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Everything posted by Juduzz42

  1. This actualy happened the night before to us with a TE from vonbon, although we all pretty much had max gear, the KS system sometimes screws up damn Ive been able to KS my alt when a mobs at 31% damage some how it just bugs out sometimes...but we dont come crying to the forums about it.
  2. Great bunch, Join us today!...well when the server is back up
  3. You can enter paramis from odin rex and BBW, you cant access BBW from paramis.
  4. For JS you shoud have been giving the print to make,
  5. Logged in 10-15 mins later CTD and getting this when entering password on both clients, with local certificate enabled. unable to connect ot sector server unable to establish login link to server.... MVAS Thread running Any one else getting this or is it my crappy ISP again?
  6. Log in coming up with the same as last nite taking abuot 7-8 times to get in if you can get in.
  7. Try using local cert to get past inv 300 error
  8. Hmm the second client I downloaded had the FP key think ect and installled fine, best thing can personaly think of, is to try another download mirror. EDIT: another idea, do you have a fileplanet account? and if so try logging out of it in your default browser when installing, if you save you login for it.
  9. Just ignore it, was build into the filepanet trial download believe so ppl could get there trial keys when the game was live.
  10. take screeny=Scroll Lock Program File/EA GAMES/Earth & Beyond/Data/Client/Output by default if using the defaul install directory.
  11. In no particular Order: *Bad Optocode- Always comes at the most annoying time. *F not diisactivating weapons all the time. *Cloak being interupted by ANY damage to shields *Summon friend in warp, they keep on warping. *All NPC's doing mainly explosive/dumb NPC's(know this might not quite be considered a bug justy early stage in developement)
  12. Acoording to google, Virtual PC 2007 does not support direct 3d, so your proberly out of luck, try another VM maybe?
  13. Dalia is still playing EVE with a few X MM last I heard ( month or 2 before xmas) but cant recall what user name she is using now, It wasnt on Taldorn at least. ps o/ If you remeber me Judus JD from MM used to be part of the JD hit squad/run controler raids
  14. When you have randomly generated stuff, you get crap like hellgate london, or 200,00 weapons that look the friggin same, IE Bordemlands. Infinity (quest for earth?) Is the MMO with the procedualy generated Systems and Duke nukem forever will be out before the one or so guy behind taht releases it
  15. Running on Win7 as well no probs "I run enb windowed, and if the window gets at all minimized, or hidden (like the show desktop button), I can't get it back up, and have to force crash the client." Just open up task manager and switch to or alt tab to EnB widow should show up again.
  16. Aye kind of catn wait, although REALY hope the servers come back up before the wipe, just for a few hours, just got CL50 and not even a chance to fire me guns
  17. WTF is up with spawning 66 mobs in EVERY system?????? ............THANKS it was a blast, 250+k XP debt 13 mill in tow fees, lots of loss on nice mods but worth every penny havent had such a blast in an online game in AGES. Dunno if theres gonna be some player wipe with it ect or what but keep up the good work guys
  18. Server shows offline but you can still connect, and yep GM's been spamming every channel with it, do a hull upgrade, when you next log on your charactor goes to the abyss.
  19. It was around that in live just the defenders pride? or damaru cant remeber wich has an uber Psi buff
  20. Just been re-informed about this project, had no idea it had soe come so far, big congratz and even bigger thanks
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