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Thinking about starting it, just for kicks.  I will need to up Collegia faction.  I read that killing RD will raise it, but killing Rogue Progen does not?  Plan to do it on my TT for device or component building.


?..plan to do agrippa content for the TT to do agrippa content for device or component? you are aware that agrippa content is for PROGEN right? the only time that agrippa comes into play for other than progen is high end to learn the fletchette ammo, and even that is by invite only (i.e. a progen had to go through all the content first and get the invite item as a reward, to then give the item to you, so you can learn the (one) 1 ammo type your race can do).


You can do other just added missions from portia in emporos to gain FACTION with collegia, or turn in partially digested suits, or job terminals....but thats for the credit/xp/faction, it don't gain you access to agrippa content, of course that collegia content will come in handy for a TT when dealing with progen stations and terminals....

Posted (edited)

Thanks, so my PP would be the only one who can do it.  Looking for a PS with CF in the guild....  :-)


My bad, but the information changes so much since it just came out in Beta.  I wish there is a complete documentation on the missions for each race.  All we newcomers (to the EMU) have is the patch notes and a few posts from the devs for the missions.

Edited by VincentTH

If you want to do all 3 stages of agrippa you need to do that with Progen chars, now if you want to do on other factions like your TT, you need a stage 2 invite from a progen for that particular type say weapons for example you need a stage 2 weapon invite form a progen that has done Agrippa. Terrans and Jenquai are only capable of doing stage 2 Agrippa.


Also so you know a TT cannot do weapons Agrippa at all (unless they changed something since Beta) because a TT cannot test the PL's.


Also because there is a misson given component to make these invites, these invites are limited crafting by the progen by 1 per stage of build skill type.  So a Stage III Device builder will only ever get <currently> the chance to make 3 Invites to Stage II of Build Devices.

Posted (edited)

Forget the TT, may be I will revisit it when my PP completes the mission.


So my PP character reached level 50s and have completed the HU50 Upgrade.  Speaking to Agrippa, with the tokens in hold, does not seem to trigger the token mission.  I read the notes and it seems to indicate that build skills level 3 are required, and I have all build skills at level 4, but Agrippa does not seem to tell me what is missing.  Do I have to raise TL to 25 (equivalent to Build Skill lv 5)?

Edited by VincentTH

Thank you for the information.  Will do that.


Now for the requirement, I read somewhere that in order to start Stage 1, I have to have TL=25 (Build level 5)?  If that is the case, then my toon will be fairly unbalanced (OL=50, TL=25, then CL=12 and EL=13).  Problem is most of newbies get EL=20 from tours from the get-go, and risk not satisfying the max OL requirement for stage 1?


Let me help you here a bit vince, the PP is the only one that has agrippa content at 50, its the component guy on the west side of nostrand vor and the weapon one in the middle for ammo. Then not until L100 is there another build agrippa tree for PP. Note I said AGRIPPA content and BUILD tree, there are other agrippa token mission in the 50,75 and 100 that are agrippa, but not the "build" tree (confused yet?)


The guys in the lounge also give reactor and shield and weap missions that aren't token missions, don't confuse the two, at L100 there are agrippa token missions that then start shield,weap and reactor, these are refered to as stage 2 agrippa content, the component stage was the stage 1. Stage 3 is the high end stuff L9 fletchette, shield, reactor  and devices. (confused yet?)


The PS don't have BUILD agrippa tree until L75, then L100 (remember PW/PS don't build components...that was stage 1) as PS don't build ammo/weaps then they aren't involved with the build/test of such. So they do stage 2 and then at stage 3 the shield/devices L9/L8. (still not confused?)


The PW don't do components either, so they start at stage 2 weaps, they aren't involved in the building part but the testing, they test what the PP build, thats the interdependance part of the agrippa content (later on they get to build some of that L5 ammo as a recipe reward though), in stage 3 they once again test the PPs stuff and then get involved in the building phase of the ammo, they get as a reward for that to build all 4 types of fletchette damage types (4), but to confuse it a bit more..they need the PP to make the PMed comp to do so. (wow, you got this far and STILL are not confused?)


They have added (and are adding more) token missions that aren't build tree agrippa , but are reward based (some are rep/xp/credit and some also have a item reward) that are @ 50,75,100,135.


There used to be a HU restriction at each stage, you couldn't pass a set HU and still go back and do content (i.e. you took the HU and didn't do the content first, you was screwed), it was possible to pass the OL and not take the HU and finish off thentake the HU. They later added a rep component, you had to have a composite positive rep with agrippa, be under a set HU and have a high enough build skill to do a token agrippa build mission. They have since been posted that the previous HU threshold has been removed for live, but that the L135 still remains, so if this holds true, the old forum posts and possible talk trees to the contrary, you can pass L50,75,100 and still do the say L50 content at L124 for example. (clear as mud yet?)


If any or all of this made sense, they you MIGHT have a chance of actually doing the even more convoluted and confusing in game content. :)


*suggestion, before you start the content...make sure you have a large supply of migraine meds and rogaine on hand, your going to lose some hair as well as getting blinding pain between your ears. If you're a drinker, stock up on the beverage of your choice as well lol.

Posted (edited)

Now I've got totally confused.  :-)  I am a PP, OL54/15/21/18.  So the Architecti Composita (and probably the Ammo guy) is the only one I can do at this time?

I read that Byakhee wrote that Agrippa requires TL25 (Build lv5) to start?  If so then I need to work on my TL, and not the others so as not to exceed the max cap at 75?


Stocked up on coffee (Checked), Valium (Checked), Beer (Checked), and a wig (from pulling hair, checked).  Also have a pillow to possibly vent my frustration on.

Edited by VincentTH
My prep list included Ibuprofen and a plushie rat to lament to and a shoulder to cry on. Here I sit at OL 111 as a Sentinel as I wait for a Privateer to get off their keister(s) and build me Hull Mesh Laminate III for the Skirmish III Shield. Might I suggest a diversion while you wait for the stars to come 'round into proper positions? Try your hand at Stanig's Progen Funhouse Themepark. It's a series of Progen mission-givers and missions that is meant for OL 25, 50, 60, 75, and 100 and pits the Progen Republic against the piracy of the Red Dragons. Feel good again about being a Progen citizen instead of some Collegia clone. Check out Deschide Porarta (at Arx Emporos), Zieg (at Arx Magister), and Magister Constantinus (at Porvenir Mons). Distracted yet? You should be. The mission line includes some righteous Progen rewards two-thirds the way into the missions. So, suck it up, buttercup cuz they've listened to us wail and lament and slam our foreheads against station bulkheads enough. And now they're beggin' me to make the Sentinel Agrippa device to supplement some later Stage of Agrippa. It sucks you in, man. It ruins your Zen-thing, man. Arrrghrippa! Live from Nostrand Vor, this is the Pakkrat.

Humm it looks like I will have to make a PS just for the CF call.  Lv 135 here I come!!!

Forgot that I have plenty of acetaminophen stocked to alleviate some pain, as I am allergic to ibuprofen!!!

Posted (edited)
Now I've got totally confused.  :-)  I am a PP, OL54/15/21/18.  So the Architecti Composita (and probably the Ammo guy) is the only one I can do at this time?

I read that Byakhee wrote that Agrippa requires TL25 (Build lv5) to start?  If so then I need to work on my TL, and not the others so as not to exceed the max cap at 75?


Stocked up on coffee (Checked), Valium (Checked), Beer (Checked), and a wig (from pulling hair, checked).  Also have a pillow to possibly vent my frustration on.

Not max cap 75....

PP start to do comps and ammo at 50, and other stuff at 100, 135

PS start to do device at 75, and other stuff at 100, 135

PW do TEST of stuff they (pp/ps) make at differing stages (they will tell you requirements they need) and then test stage III (135+ I think?) for ammo recipes..(i.e. weaps).


PREVIOUSLY you couldn't pass a HU without doing each stage completely or you would be totally screwed out of later content. CURRENTLY you can pass a HU (note HU not OL) and not be shut out of content until 135. If you take the 135 HU (not the OL!) without completing previous steps of stage I and II, then you will be shut out of the stage III stuff.


Each stage has a increasing requirement for  each stage.L50 (PP)  I don't believe you need TL25/comp 5 but rather need comp 3. For stage II you will need build skills to L5 though and thats TL25.


You CAN get the SP you need to do all your builds (barely) thats: shield/reactor/weaps&ammo/comps if you are careful and forgo things like shield inversion and menace until you are past the agrippa stage I,II and III.

Edited by Mattsacre

Token Missions:


To start the Token mission:


The ammo and components currently is capped at having level 50 hull only. (Build skill level 3)


The device, reactor, shield and projectile launcher currently is capped at having level 50, 75 or 100 hull; but also having TL 25 to support the build skill at level 5.


There are no plans to make these token missions available at the final hull upgrade.

Token Missions:
To start the Token mission:
The ammo and components currently is capped at having level 50 hull only. (Build skill level 3)

As Matt stated above that the comp mission is stage 1 for PP, does this mean that HU 75 PPs are locked out of all Agrippa content ? I was under the impression that they all could be started as long as HU 135 wasn't achieved ? I sincerly hope you mean it's required HU 50 and capped at HU 100, or am I missing something here ?
  • 5 months later...

I did most of agrippa and still i can't get a straight answer from anyone. I'm sorry if i sound rude Mr Byakhee but i don't understand what your saying when you try to explain this.

The ammo is capped at 50hu..  ok so..  erhmm   i must have lvl 50 hu done but im not allowed to do lvl 75 ????  Devices and so on capped at 100..  what does capped even mean ?  Is capped the minimum lvl for each stage ?   This hole quest line is a major big mess and the reason isent the challanging part of doing the quest..   its that no one in this galaxy can get any info on anything reguarding what is required to do it.   Really bad implementation of otherwice very cool content.


Remove any and all connection between progen regualr gameplay and the agrippa quest line.  this has gone on far enuff and its ruined life for so many progens.

Non should ever have to play a game and think..  oh i better not do my next uppgrade.. i might mess up a quest.  thats foolish. And to do this you must play your PP extremly unbalanced or fail ..  like at OL 100 the build lines ask for max build.  thats 4 build lines at lvl7.  So to even concider the agrippa content i gotta skipp all forms of regualr gameplay and build the character based only on this quest.   makes no no no sence. (shakes head) ..     sad ..  it could have been super fun to try and figure all this out..  If i could have done it in flow with the normal gameplay.  I already know people out there are dying to yell at me now that this is optional..  Oh yeah... but what if im new to the game and miss this chanse?  or abbandon the quest when i realize its impossible ? (would be for most newbies)    sorry mate you aint gonna get your flechette couse you dident figure out the hardest, wierdest quest the game has ever seen with no info anywhere on how to do it, where to start or anything else.

This quest is for experienced EnBer's. Experts and thoes who asks for a challange of this type.   Most players do not, and sertanly not everyone just couse they roll a Progen.

Unlik this from hu's and remove the tokens.  It hasent got a place in EnB at all. Let progens get there hu when they need em and not have to worrie about silly quest requirements. 



......and on the home front this evening:

NOSTRAND VOR CITY - Beta caste Progen laymen lined the streets outside the NVC branch building of Agrippa Technologies to protest the difficulty of the curriculum and task line of the Collegia-backed Agrippa missions. "This has gone on far enuff and its ruined life for so many progens," said one protesting pilot. Many undereducated Progen civilians feel that the Agrippa line of systems is not worth the time and effort to research and develop.
Collegia Forgemasters tapped Agrippa Technologies for research and development of Progen systems for use by Progen and call upon learned citizens of the Republic to attend the classes at Nostrand Vor City to earn their Symbols of Loyalty and manufacture their own systems for further distribution to the Rebpublic's worthy Warriors, Privateers, Sentinels, and other worthy candidates. This was done soon after the Collegia seceded from its parent Sabine Order Faction just after the Gate War. Their goal was to counter the monopolies of the likes of InfinitiCorp, GETCo, Sundari, and other minor conglomerates. "Agrippa is not for everyone, but it is accessible (strangely enough by the back-alley efforts of wanted Progen individuals) at any Hull Upgrade increment provided other factors and curriculum requirements are met," said Imperator Agrippa in an interview.
Yet the backlash from frustrated pilots continues. Will the Republic be split along lines of those protesting Agrippa and the graduates? Is this schism genetic and worthy of Call Forward interpolation? The systems and ordinance from Agrippa Technologies continues to see use across the Republic.

On location at Nostrand Vor, this is the Pakkrat.

Instead of the stuff I just read and I play a TT and I am confused, I want to become a Progen Enforcer now...oh wait I am really confused.


How about a logical step by step by Profession?


It will get posted at some point and probably has in this message but we do not know it backward and forwards like you thus it is clear as mud to us and you.


Please give step by step for Proggies then a step by step for Jenpies and Terrans. Estimated costs and if you really want to play spoiler then write a step by step guide with dialog. 




Any step by step instructions is counter to what they are trying to do with the content. If you are seeking a walk through, it will have to be posted on a non-net-7 site. any walk through here are deleted.


Johnsilver: Just to help with one thing that seems to be confusing you. The content is linked to HULL UPGRADES not OVER ALL LEVEL. So you can exceed a certain level before you complete content as long as you don't take a HU before you complete all the steps in Stage I,II and III. And lock yourself out for the next stage.


Example: a PP does stage I COMPS after achieving L50 HU and must complete it before HU 75 not OL 75. So, you could be L78 and complete stage I COMPS, as long as you didn't go and take the HU before you finished with all the steps in stage I. Once you do take the L75 HU, you lock yourself out of stage I. If you don't complete stage I COMPS fully, at HU100 stage II will not be completable by you, nor will stage III. With this exception: after HU135 you can go back through the content lines via a gold token and extra hard missions to complete whatever you missed out on to eventually get the final rewards you missed out on. Note: this will be VERY much more expensive, VERY much more material consuming and much more time sink.

  • 8 years later...



         Trying to do the components for my PP, stage 3, however, the NPC says it doesn't like my faction, I have well over 15k collegia faction. My avatar name is CarmeloPP, can someone tell me what is wrong with my faction, please?


Note: The NPC at Nos Vor planet does not tell me what is wrong with my faction, just that it doesn't like it!

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