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Fantastic EvE Fail

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Apologies that this isn't directly EnB related but I know a number of folks here have played (or are still playing) EvE. This story just made me laugh out loud. I haven't played EvE in a long time and don't miss it at all . . . but here's where PvP and the PLEX scheme had a head-on collision and everyone (except ccp) lost. Hilarious.

EVE player destroys over $1000 worth of game time

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So let me get this straight, someone spent over $1000.00 US on time cards (or something that can be used the same)? And these cards can be transported around the virtual world on your virtual ship. These can be ripped off in the virtual world (via PvP)and not only can you lose them to pirates BUT they can be destroyed? EPIC FAIL!!

Hell if I need that type of reality I can take a walk down State Street in East St. Louis.

I will never complain about losing anything in here again.

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He didnt buy them for real money, but ppl can purchase 60 day Game time codes, and then covert then to ingame "plexs" to seel as an item on the ingame market that others can then purchase to with ingame money to use for game time, think back to banajoe who used to sell EnB codes in live.

..but the money used to purchase then was alliance money used to pay sovrenity bills for 0.0 ( lawless space) they claim and now they cannot afford to pay the ingame cost to keep there soverenity leaving it open for easy attack and which will mean the upgrades to make NPCing better will be lost to and any bridge network ( gates you can deploy yourself) and cyno jammers to stop capital ships jumping in. He was also the alliance leader.

So the story goes, its just hilarious ;)

EDIT:Also the ship he was atemping to transport it in was one of the weakest ships and slow to warp for its class in the game, basicly would be like a lvl 1 guy trying to move it through a field of tenugu without warp/cloak

Edited by Juduz
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..but the money used to purchase then was alliance money used to pay sovrenity bills for 0.0 ( lawless space) they claim and now they cannot afford to pay the ingame cost to keep there soverenity leaving it open for easy attack and which will mean the upgrades to make NPCing better will be lost to and any bridge network ( gates you can deploy yourself) and cyno jammers to stop capital ships jumping in. He was also the alliance leader.

So the story goes, its just hilarious :P

EDIT:Also the ship he was atemping to transport it in was one of the weakest ships and slow to warp for its class in the game, basicly would be like a lvl 1 guy trying to move it through a field of tenugu without warp/cloak

sounds like a setup of some kind if you ask me ... although since I don't really understand the game mechanics I'm baffled as to how it can be used. I guess ppl will find out when the guy who lost it all makes his next move.

Perhaps after going bankrupt he'll put himself forward as the Emperor of Eve? Kind of like a sad version of Emperor Norton.

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Sadly you get sily ppl in eve, the place he was killed was the main market hub system ala f7 and he was killed during an empire war by mercenaries,the amount of times ppl die there carrying silly stuff is insane from blueprints for ships worth close to that in, ingame currency to faction modules ( raid style loot).

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It is simple he was a idiot,nothing of any value(certainly $1200 in game time)should be transported in anything but a cloaked ship. A ship which cannot be scanned,cannot be targeted and destroyed.He deserved to lose all,however good thing is the slime who pervade EVE got nothing.

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definitely a setup job... there is no way that a person is that stupid... unless this 1200$ was a drop in the bucket for him... and in that case he prob has at least a few thousand more in cards...

more likely imo it was part of a bet... but you xxx that you cant get from here to there with a hold of xxx

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EvE is a politically oriented pvp environment. There is no safe space especially if there is a war declaration active.

From my perspective, there's a fine line that separates it from reality. The politics, spies, pirates, and gankers have free rein; it really is a 100% pvp game.

Forgot to insure your ship you lose ship/cargo/equipment months or years of work down the drain in a heartbeat.

Forgot to upgrade or replace your clone after death? Again you lose anywhere from days to years of "experience" plus the loss of any implants you might have installed. (implants can enhance learning and/or skills)

That guy that you've been in corp with for the last 3 years that's been your best buddy? Guess what now that he's CEO of your corp or alliance you find out he's a spy.... with the push of a button everything that has been accumulated is gone; it's all his now... well his and his real buddies.

Your forums/teamspeak/vent hacked? that's right it's those guys that you have a war with or someone who just doesn't like you.

Want to be a pirate? It's ok as long as you don't get caught by the in-game "cops" or gate guns/station defenses.

There are also numerous good things about EvE, the experience is different for everyone.

This is just a small part of what EvE is like, it isn't for everyone.

This is also why I love EnB so much, it's PvE heaven; no smack, whining about balance, no cliques, PK'g/griefing/ganking and calling it "pvp" It is refreshing to be able to log in, play the game and not worry or have to constantly watch your back for the lowlife pkr's; or have chat spammed by those who feel compelled to browbeat, beat their chests, smack talk, or otherwise ruin the gaming experience for those who don't have the same "play style" as they do. Some other games *cough* WoW *cough* that's all you see and/or read on their forums.


EvE & War dec's

Rule 1 never undock without checking local

Rule 2 never move anything of value without an escort

Rule 3 if you're foolish enough to think you can do it just because you've done it x amount of times before see Rule 1 & 2 above.

Edited by Lieaya
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