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Everything posted by r8rsfans75

  1. Progen has always been my favorite class going back to the days of Live, but I'm sorry to say you are preaching to the choir and most of this type of critique seems to be falling on deaf ears. If you dig back far enough in the forums, you will find a post from me about the progen lvl 50 HU bonus mission that never got answered/replied to/commented on from anyone. The amount of work that was done to create these missions had to be pretty extensive, plus the fact that the work is being done during someone's personal time for no pay is greatly appreciated, but when the stuff doesn't work as intended and the perception is that the person who created the issues doesn't seem to have any accountability (except to say "it worked on the dev server"), is a little bit of a put off. I also work as a programmer, so I know all about when code goes right in testing and wrong in development. I am committed to helping this project though, I will not stop playing until someone shuts off the servers for good and I also will not stop playing the progen toons unless they become completely unplayable. When I have some extra money I also plan on become a donator, regardless of whether the project is completely open source because I know the intent is to get this game to a playable phase that is fun for everyone. /stepOffSoapBox
  2. Wait a minute, a documented walkthrough for a progen mission available to players? Somebody get over to the UK and check on Byakhee, probably just had a heart attack.
  3. Bump. This seems to be working fine in IE8 now except the Progen Privateer, none of the buttons work on the PP page.
  4. So like many people I am a dual-boxer. If I'm doing something really involved with one toon I will just do trade runs with the other or do some farming with some slow-spawning mobs. I was just thinking to myself, what if I start a new toon and just do trade runs. Technically I could get that toon all the way to lvl 150 just doing somer-fenris runs without doing a single mission or firing a single shot (obviously would pick up a couple explore levels just doing the run for the first time). So that got my dimented brain going a little bit more to try to plan this out and was wondering if anyone else had thought about, or tried doing this. Here are some of the issues that I'm wondering about: The first major issue is whether or not to do the hull upgrades along the way. You only pick up two extra cargo slots with each upgrade and some of the HU missions require some combat, if I stay true to the idea of no combat, I would probably want to skip the hull upgrades until I get to OL150, at that point can you do them all in order? The second issue is probably not even an issue, but what to do with the skill points along the way. I'm thinking would want to do engine, device and reactor only and leave everything else.
  5. Wait a minute....Terrans can't build reactors?!?!? When did this happen?!?!? My vote goes to the JE for a pretty useless reason, I haven't ever used any of the other 2 yet.
  6. I thought for sure we were going to get a comment about the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow.
  7. +1 lol we should start a thread to just suggest analogies for hull upgrade missions. Maybe for the terrans it can be a mouse dropped in a maze with moving walls that may or may not have cheese.
  8. I agree in fact I think the link should be deleted from the original post.
  9. Progen proj 2 - xbow 3 - xbow or bayonet 4 - xbow or bayonet 5 - rifle 6 - rifle or mortar thats as far as I am right now, I think people still stick with the rifle/mortar at lvl 7, but the higher levels you start getting into bile cannons, spitters, etc, and I'm sure someone has more expertise on that than I do to comment on it intelligently. I build quite a few progen reactors and shields at lower levels, lvl 2-5 most people go with Nero, but there are some that like the Titus, that is lvl 3-6. Those are for battle. You will also get a lot of requests for the Kraken (2-5) or Unicorn (5-8) for doing trade runs. Shields, I get a lot of requests for the Waterloo (3-6) and the Falkirk (2-5). I've just started getting into the higher end shields and most progens seem to like the Normandy (6-9).
  10. I think soccer is stupid, but I can't stop watching the world cup
  11. The progen privateer planner is still messed up. The page shows up just fine, but still get object expected errors in IE and can't move any of the levels. Only seems to be an issue with the PP, I was able to adjust the levels for the JS and the TS. The page opens up in other explorers such as firefox and opera and can adjust the levels, but still have the errors with many of the skills not being able to be adjusted.
  12. Is it possible that a log of the chat can be displayed somewhere to be viewed by those of us who were not available during that time?
  13. I went to www.net-7.org and clicking planner. (logged in to the site or not makes no difference). I tried IE8 and it is just as Avani says, all of the arrows are showing the red x boxes signifying the site cannot find the images and there is an internet explorer error in the bottom left corner of the status bar that says Object Expected on line 226. I also went to this page in Google Chrome, Opera 10.54, and even Apple Safari and the page works fine in all 3 except for certain skills when you click the arrows they don't go anywhere. I have the character maxed out for overall levels and for available skill points and there are still plenty to use, but certain skills are still stuck at level 0 and can't be moved. It seems to only be an issue with the 3 newer classes.
  14. Wow, haven't been on in a few days, and there is a lot of good discussion here, +1 to Riia, Suricata and Mr Merlin. I think the best thing that has been said so far is what Riia said that there are 64 lvl 6 beams. I believe there are too many other things that need to be accomplished with the emulator before we look at balancing one type of beams against 63 others.
  15. Those trac phones are perfect for people who don't use their cell phones very much. We got rid of our landline and just use the cell phones. I hardly ever talk on mine, but I am constantly texting and emailing, looking up scores, searching something on google, etc. I went crackberry first and now Android and now I feel like I'm missing an arm or something if I ever go anywhere and don't have my phone.
  16. So aside from the fact that you did not answer if a CL40+ mob is required for the lvl 50 HU bonus mission, let me see if I am understanding your analogy. If you are a progen less than level 30, what you have to look forward to is a carrot at the end of a long stick. The carrot at the end of the lvl 30 stick is a really nice juicy carrot. However tied to that carrot is another stick. First of all, you may not be able to reach the end of this lvl 50 stick, but if you do, the carrot isn't quite as nice, but there is at least a carrot. And of course tied to this carrot is the lvl 75 stick with another carrot at the end. Now at this point, you can choose whether to chase this carrot (which of course has yet another (lvl 100) stick tied to it). If you choose not to pursue this carrot, you no longer have access to any of the carrots at the end of any future sticks (100 or 135). Also, at some point, the person who is tying the carrots to the sticks could possibly decide to take the current carrots, throw them out for anybunny to get at and put better carrots on the sticks. So I guess my new question now, if my progen bunny decides to chase down all the sticks and get these decent carrots, when the carrot provider decides to put the better carrots on the sticks, do I get those better carrots? Are these carrots only for new bunnies? Do I have to chase the sticks again? Or are we waiting for an instance where the master gardener decides to wipe out all the bunnies and start with brand new bunnies?
  17. I had similar issues trying to find this map. I believe this is the one you are looking for. A couple things about this map though: First off, it lists almost all the navs, ore fields and mobs (including the hidden ones) which takes away from some of the "explore" intent of the game. (And I say almost all, I noticed most of the hidden navs in Glory's Orbit are not listed, there are probably others) Secondly, the person who created this map no longer plays the game so it does not get updated. So if the devs make a change to the location of a certain mob, the map will not reflect that change (this also includes locations of ore fields which Merlin has changed, this map does not include those changes as far as I know) Lastly, some of the sectors that were in live that are not currently in the emulator are listed on this map, but does not show any information. So if/when those sectors get added into the emulator, this map will not be a good resource. http://isometricland.com/enb/enb_javascript_map.php
  18. Ok, that kind of explains the concern about the progen bonus missions being more involved than the the other 2 classes, but I would still like to see an answer to the other 3 questions.
  19. Android through Verizon (wife works there so get a really nice discount), there aren't as many apps as there are on the iPhone, but if Apple keeps pissing people off like this, I think you are going to see a lot of companies start to put their apps on Android instead.
  20. Now I know you have read Avani's posts before on this subject, why would you throw a rock at the hornets nest?
  21. I would be willing to bet real money that EA has already forgotten this poll and has moved on to something else with no real intentions of ever re-releasing any of their old games.
  22. I think he is more referring to non-manu items. Once they take a quality hit, its there for good unless you can get a brand new one.
  23. We had quite a discussion in our guild about this last night, thought I would ask a few questions. I have a PW who will be going through the lvl 50 HU soon, and wanted to get some clarification before I go into something that could end up being a waste of time: 1. Is it true that the bonus mission for the lvl 50 HU gives a reward that is lootable from mobs already in the game? (If true, seems kind of inconsistent with the 30 HU that gives the Shroud of the Optimal which you cannot find anywhere else) 2. Is it also true that one of the mobs that must be defeated in the lvl 50 HU is a cl40+ mob? 3. Is it still a requirement that the bonus missions from the lower HU must be completed along the way in order to complete the higher level ones? I am a little concerned because progen has always been my favorite class, and it seems to me that the dev's are somewhat concerned with balance in the game (see Warriors Heart/Martys Heart/Jenpie devices being nerfed), why is it that the progen hull upgrade missions seem to be so much more difficult to complete than any of the other 2 classes?
  24. It does, thanks CDel, the work the devs have been doing on this project is amazing if you think about where it started. I can remember a while back when all you could do was free warp and it was a huge deal when the gates actually started working.
  25. I would like to see some form of PvP brought back to the game (Arena only IMO), but I think that should be a ways down on the development list. I would first like to see more of the sectors brought back, more of the storyline implemented again, etc before we get to PvP.
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