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Everything posted by fuulishone

  1. There's no grouping required, all that's needed is an active market to sell you some. And more than that the BB was NEVER solo content, as the mob that dropped it back in live required at least one group. This we know (and hope) is temporary and should be fixed Soon. If post-fix there's still a shortage, then Kyp/Kenu have asked in another thread for folks to post individual ores for investigation. Not an excuse, but the requirements were put in prior to the roid nerf. L9 gas was in plentiful supply for the months this mission has been available. I would suggest that... a. There's absolutely no requirement for you to be able to map/build the gun as there's already PLENTY of folks that can do it. b. If you're looking for the ammo to map, you could also try hitting the market. c. The BB is from content that shouldn't even be in game. I would think that most Progens that *want* to use this gun, would deal with the difficulty in getting when the mobs that drop aren't in game yet. And lastly, as a point of personal opinion, the BB isn't really a good gun in group situations. It's dps is merely on par with other guns with much cheaper ammo costs (say, the Bile weps) and it's ammo consumption per hour is higher as well, so you need to carry more ammo. The only really good thing about the BB is when you're solo and need that extra reactor cap + shield recharge buff. But as an end-game group weapon, it's quite meh...
  2. Don't remember such a thing. It might've been there, but my swiss cheese memory can't recall something like that. On the other hand, you do currently have a power-up animation, just not on your hotbar. AFAIK, mobs can't currently interrupt your skills, so until that gets implemented, you won't even trigger any UI for interrupted skills.
  3. Have you tried WH runs to see if those capped at Neg 5 get trade xp? If they don't, then perhaps it's working as intended and is a bonus for being a TT?
  4. @Thorn Can you redo your chart with single pieces only? And try selling to the other vendors to see what you get. Sometime around April/May, there was a change made to how trade xp was calculated for trade runs so that all WH'ed goods should fall low enough to result in no profit and no xp regardless of Negotiate level. Your numbers would seem to indicate that some change may have made it into the code that's not intentional since you have what appears to be trade xp in excess of 2k per item. AFAIK, 2k xp per trade good is supposed to be the max that anyone with Negotiate can get. 1k xp was for non-negotiate classes. If you're getting more than 2k xp, that's a bug.
  5. Tried again with fresh cache and everything. Same problem in IE8, Chrome 8, FF3.x.
  6. Just checked it at 1134am EST and same error message. Seems to occur for items that shouldn't be in game (i.e., no mobs yet) as well as items that are in game. I tried, Hellfire Ballista, Dung Cannon, Eye of Zethren-Ti, Devastating Gaze, Excellent ML Type A, and all got the error.
  7. It's a little known, and not published change to the default security settings in IE8 (as well as IE9+). They basically said, scripts that access 3rd party sites relative to the page will get trounced and stopped in their tracks unless there's an accessible and valid P3P file on the 3rd party site. This was done to protect folks from Javascript hijacking exploits, compliance with privacy laws in the EU, while enabling legitimate 3rd party scripts (such as ad banners, etc) to continue working. AFAIK, these same settings should be available in the latest Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers, but they may handle the stomping in more friendly ways (i.e., perhaps notifying you with a dialog box).
  8. Got a bug here Slayer. Do an item search for Hellfire Ballista and show results. Click on the Hellfire Ballista in the results page to pull up the item info. Got no page, but got a white bold text error in the tab area "Unknown column 'mob_base.hidden' in 'where clause'
  9. Correct, but what I meant was the fishies could keep flying if not engaged. I don't remember how far away they'd go before returning tho. I guess zone-wide is the wrong phrase here, but it was more than the immediate summon area of the activated gate if that makes sense.
  10. When they introduced the activated raid (via the bait and such as listed by Mimir), they removed the ability to attack the Tada-O gate itself so there was no longer a zone-wide Cooper-based raid. You had to activate and enter the fishbowl to raid. This allowed normal folks to continue leveling and such in Cooper without disruption.
  11. Only a slight addition to what Mimir posted. The time between waves was short. They'd start off with lower level Ten-Gu (like Maws/Black Deaths) and work their way up to the bigger ones, until finally a boss would spawn. IIRC, the order was first waves of Ten-Gu leading up to the Ti bosses (Ximaz-Ti, Uthach-Ti, Zethren-Ti) followed by the FB only bosses (Kish, Nesshix, Aranzael). The time between spawns was dependent upon spawn time, not dead time. So if your raid's dps was weak, you'd quickly get overrun by minions, etc. Prior to a boss, there used to be a zone wide broadcast message as well, letting folks know a boss was coming. Once a boss was finished off, EA added a breather period before the next wave would start, I believe this was roughly 1 minute or so. This was your opportunity to jumpstart, hull patch, rebuff. Also, all the good no-trade weapons from the later bosses had to be removed before the newer boss spawns as the Feedback buff on them would hurt folks a lot. So Smiter's Wrath, Fury of the Master, Glare of Destruction all had to be removed in order for warriors to NOT kill themselves from the feedback. (Which effectively capped a raid's dps.) Once Aranzael was killed off, the zone would stop spawning and whatever was left simply needed to be cleaned up. Boss corpse(s) used to decay and pop in 5 mins, but EA eventually increased that timer to 30 mins to prevent problems. At that time, they also added the various loot controls that allowed the raid leader to prevent ninjas, etc. Some history for folks... Before the Fishbowl version of the raid, there used to be a zone wide raid in Cooper that was initiated by shooting the Tada-O gate. Once damage on the gate reached a certain point, then waves of mobs would spawn from the gate and impulse away from the gate, attacking any folks they encountered. The Ti bosses were the bosses available during this version of the raid, so at this time items like Fury of the Ten-Gu, Eye of the Dark One, Heart of the Dark One, Bulwark of the Reaver, Cube of Leech were very good. The Gate itself could only be attacked once a day, so there was some raid camping back in the day. Weapons such as Zets and Archos were highly sought after from builders but were hard to use not only due to the ammo comps, but also the rarity of level 9 ores. Aesirium, Balderium and Modredium were VERY highly desired.
  12. Get a Breton/Prototype EN3, L3 RR+, L3 Lazarus for trade running.
  13. Seems to work well in Firefox. In Chrome though, it didn't work for me the first time I loaded the page, but worked after a refresh. Maybe it's sporadic, or maybe I caught you mid update? In any regard, I'll keep checking it. Definitely nice changes there.
  14. Depending on how Slayerman coded the site, wouldn't the built-in browsers suffice? Or do you mean an offline db?
  15. Fair enough, I retract my comment on that one. Sorry no can do... MUST...PUSH...UP...VOTE...
  16. Only a non-issue if you agree. I however do not. I'm sure there's plenty of folks that would agree, this makes no sense being in there in the first place. The line in the TOS is meant to handle ninja-looting, which in and of itself is kind of silly. The ability to ninja-loot is completely dependent on whether or not the game mechanics allow it. And enforcing this kind of a "good citizens behavior only" type of game sets a bad precedent. Taken to an extreme, then folks will start arguing that kill stealing is a TOS violation, when such an act cannot happen under game mechanics. There is no such thing as kill stealing regardless of what people may think. The mechanics are currently most dps wins the loot rights. I encourage folks to think very carefully about what they're asking for when speaking about TOS violations and such.
  17. Loot stealing, kill stealing, all these concepts may be in violation of the TOS... If they were performed in a manner that took advantage of a bug (i.e. an exploit). When such behavior occurs in complete and total compliance of the currently programmed game mechanics and are NOT designated a bug or an exploit, you can't really say it's a TOS violation no matter how folks may feel about it. People really need to be careful about labeling something a TOS violation, versus behavior that they don't personally like or agree with. It's like the cherry picking thread. Too many people are focused on punishing behavior THEY personally disagree with, rather than looking at the mechanics that allow the behavior. If a corpse is openly lootable by anyone, regardless of who killed it, it's fair game. Regardless of how people may feel about the action of taking loot from it when you know you didn't kill it, it's still fair game and NOT a TOS violation as it's not loot stealing. There's just no such thing. Having said that, discussions about how/when a corpse should become fair game do make sense and should be had as it only goes to improve the game experience for everyone. You provide the players the tools to self-manage and move on. Slapping disagreeable behavior with a TOS violation doesn't end up helping anyone other than temporarily inciting drama and making the invoker of the violation feel better for that moment. I think folks would do well to consider what they really want out of the game's mechanics and how it may affect their long term gaming experience before jumping to the conclusion that all (potentially) disagreeable behavior should be prevented.
  18. Increasing the corpse timer from 2.5 mins to 5 mins seems excessive, and having corpses lying around for 10 mins is just going to clutter up the sector, regardless of the sector you're in. Imagine folks that are farming high respawn chavez that never touch or loot the corpses? Those areas could very quickly become swamped with corpses. Not the least of which, this is addressing a very specific single event and not all around that useful. The other condition that occurs is that the group can open and inspect the corpse, but then that person has to release the corpse so that a group mate can loot something from it. In that window of time, ninja looting can occur, and tweaking spawn timers will do nothing to fix that. I prefer moderation when tweaking timers, but give group leaders more tools to self-manage. - Set the default corpse release timer to 3 mins. - Set the default despawn timer to 6 mins. This should give a little more leeway to folks that are combating mobs at or close to their own level and need a little extra time with the new faster respawn times. - Provide a slash command so groups can extend their own release timers to be equal to the despawn timer, thus 6 min releases. If a group can't get to a corpse within 6 mins of the kill, then no one gets the loot. Pretty simple. This will help with folks that are stuck in "engine offline" mode and need to wait it out in order to get closer to the corpse to loot it. - Once a corpse has been inspected, the default behavior is to release loot rights once you close/de-target the corpse. Groups need a way to change this default behavior so that "swapping" the corpse to a groupmate or assigned person doesn't allow ninja'ing to occur. This should allow for the condition when a group doesn't care about folks looting their corpses, as well as allow for a group to lock the corpses completely without fear of ninja'ing. - Lastly (and this was in Live IIRC) corpses of named bosses had much longer release and despawn timers, so these could justifiably be set to something like 6 mins release, 15 mins decay. And this should allow for folks to kill a boss, and clear the nearby area of mobs in order to get to the corpse. Just my two cents on this, thanks for reading.
  19. Sorry, the Local Cert idea wasn't meant to be foolproof and isn't guaranteed to work for everyone. Try fiddling with the options to see if you get some combination that works. Good luck
  20. On the portal, you can do that now. Click the text "Effects" above the search window and it'll change to the old effects search that's available on the old database site. Note: For some reason it doesn't look like a link in my browser, but clicking it does work.
  21. Yes, very similar to the EVE API, but without all the account level stuff they have. What I'm asking for is meant to be read-only and similar to how RSS feeds work on news sites. If the ability to request and download a full (filtered) XML feed is only accessible through the portal, then you could easily impose restrictions such as a ) folks must be logged in, and b ) you may make the request once per day. Also, if the XML file itself was set to be cacheable at the browser, then normal browser rules could kick in and not even re-request the file. Would that satisfy the load balancing as well as access concerns?
  22. There currently appears to an auth server issue. Try launching Net7 with Local Cert on and see if that helps. Revert back to the original setting once the devs have fixed the auth server issue.
  23. You can try starting the net7 launcher with the "Local Cert" checkbox checked and see if that fixes things for you. Once things are properly fixed (likely with a server restart), I would strongly urge you to turn off Local Cert as I can not predict how stable your game experience will be with it on. I know it can cause issues for certain folks that dual box and certain network configurations. As always, YMMV.
  24. Seems there's a problem with the auth server. For folks having issues, trying checking the "Local Cert" checkbox on the launcher and see if that helps you. THIS SHOULD BE A TEMPORARY MEASURE ONLY. Once the issue is resolved the right way (probably thru a server restart), revert the change and launch Net7 the normal way.
  25. @Slayerman Perhaps an alternative then? If the portal's access to the database already takes care of filtering out hidden stuff (i.e., to prevent spoilers) would you perhaps be open to allowing folks to retrieve data through the portal in the raw? Like perhaps through an XML interface or something so that folks can use this data feed to create their own interface? The source data would still come through the portal and thus be subject to whatever rules are used to cleanse the data. It's simply a means for folks to create their own UI for the data.
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