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Beta Tester [BT]
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Everything posted by Rossdie

  1. I do agree that I have seen lower percentage raid items lately, but I think it's just luck of the draw. I would however like to see the 5% multiplier set as it was in live. Also, what are the current percentage parameters at right now? I have heard 80% to 130%. As for resetting the above the current drop percentage items, to me it's too bad if you werent playing when they were set at up to 180% and don't have these items. I am not complaining I took time off during hulkfest and dont have items mapped that arent and arent supposed to be game currently. So if those get reset, everything in peoples builds that arent dropping according to the DB should be wiped also. So, if people want to complain about those two things (in which I am not) then there should have just been a player wipe at the beginning of beta. Do not forget we will most likely have one before we go live.
  2. Go offline for any of the kill a certain amount of this mob and they all reset to 0.
  3. I was thinking it has to be tied with the portal, because the portal is where you check on server status. When the portal goes down for maintanance or whatever reason at 12 a.m. EST, the client side has no where to check for server status, so you get the null error for checking server status. They may be seperate servers but our clients are pointing to the portal somehow, especially since the portal has to be connected to the server to show status and update item drops and such.
  4. I have been meaning to ask this question for a while now. Why is when whoever is working on the Net 7 portal and takes it down at midnight EST, you cannot launch the client and get logged into the play server? All you get is null errors.
  5. [quote name='Zackman' timestamp='1344806423' post='61726'] Tnx !! One last question, i already have the answer, just making sure: Were you able (in live) to get Chavez faction up (yellow/green) by killing RDs ? [/quote] No, because it wasn't set up as an actual faction, just like glenn commision, net-7 etc. etc, they really werent set up with enemies. Th chavez should have been, but wasn't implemented yet.
  6. The chavez in live were similar to Freespacers (with the exception freespacers were yellow), they would never change, they were always hostile, but were not factioned. Terrell is correct they were planning on factioning them, because they were going to have there own sector, at the time nobody knew what that would be until now. As for BBW, all you needed was to turn them yellow to enter, they did not have to be fully green, but if I recall they wouldn't sell anything to you in the station unless you were green. That was the whole purpose of turning a faction green as apposed to being yellow (neutral to them), so you could purchase items.
  7. I agree with a few of your points, Ryle. I would definately like to see the skills and all the device buffs working properly. I too, think this should be a priority, also getting group bonuses, group faction and other group effects working as they should. The crash issue I do not believe will ever go away, I remember live was pretty much the same way, i.e gating crashes, lag and the likes. The ones that are unusual are ctd's just flying around the same sector, terminal crashes and such. As for Raids and campers, I do not think making all raids activated will solve the problem of too much loot, in fact it would get worse in my opinion, because there is more FB stuff floating around then anything else. Plus, you have to realize this is a much smaller community than it was when live, so the DEV's are trying to find a balance on how hard to make the raids, can't make them too hard, but yes they are pretty easy right now. I know Kenu is working on alot of this so give him time. The campers issue will never go away so forget about trying to stop that, thats a problem in every MMO set-up like this one is. Right now, I just want to see the game working properly, especially when more content comes. I would like to see the current faction that in game actually on our faction list and in working order as they did in live, i.e Mordana, Glenn commission, net-7, freespacers, etc.etc
  8. One thing I would like taken out of teh game is, when on new players chat, I do not like seeing the computer telling me it's new players chat. I do not remember this from live and it's actually quite annoying. I can see it telling it to you once but not everytime you say something in the chat.
  9. [quote name='Ryle' timestamp='1343972642' post='61337'] Also Tien since youre working on combat jobs, and ive got your attention. [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/tracker/issue-440-job-terminal-combat-job-level-issue/page__gopid__1648#entry1648"]https://forum.enb-emu..._1648#entry1648[/url] That issue really needs fixed as soon as you guys can. [/quote] Yes this does need to be fixed and has been reported a while back, because they have been that way since the lower level job were introduced to the stations with the higher level jobs, F7, Endriago, OMP etc.
  10. The roid levels are too high for the 50 and 75 clear roid jobs, you cannot expect a lvl35 or even lvl 50 playeer to mine lvl5/6 roids, the lvl50 jobs should be 1-3 or maybe even lvl4 max roids to mine, The lvl75 should be 3-5 anything higher is impossible to mine taken consideration reactor lvls and prospect skill at those levels. I know my last char I leveled was a PS and I didnt even bother doing anymore clear roid fields until the 105 jobs, because of the difficulty or down right impossibilty of doing them at lower levels. On a side note I kept that PS balanced on CL,EL,TL throughout my leveling of it.
  11. This probably should be put in as a bug report. One question for you, are you doing these jobs with more than one char, as in dualboxing or running multiple accounts at once? If you are then make sure the char with the job takes the first shot or it will mess up the rights to the kill. I found this out by having the same issue you do, as I run 3 chars at once and if I shot the mob with one of my support chars first it would mess up the jobs mission logs. Once, I figured out my mistake I never had teh issue of not completing all six jobs.
  12. I like both of those and would do both job types, they sound fun. The only couple suggestion I would have is, do not make the protection mobs to far below the bosses level so you still get combat xp from them, maybe just make them with lower shield caps and/or hulls. This is depending on what you plan on setting the rewards for the jobs of course, remember players will want to do muliples of the jobs at once, so they cannot be so hard that the difficulty out weighs the rewards or nobody will do them, I.E the lower level clear asteroid field jobs. The clear roid field jobs right now are too difficult to do at lvl 50 and 75 (unless you have fixed those Tienbau). Also, for the trade jobs, please do not make the items mega expensive to build, as I don't think anyone would do them if it the case.
  13. I agree with everything Algaron said.
  14. Is it just me or is the server or login down? I keep getting null error's for server status checking.
  15. [quote name='will' timestamp='1343218341' post='60872'] Default skill duration is 90 seconds per skill level. Skill Level 10 = 15 minutes. Enviroshields +XXseconds buff didn't add anything, ended exactly at 15 minutes. I've never timed afterburn, but it eventually ends, and lasts long enough to assume the listed amounts are correct. Nullfactor has no duration, just like cloak/powerdown/inversion. [/quote] Well if it is 90 seconds per lvl then there are no skills that can last 15mins, because all the skills besides afterburn are maxed at lvl7, so that would be 630 secs max or 10 1/2 mins.
  16. I get the same thing at times, my guess would be client talking to the server issues. I dont get the issue as often as you are seeming to have, only once in a while.
  17. The parts are supposed to be hard to get, they were in live also.
  18. [quote name='Sleven.' timestamp='1342156247' post='60401'] Then just give the boss group see cloak... Not the 62's and 64's. Usually the boss group gets killed not too long after spawn anyways. [/quote] This is exactly what I meant by Gobb and the minions that spawn with him, the 62's and 64's are loners (not part of the Gobb spawn) they can be left as is.
  19. [i]It's a real easy fix just give Gobb and the minions he spawns with the capability to see cloak, that will take care of the solo JD's doing it.[/i]
  20. [quote name='Ryle' timestamp='1340901411' post='59741'] So tell me the low DPS PL or Beam that has all the awesome buffs? Last I checked the raid level PLs and Beams were actually the highest DPS weapons. Show me a single level 9 beam or PL that does 1/4th the damage of the others in the same level. Made to Live has one of the highest damages of any Beam, and is in fact the highest damage 6 second beam there is. Overall DPS rivals the GoD or Emerald Devastator. Flechette Omega has one of the highest DPS's in the game, for any weapon. It has some of the best projectile buffs you can get. If you go by strict DPS, do you even understand what level the hellbore really is? Level 9 Hellbore: 46.4 DPS @ 100% Level 6 Type B: 43.44DPS @ 200% So essentially as a terran you are equipping 3-4 level 9 MLs and a level 6 ML that doubles as a chim or bully eye (which the TE can use) [/quote] Ryle, you are comparing apples and pears. The HB shouldnt be compared to other ML's, it's the only ML with a debuff. As for a lvl9 beam or PL that has low DPS and has a debuffer on them try looking at what else drops from the RD base raid, the Tractor repulsor beam and the Singularity mortar are both low DPS'ers, so as far as I am concerned the HB should just stay as is, just like it was in live. In fact I would hope they don't change any of the items that are in game from live, creating new ones is fine like the arippa and such.
  21. I don't see anyone talking about what actually got damaged first before quality, the first thing that took damage in live was structure (hence the repair skill), you had to get structure to 0 before quality would take a hit, granted some mobs would hit so hard structure would go down to 0 quick and then the quality damage would occur i.e FB raids and such. In most cases though quality hits were rare. As it is right now you don't even lose structure so nobody is even using skill points in repair equipment skill because the skill is useless right now.
  22. I agree play your chars the way you want, I personally only give advice when asked. Example if someone asks me to build them something, I build what they ask for and don't tell them that particular item sucks and say you need this instead, as I have seen certain people do. Now, if I am asked, is this the best choice for me to have? I will make suggestion to that person. Also, as for soling Gobb or any other end game boss, I dont think any race/class should be able to do so, to me it's very rediculus that a lone JD can take on the entire Gobb spawn and all the minions solo, also the entire mordana raid solo.
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