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Everything posted by Falstar

  1. Moved to Suggestions.
  2. Please direct any questions about the servers to the server status thread pinned at the top of the forum.   -Closed.
  3. I went ahead and merged this thread with an old cherry picking thread.   As far as this subject goes, there are two main thoughts - those who think cherry picking should be disallowed, and those who feel you should mine what you want.  I don't see that changing, and don't see a real way to meet in the middle.  The despawn timers are already there, and I think that reducing the time to despawn a roid might just increase the chance they sit and wait, not to mention making turnover of roids higher and possibly increasing the ore availability.   At least those sought after.  Other than changing that, I'm not sure of something that would allow you to mine what you want, while still leave ores available to others that wouldn't potentially unbalance the game. I do know that I was out searching for a specific ore or two, and after traveling to several fields in various systems, I had very little to show for it.  Did I come across picked fields?  Was I just looking for ore that was that rare?  Couldn't tell ya, but it was a bit frustrating trying to help someone out by mining for the ore.
  4. I believe the Devs has this bumped down in priority, as it is complicated to get everything to function correctly (modify inventory, or change a corpse to mine-able cloud for example).  I believe they still want to get it in game at some point.
  5. I believe there are limited effect sound files.  If it were changed, it would probably be the same as another weapon.  If anyone has some effects they have created, I'm sure the devs would be interested to listen to them.
  6. Added poll.  If this were to happen, I personally would go for Solution 2 with a part needed, and the NPC far away (not F7).  This is currently an item you can't replace, so if you can fix or replace it, it needs to also be difficult.
  7. 6lb box + 6 feet + head = concussion
  8. How about Fiscal Cliff?   and perhaps Sequester? (formerly known as budget cuts?)
  9. The Devs have often said their goal is not to make it exactly like live.  Your comment about healer aggro has already been made, discussed and an adjustment put in.  For other 'broken' things please report them so they can be fixed.  Simply saying so many things are broken and more broken things are added does not help them get fixed, or help you understand how they may not really be broken.
  10. Added sites and modified /entalk/unstuck descripts.
  11. Thanks, Added that as well.
  12. Added /unstuck, /rp and /meetdevs
  13. As I've said before, if anyone has information on exploits, cheating, or unwholesome relationship with any Dev please contact me immediately.  I will make sure it is addressed.  As far as holiday events, I could see how 'old hands' already having done the missions previously will essentially have advance knowledge of what to do unless changes are made every year.  I imagine certain elements will remain the same, such as a possible reward being a snowball launcher etc, and holiday specific items being desired (chocolate/eggs).
  14. I will be removing all followers of this thread and locking it.  Here's to the next 3+ years :)
  15. Hello Sanjay and welcome!
  16. This is the first chance I've had to use it, and think it is great!
  17. It doesn't help that you use toon and avatar interchangeably in the same post :P   You also state that "only" the avatar (toon) sending an item must be offline/NTA - then you say the receiver toon must be offline or NTA to claim.  You just posted conflicting information.  Here's what I get out of that post- let me know if I have it correct:   Sender Toon must be offline or in terminal mode to send.  Once sent can resume activities or log on.  Receiving Toon must be in terminal or offline to claim, but once claimed can log on or exit from terminal.  Technically you can send items between your own toons (and claim them) without logging on at all.  Assuming you have cargo space and credits they will be in your hold when you log in.  Sound right?
  18. Curving slightly back around to the private channel idea - although they are not persistent, we could join when we log on.  That way if any RPers are already on and you join the PC, you can chat.  I was seeing if we could select what channel number we joined, but it does not seem to be possible.  Anyone know how often private channels are used?  It could be very well that channel 100 (first one) ends up being what we are on the most.
  19.   Well, I do have the cheapest speed :)
  20. You can review posted bugs here  along with their status.  It sounds like this report address what is being discussed.  Feel free to add to it to update it.
  21. Zack did ask for a majority of members of the guild post to establish founder.  That will be A LOT of posts.  I'll be moving this, but leaving a link.  Please also remember this is one post per player in the guild, not toon or account.
  22. Talking to the player is of course the first and best course of action.  There is no reason two people or perhaps two groups can't kill in the same spawn, provided of course that it isn't a tiny spawn or mob that is often camped for an item.  The 1 for you 1 for me approach seems like the best solution, but then you've got waiting time which some people may not like.    I'd say intentionally taking the mob you started on is KSing unless of course they couldn't see you.  I ran into an issue where I was shooting missiles at a mob, and another player annihilated them very quickly, so my damage wasn't very evident.  That along with the fact that we couldn't see each other for a bit made it frustrating, but we worked it out.   Technically according to the COC, KSing is not allowed.  Providing you could provide adequate proof to the GMs, that may be a route if everything else failed.  Making an area unplayable is also against the COC, although the GMs would determine specifics, and of course depends on what proof you can provide.   Hopefully this thread will remind everyone to play nice and pay attention while playing so you don't miss those tells or the fact that the last 3 mobs you killed were already damaged.
  23. Neat idea to be seen scavenging a wrecked capital ship or something!
  24. I'm pretty sure this is intended per this post regarding dynamic factions.  I believe there should be trade offs for every faction, and here is one of the few where higher RD faction will impact you.  Keep in mind the story too , rather than just the rewards. :)
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