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MAJOR problem while dual boxing

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I am having a major problem while duel boxing.  I am TRYING to get my level 50 HU on my PP (silverrose) & using my JE (rosedragon) to make it easier.  every time I gate, my PP freezes, all sectors have been mapped by BOTH toons.  I have to force terminate the client for my PP.  It is nothing less than total aggrevation.  I don't dual box that often, but when I do, it would be nice if I could do it without having to relog, regroup, rebuff one of my toons every time I try to gate.

Edited by dragonrose
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therei so obv. a misunderstanding:

While we are allowing multiboxing, we are not supporting it - and the reason is easy/this:


EnB was (by design) never ment to allow multi boxing - there are even limitations in the client code not allowing this.

We are using some diff. mechanism to enable and allow multiboxing but we cannot disable the limitations the client still has (as we cannot change any of the client code).


This becomes even more of a problem if you are multiboxing on the same machine (so basically no multiboxing but "multi clienting").


Just to get it straight - this is not a server thing, its mostly based on the very personal network environment of the player and has to do with the way the router/network/firewall is setup, esp. when it comes to UPD routing (geek topic...).

There a lot of users (incl. me) having no problems running multiple clients (on multiple machines) 


Thats why we are not supporting it - it's simply to much of advanced network stuff getting this going in a reliable way - if you are experiencing such problems.

Basically we leave to the players getting their clients/environments setup in a way allowing reliable multi boxing because this EMU is about the server (not client).


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I multibox a lot, and have had no problem, unless it is in the vulnerable window timeframe (9-10PM PST, during which timeframe, I shutdown EnB and play other games because playing a single toon have the same problem of gating).

I use sandboxie.  Since multiboxing is not officially supported, we can take this offline, so you can PM me, and I can help you out with the technical details offline.

Edited by VincentTH
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EnB was (by design) never ment to allow multi boxing - there are even limitations in the client code not allowing this.

We are using some diff. mechanism to enable and allow multiboxing but we cannot disable the limitations the client still has (as we cannot change any of the client code).


If this was true then why were I and many other paying subscribers multiboxing in original live. I had 2 accts and I know my guild leader had several and played on multiple servers at the same time with 2 accts on each server. I also have multiboxed on this emu since st2 and have had very few problems. the recent changes/fixes have started to cause issues with multiboxed toons during gameplay especially when gating/docking. I understand that you want remove multiboxing from the game, because you see it as a form of exploitation, but to use the claim that it wasn't coded in originally is a poor excuse. Even if it wasn't specificly in the code it was never an issue with westwood or ea, all they cared about was that you payed for the subscription. I know of several old enbers that had father wife and son or daughter playing from the same ip's, with no problems and that was on dial-up service, or what was the begining of dsl which wasn't much faster.

Edited by STRETTCH
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If this was true then why were I and many other paying subscribers multiboxing in original live.

You can't run two EnB clients in single windows user session. There is various workarounds to make it happen and those 'many other paying subscribers' were using one or the other.

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Rose, as I dual box myself, I have run into this issue.


Most of the time what it is, is that I gate one toon, then switch over and gate the other.  When I do this on 1 computer, it causes 1 client to kind of hang for a bit.  Usually if you wait it out it will finish gating without you having to close the client.  It has taken a few minutes, so it isn't a quick process.


Best thing to happen was the group gating, as this hasn't caused me any issues of a long gate time at all, while using this on the same computer.


The easiest work around to this issue is, gate one toon fully, let it finish gating, then switch to the other client and gate that toon.  It ends up being quicker to do it this way than trying to gate one then switch to the other gate that one, and then wait for both to finish gating.


Hope this helps..

Edited by Rumrunner
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There is 2 ways to solve this problem:


1st solution: Every time you gate - make sure you completely gate with a
toon and then alt-tab and gate with other toon. If you alt-tab while the client
loading between sectors, the client will 'freeze' and might unfreeze in 3-5mins
or so.


2nd solution: start ebconfig as administrator and set the game in windowed
mode - once the game is in windowed mode, you can alt-tab between clients
without delay or waiting the client to load and there is no freeze effect on
any of the clients if you alt-tab during loading between sectors.


I hope this will help.





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Actually unless it was changed again, you shouldn't have to alt tab while gating in formation while multi-boxing, that is if you have mapped the sector gate on the other side, all toons should just follow and be formed on the other side. If it's a new toon you haven't toured then yes you will have to gate them seperately.

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I set up multiple IPs on my machine (binding additional IPs to my NIC) , using a single IP per client (picked in the dropdown in the n-7 launcher), all on the same box, along with 'lock port', and things have been pretty solid for me.

When using multiple IPs I find if you use the extra, new IPs you added, and not your original IP, it seems to work best.

As already stated however, this may or may not work with everyone's setup, and of course none of this is supported, but it seems to be doing the trick for me.


Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
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