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More Details for missions

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I cant help but notice the lack of descriptions in the missions. I find myself constantly asking for help about where to find this or where to get that to complete a mission.

For example on the JD bonus missions you have to go to Planer Zweihander and search for the 3rd fragment.. I looked around for a fair amount of time before asking for help, then I discovered I could go under water where I found "Sam" and when I found Sam he/she ask for spare parts so he/she can fix there ship.. Now the mission log only says "Find spare parts for Sam" and Sam gives no clues on where to find the spare parts at. Only by asking did I find out I had to go all the way to the Joves ruin to get them. You dont think there could of been any type of clues or hints in there to at least point me in a general direction of where to go?

Im all for helping out other players and for asking for help when I get stuck on a mission but to get stuck on the mission because there is a huge lack of info is just annoying/frustrating. And when you have to ask someone else for help you never know if the advise is good or not untill you check it out and I can say that ive wasted more time then I would like to admit chasing bad advise.

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In Live it was also possible to buy the spare parts from the trade goods vendor in Jagerstadt City. I don't know if that's the case in the Emulator, since I got mine from Jove City looters, when going to the Ruins of Jove City to search the Progen hulks there for the 1st Inspiration. This mission is no different than the L30 Jenquai bonus mission from Live as far as I can tell/remember.

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  • 5 months later...

WELL... Here it is again, It was asked kindly for in march, now I'm asking for it in Aug. There Still a lot of messing detail in mission log's. Yes I can understand you move X and Y on the play server to fix A and Z temporarily, and/or move A and B for the time being. I'm just asking for the warning that X and Y in this mission has been moved so you can prevent us from asking each time we run into the same mission. If 50 out of 100 in-game on play server decided to play a Jenquai class and let's say choose to do any bonus mission. Then they too in the future well ask the same question and only the person who's up-to-date with developing would know about it not your average player as far as I'm concerned. Another word's, with some sort of research data, 50% of new player question's might or could be a result of missing detail in the mission log or not enough detail.

I don't know why I get bothered by asking over, and over, and over on many channel's, but it's one of the following. When only 1 person knows, took me all day to find out that 1 mob in a mission was moved for A and B reasons. That mob is temporarily not in it's proper place as such is written in the mission log. Which threw me off and looking for like 5-10 hrs trying to figure it out on my own, sense the mob was not in it's proper place. Is it really necessary for anyone to go through that much trouble I ask you kind DEV'S and player's alike?

Warnings, notifications and hints would greatly help the noobs stay on track and ask less questions in-game. It's not helping the noobs is the problem and can easily be fixed or ignored. Sense of March this year 2010, I figure I could be wrong, but the "more details in missions" suggestion has or have been completely ignored. I don't know why, but suggesting this gets looked into would help those stuck on missions that don't give any clues and stuff. Not suggesting you give them the answer or solution straight away. Just mainly hints or clues at least keep them on track and if any part of a mission is modified temporarily or permanently that info should be added to the mission log in-game if it doesn't ruin the outcome or solution straight away.

When somethings messing in a mission log that then because a scavenger hunt...LOL

So I'm hoping you well look into this think it over twice think or think about it real hard. Try and discuss this over with other DEV'S and Player's, because It's just adding that sense of awareness in-game might improve the game play style so it's not such much of a scavenger hunt every now and then with any missions. :)

This is kinda another related suggestion that I heard in-game but someone mentioning a Missile Launcher details are crossed over with lazer beam details? I don't know much about that issue but I thought I would add that too. I would have made a new thread on this, but sense one thread is already made regarding the same topic that is in plain English, *Details* I decided to post my suggestion here.

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There's a trend these days for games to tell their users exactly where to go and exactly what to do. EnB is an old game and back when it was live it was not always specific in telling you where to go for missions. The JE level 30 hull upgrade mission is actually more specific than it was in live (also, I did a fix this month to make it a bit more specific).

I know that players get frustrated with missions not telling them where to go especially if nobody will answer their question about it, but is it really in the spirit of EnB to be sure of what to do all the time? This game has three main elements: Combat, Trade, and explore. This is a space combat game, it is a space trading game, and it is a space exploration game. There is little point of exploring when you are told exactly where to go and what to do all the time. If you need to ask someone, ask someone. Otherwise, you will find it eventually. If you think the looters are too hard to find, let me know.

We are leaving some missions vague for the sake of giving players reason for exploration and thought. This is how EnB was and making all missions very specific is not in the spirit of the game as we understand it. We will leave you some clues for the most part, but you will still have to explore.

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Ofcourse we don't expect to be guided like sat nav. But little hints would be nice. Especially if you get sent from joves to zweilander find sam ohh hi yea i need jenniepie parts (mention what part it needs) go back to joves get part fly back to zweilander. Ohh i need another part too its called BLAH. Rince repeat. That's a guaranteed angry player.

If those parts could be looted from say a mob you had to kill beforehand the npc could tell you i see you have found parts for Sam be sure to keep those or something along those lines.

Players don't mind fighting to get stuff but aimlessly wandering around the galaxy tends to make angry pilots.

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There's a trend these days for games to tell their users exactly where to go and exactly what to do. EnB is an old game and back when it was live it was not always specific in telling you where to go for missions. The JE level 30 hull upgrade mission is actually more specific than it was in live (also, I did a fix this month to make it a bit more specific).

OK, yes I can understand that trend is a bit common to most gamers. Yes, the Dev's did a great job if any part of the lvl 30 JE bonus HU mission was updated or recently modified. I was able to find my way through all part 1 and part 2 mission logs up until the very last one in my case. To be more clear on what part I got stuck on, because I felt there wasn't enough detail being added. The last part2 of the JE lvl 30 bonus HU mission. Finding *Cenovar Gladiator* @ or around the Moon Fragment in Aganju. :) There's no "Moon Fragment" in Anganju. Why was it not posted as part of the mission log? Little did I know he was located on Dahin Planet. Which was not discussed in the mission log at all if not updated. hint or clues would be ("Cenovar Gladiator" Is somewhere in this system and or galaxy) that's all it could have said when I received it on Dahin Planet! But no it must transport my idea, thinking that he must be over in Cygni 61 to find he's not actually not there in the 1st place. Kind of ruins the fun of going into combat when you can't find your opponent to begin with, but that's my just my 2cents. I don't know if you Dev's want to make things better by using our player feedback, but I'm just saying I got stuck and something wasn't right. I have no problem exploring if the job is within an idea's reach. :)

Edited by Orga2
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While I'm all for exploration and finding stuff on your own... There needs to be a balance especially in the lower levels. I played a PS in Live all the way to 150 but my mind is a bit rusty. Okay, a lot rusty. I'm constantly asking questions on where stuff is. :)

I just got this one mission to mine 13 units of Magnetite. Okay... So I start warping from belt to belt clicking everything looking for it. It wasn't until I asked someone where I could find it that I found it. In the mission maybe a nudge in the right direction would be nice: "Magnetite is usually found in so-so type asteroid in this general area." It doesn't flat out tell you to go to this way point which would be boring after a few missions. Later on in levels you're expected to have some more in game knowledge so that's where it could start getting vague with little to no help at all.

I can't remember the newbie missions from Live that much, it's just been so long. But I know I didn't have this much trouble in the beginning levels. I could only imagine what it would be like for a person who never played Live. It could be just the PS newbie missions tho, as I haven't started any of the other classes yet. :)

Edit: I'm sure the new player experience tweaks are on The Listâ„¢ so I'm not too worried about it.

Edited by rmdashrrootsplat
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I agree that more details for missions is necessary. I had a major mission from Mars Beta to find magnatite ore. I mined mars beta till I was green and never found any. I asked in chat where it could be found to no avail until one person finally told me to go to the next sector in Mars. Who knew?

If there were thousands of players, we could get questions answered. However, with the relatively few players, although growing, that we have, it is essential that we have more detail on the missions!

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