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Everything posted by Davidr99

  1. Sorry to say but changing anything major like that on the UI is not in our scope at this time. Thanks, David
  2. If anyone is not listed in the donations and donated please let me know. I have fixed up the counter. Thanks, David
  3. Sorry during the server move it was lost. I have updated them all and fixed them.
  4. Hey Everyone, We have set up our new play server and it is all ready. We are currently shutting down the play server in order to copy all of the new data to the new server. The new server will be located at sunrise.net-7.org. I will update this post with more information. Thank you, Net7 Dev Team
  5. You should not see any item above 125%.
  6. Please make sure you guys all undo your changes. We may be chaning servers in the next 1-3 months and that means the IP could change. We are also working to make sure we have a backup DNS server incase this happends again. Thanks, David
  7. I have now brought up the portal. You can goto http://www.net-7.org/. Thanks, David
  8. Yes, our dev server had crashed. We have copied all data to the play server and are currently restoring the server. We have only brought up so far TS3 and the Forums, all other systems are down. The portal will be next then we will get started on the dev tools. We will be keep everyone posted. Thanks, David
  9. This was done to make sure any votes casted by a dev will not be counted.
  10. Also I would like to speak with everyone that is going on the vote in teamspeak before adding them. Basicly I want to explain what they will be doing and making sure they are ok with that. I do not want to put anyone on the vote thread before they decide 100% they are willing to do it. Also the statement of intention we can post in a thread where NO ONE can post back. That way it will keep it cleaned up for everyone to read. Thanks, David P.S. I have talked with Magoo
  11. So far here is the tally: Posted Intrest CptGemini 3 Lannister 9 Havilandtuff 1 Winxp1 1 (Needs a Supporter, self nominated) Nonimated Vaden 7 Pax 1 Magoo 10 Buzzstpoint 1 Greensleeves 1 Wizaster 1 Iceminer 1 Chain 1 Vagan 1 Terrell 1 Fuzdom 1 Thanks, David
  12. To answer some of the questions in this post so far. 1. The person being appointed needs to agree to nomination. There is no reason for everyone to back someone that does not have the time or who does not want to do this. 2. We want someone that is going to keep in the loop with us. If the person that gets in there does not have the time it will not work well and we will be doing a re-election. The idea is to give the players a voice though one person for now (if this works well we will be getting more for each election). Thanks, David
  13. We will be doing things with the fields, but the fields that were out there made ore useless. We may add back areas similar (not as many roids) but would need a group to mine it because of mobs. I have seen many macro miners sitting at these spots and using them to simply level to 150 without having to do anything.
  14. We did not repopulate any areas, so that means the drops were not changed. I know at one time hulks were not working properly so they are still being fixed. I am not sure what they drop at this time. Thanks, David
  15. We have found that in some place in the game ore was over abundant with "unclearable" fields. These fields are game breaking and making the economy completely unbalanced. Last night we did a temp fix to make the fields have less ores. When we release the December patch we will be fixing the ore fields. This is not permanent just temporary quick fix. Mobs were not changed at all with this patch. Thanks, David
  16. This is turning into a flame war. I am closing this post. Thanks, David
  17. We do not really support wine installs, but I do know the server is up at this time.
  18. The play server is up and running. I just restarted the ptr.net-7.org server, but play.net-7.org is up. Thanks, David
  19. I had to restart TS3 all fresh sorry guys. Turns out TS3 had an exploit :/.
  20. Does the game close automaticly?
  21. We are hoping to get this fixed asap and have things back to normal.
  22. You need to be a member to view that area of the forums I beleave
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