not yet implemented that will integrate directly with the game player's experience and hopefully make it more fulfilling. In a perfect world, one could just push a single button and -wham- you'd be in the emulator. As we develop our tools, we hope to get closer to that, but you still might have to have the monkey push two or three keys.

As we grow the project, you will see more resources added, and hopefully I think you will also be pleased by the changes. If not, we always welcome constructive criticism and fresh ideas that will forward our goals. Somewhere down the road, it -will- all work together, but in it's current phase we contribute time and effort where and when we can. I look forward to all comments here, and yes I would also ask they remain civil.

Cheers, I'm off for dinner.

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Fine as that may sound or be.

This thread was to receive player inputs and opinions on their rate of difficulty in getting all information to access from start to finish into the game. Also for them to post their ideas of options to correct the problem. And I am sure there will be "answers" to divert from what is still an ongoing problem and issue.

I appreciate input but at this point in the thread could we please let the players respond from their personal experiences. I know I spent almost 4 hours trying to discern information to get the game up and running. IMO, that was extreme....and I had assist from guildies.

Thank You


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First question: How many players have found it difficult and frustrating to Find, Understand, and Download all information needed WITHOUT help from another player.

Second question: How many players required assistance from someone else to find and understand how to get going?

Third question: How many players agree that there needs to be a change ASAP to the website to make it more user friendly for players to get all information from a clear, plain, and easy to find location on the main load in page? OR a comparable option that simplifies the process to what it is now?

1. Yes. Like you, when I first tried to install (back in ST2) I thought the process of installation and finding the info was really bad. After getting installed and getting in game that old excitement came back and I convinced a bunch of other people to install and try it out. I've since installed this game on about 20 different machines (and just about every conceivable operating system) and no longer find the process difficult or convoluted.

Through these numerous installs I've come to understand why it isn't easier. I won't go into it here, but there are a number of reasons why this isn't simpler. Another thing to keep in mind... even when this game actually goes into alpha testing (then beta testing and finally 'live') it will not likely ever be a 'one click' install.

Does that mean the process can't be refined or improved? Not at all, but its also not as bad as it may initially seem. Especially for those with less computer 'knowhow'. I consider myself a 'user'. I am a computer user, not a programer, developer, or computer genius. I don't work in the computer or IT industry and am not in any way involved in maintaining or using computers at work. So if I can eventually figure all this out, it can't really be that bad. Can it? (Not to mention it has been quite edifying).

2. I did not require another player's assistance for installation. I did however check the forums a couple of times when I ran into issues that I hadn't before (especially in regards to operating systems I wasn't familiar with, or don't use). The answers are there, they may sometimes take a few minutes to find, but never took me very long.

3. I don't think this needs to be addressed ASAP. I think it should get some attention, but not more than is being given to it right now. The process isn't really that difficult. And given the current status of the game (meaning: Stress Test, not even in alpha test phase), I suspect that there will be more work done on it as the project progresses. I imagine there are other things more important right now.

It will certainly become much more important as the project nears an actual 'Live' publish. And there is no doubt, it could be better right now, but if over 1,2000 people can make accounts and characters within the first 24 hours of ST4 going live, then it can't be that bad. (referencing this post)

I am sure that things will improve, I'm just not sure if it will be as soon as the OP hopes. So much for my opinion. :huh:

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At 11:30 pm on the night of the shut down, I created my new account. At 1 am after the new server came up, i logged into the game. i had zero issues getting E&B up and running.

I am running windows XP and have had the same install for the last year, just updated as needed via net-7.

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Well, there used to be a download section, it had lots of useful info, but that went missing when the server crashed. I can’t say that the current download section is odd, I’ve read through it and it seems sound. Everything seems to be there, and if you own the EnB CD then all you really need is the Net7 download to get you going.

I do believe that forum registration needs to be mandatory (as it is). This is after all pre-beta, and one needs an account to post bug reports, even though it’s rare that those reports are proper.

Game registration has only become quirky since the launch of ST4 and the new server, but they are in the process of getting everything developed, so any feedback about your experience with it could provide helpful information so to improve it’s functionality. Some people had problems with it but most didn’t. Those that did have problems had their issues resolved after some forum discussion.

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Much of the instructional info was lost with the server crash a while back.

I played on ST2 and ST3, the instructions on the old forums made getting everything installed and running very easy.

These forums were brought into play in emergency fashion after the crash, and are just now getting back to being fairly easy to find info for game install, etc.

My only problem with ST4 was getting activation to work.

I registered as instructed, on the portal, got numerous errors mostly from confusion on my part concerning forum username and username. (Hey, I'm an old guy, I get confused easily)

Finally got registered, woot!, was able to login to both sites (forums and portal) but never got an email for the game. I check all my email on the web before starting my mail prgrm to avoid having to delete spam etc.

Created another acct here, was successful both here and on portal, never got an email for activation from forum acct or portal, bummer! Read numerous threads concerning the problem, finally resorted to pm'ing tech support for help.

Slayerman was kind enough to manually activate the game for me. :angry:

Dunno why I never got an activation email, my addy is pretty basic with no special chars etc.

So, the only hitch I had getting back into game was the email part, which maybe has a problem.

At any rate, currently they have a pretty good guide setup for installation etc. :)

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seriosuly... full support. it took me a whole day to figure out "what goes where" which was just wasted time knowing how simple and plain it might have been.

Net-7 Portal

This portal is going to be what you're talking about, it just isn't quite there yet. We lost a lot of data from teh forums and guides when the server failed. We're taking care of that, but the whole idea for this site is a unified place for news, server information, and other data about setting up. The FAQ tab will show you how to install pretty much step by step.

This is the droid you're looking for. :P

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