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Everything posted by prometheusnl

  1. Something happened that made them hide the development i think it was a split in the project. Anyways i'm just a player these days stay away from the politics of it all and just enjoy my game time.
  2. Hey Dima long time no see. yea it's gone no more public svn.
  3. Maybe there's already a trigger in the client. When you are grouped with other players their name is dark purple in stations. Maybe we can use that?
  4. In short No.... He's remembering WOW.. I'm not sure though maybe they did something with the NPC name that was another color For instance GEEN name = I have a mission for you. Yellow name i'm just here looking pretty. For sure no question mark or exclamation mark. Wow the question mark was you are doing a mission for this npc. Exclamaition mark i have a mission for you.
  5. I don't suggest we get handed everything on a silver platter but some hints like if your lvl xx you might wanna go here for some missions to do.
  6. Maybe i've missed it somewhere on the site but i'm looking for an up to date mission list. I've noticed while playing and leveling up new alts that it's mostly grinding outside the mission you do for skills. I think most players will grind their way to 150 without doing much missions for the simple fact that they don't know where the missions are and when to get them. Suggestion. Why not have a list with all the missions in game with level requirement so players can actually plan them in their grind schedual. Postivie side of this is that missions will be actually done this way. and not skipped over.
  7. Lol your not you can't remember everything thats in game so don't worry about it. About this single clicking thing could there also be a key combination to Single click with option key to place the item clicked into the trade window. I know there are keys to put stuff in your vault but trade window would be nice for trading loads of stuff with easy clickings.
  8. He's right logs can be edited There is no way to protect the system from this. To make sure he din't say it or did say it there should be proof from other members that where online at the time. And ofcourse they will have the same chat log. Or PARANOID MODE ON. They all edited their logs because they don't like me !!! Paranoid mode off. anyways logs are no proof.
  9. Easyest way to do this Wihtout changing the client would be to change the name of the vendor to Vendorname LVL X
  10. It doesn't matter to me what range warp is. If you want it reduced and if the devs want to make it like it was in game find some proof of the range there are some vids of players flying though sectors maybe it's in there. Go by collective memory idk. Whatever distance is chosen is up to the devs they chance the number on the server for warp distance. So convince them it should be 1K and make it happen. Just saying i remember it being over 4k 3.99 no workie 4.00 warp possible. Now ofcourse i could be wrong but until somebody shows me look here is proof ill keep trusting my memory of the game. Id suggest you get this pushed onto the developers agenda. Regards Prom
  11. I remember 4 K range minimum for warp engines. Maybe we have some vids from live game that could help us figure this out.
  12. Hi 2 things. When i was managing the server we did some tests about usage for one player to have a prognosis on how many players we could host on a 100 MBit line. For different actions there where the following results. You download from the server Per player this amount: For flying around warping in a sector not doing much 0 to 1 KB/s in bursts every couple of seconds. When fighting alone with a group of mobbies around 2.5KB/s This includes you the spawn your scan range and missles pl's beams everything that's handled by the server. For group combat 6 players all grouped together the spawn and everything in their scan range. The scan share of JE and all that good stuff about 10kb/s Constant transmission. When changing a sector from one to another there's a Blip of one or 2 seconds of 10kb/s. This due to a file needing to be copied over that's 14KB. All sizes mentioned above in Kilobytes Per Second. You Upload to the server the following. Position reports and some odds and sods Never reaching above 1KB/s thoughout the game. This will tell you what a Kilobyte actually is. To make it easy. A 56K 6 Modem will get a top speed if your line was good of about 7.5 KB/s A ISDN modem will get a top speed of 11 KB/s single line. Doulbe line will reach 22KB/s A 1 Mbit internet ADSL connection Will reach at top speed 128KB/s An averige simple broadband connection would be 5 Mbits Download en 1 Mbits upload This would give you 640KB/s Download and 128KB/s Upload Now on to your problem there might be some packet sniffing scanning software either on your computer or on your network hardwarde that checks the contence of packets as they come to you though the internet. This could label some packets sent by our server as Malicious or just takes to long to scan them. Or you have the large packet option on in the client and your ISP doesn't support large package sizes. Regards PrometheusNL
  13. Ofcourse we don't expect to be guided like sat nav. But little hints would be nice. Especially if you get sent from joves to zweilander find sam ohh hi yea i need jenniepie parts (mention what part it needs) go back to joves get part fly back to zweilander. Ohh i need another part too its called BLAH. Rince repeat. That's a guaranteed angry player. If those parts could be looted from say a mob you had to kill beforehand the npc could tell you i see you have found parts for Sam be sure to keep those or something along those lines. Players don't mind fighting to get stuff but aimlessly wandering around the galaxy tends to make angry pilots.
  14. The mob AI, I've just started playing again and i thought to be different i'd make a TE. Well after a day or so of playing my new strat to quick level is not to Kite everything in sight but if i get caught in range by a single mob i just Plop in behind them and shoot them to bits. Seems they can't turn on a dime and if you have a mob that uses Beam/PL (most do) they can't fire at you if you are behind them. Alternating between circling above or below them makes them confused:) Me Likes although i'm guessing the Mob ai still needs a bit of polishing.
  15. Keep in mind guys that this whole ticket thing has an upside to game development and is one reason it was inplenmented. Basicly if there's a ticket for the problem it gets registered. The soulition is added to the ticket so that if the problem occurs again the solution is at hand straight away giving a shorter turn around time for problem registration / solution. The other upside is basicly if a problem starts occuring more frequently there can be an investigation and the tickets from the past can show when the problem started and sometimes how it got started. This will help the developers have a shorter turn around time noticing trends after updates and fixing them quicker. So yes it's more hassle to make a ticket but we do get a huge Return on investment. Fades back into the background.... PrometheusNL.
  16. As a Phoenix we will rise from the ashes. Cause we have to
  17. Prolly a DNS server update that was slow on your provier.
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