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Everything posted by Yuritau

  1. Scientifically, you are correct, Tyran. Even a person not orbiting a planet/star/moon/etc would see at least some of the star field rotate, from their perspective, due to the rotation of the galaxy. But that would be so slow that you'd only notice if you were specifically looking for it. Either way, it sounds to me like a lot of work for a minimal and purely aesthetic change that the majority of players simply wouldn't care about, if they even noticed.
  2. As much as I appreciate all the work you've put into the development of the portal, I can't help but be utterly disappointed with the new castrated version of the database. I've heard the reasons for it, and I can understand the devs not wanting the mystery of new additions being completely spoiled, but still, you've taken out like 75% of what I used the database for. Maybe my opinion is unpopular, but I'm less interested in having the database 100% accurate up to the minute, and more interested in being able to access USEFUL information like where to find specific items. Personally I'd rather use an informative third party database (your old one, or when I play wow: thottbot/wowhead), than a live-linked but restricted first party one (new portal database, wow armory).
  3. It's possible to make the skill useful without make it imbalancing. And Terrell's suggestion is a pretty good move in that direction, imho. Besides, it's not, strictly speaking, a combat skill, so improving it doesn't actually make JE's better at combat. All it would do is reduce by one, for a short time, the number of foes a JE faces. If it were to work as Terrell suggests, the best two uses I can think of would be the following: 1. run away! Something nasty is chasing you (say a big ol fishy), and you need to get away, so you force it to meditate while you charge up your warp engines. 2. mob splitting. Say there's 3 mobs patrolling in a relatively tight formation. As a JE you know you would not be able to take on all three at once. So you zap one into a short coma, and watch as the other two continue happily on their patrol. Soon as they're far enough away to not notice their buddy getting ganked, you open fire. Rinse, repeat. The JE isn't any better at combat than he was before, he just has the option of reducing what he has to deal with all at once. Also, in regards to the original suggestion: If the reactor cost is that high, it has to be an instant activation. If there's a multi-second charge up for it, reactor cost needs to be less than was suggested.
  4. That sounds FAR too much like an auction house, which is something I would never support in E&B. I think it should be a system where you sell your item, and you get whatever credit value the NPC gives you for that item (selling price, as per the item database, with a modifier to make it worthwhile to use the scrapper), and then the item is available for others to purchase (at the buying price in the DB) from the NPC. Once you sell it to the NPC, your part is done, and you have no further claim to the item in any way, short of buying it back. The way I would like to see it work, is multiple NPCs: 1 buyer, and 1 seller for each category of item (shields, reactors, engines, PLs, MLs, Beams, devices, ore). The system could hold onto any given item for a maximum amount of time (max should be a week, imho), BUT each seller would have a cap on maximum number of items it can hold. For argument's sake, let's go with 100. Soon as the 101st item gets added to say the shield seller's inventory, it knocks one out in a strict chronological order, oldest item is the first to go, no matter what it is. An alternate way of doing the seller NPCs could be a weapon seller, an equipment seller and an ore seller for each of L1-L3, L4-L6, and L7-L9.
  5. Trade loot dropped by mobs should provide trade xp when sold anywhere you darn well please, just like any other loot, but it should have a bonus to the trade xp if you sell it at the merchant that has a demand for it. Selling it in the "wrong" place is still 100% profit, it's just less credits.
  6. Realistically, if the hulk is L8, there should only be L7 and L8 items on it. If there's an L9 item on the hulk it should be an L9 hulk, with ONLY L8 and L9 items.
  7. Seems to be working just fine for me.
  8. Yeah I remember doing the mission chain for Net-7 reporter status. Was pretty cool being able to post news articles and such.
  9. Looks like it does currently. Look up the drops for the Vega MCG-3 & Vega MCG-4 beam. One of the mobs for the L3 has a 0% (Unknown) drop chance and neither mob actually spawns in game. The only mob listed for the L4 is only found in Ceres/Thule. So unless a filter of some kind to remove listings like this is forthcoming (hope so), looks like it will.
  10. I got the same impression as C Del. I don't think Reyla is suggesting Vaden, Magoo, and other builders have their own station ads.
  11. I would have GREATLY preferred the ability to use my browser's native tabbed browsing abilities.. but it's definitely an improvement.
  12. current timers seem to be in the 150 second range for open loot access, and two to three times that for corpse decay. For most areas of the game I'd say that's just fine, but for specific high spawn rate, or high value areas, making it more like 600 seconds for open loot access and 900-1200 for corpse decay would work fairly well, imho.
  13. Just tried to log in and saw the server is offline, is this a planned downtime? EDIT: Starting up now it seems, quick dev action at least!
  14. Mob is shown. But the sectors that mob can be found in are no longer shown.
  15. Okay, I guess I was wrong, since the new database only shows you the mob, without telling you where to find it. Why the obfuscation? At this point in the life of EnB, why is it necessary to REDUCE the information available to players? I'll second Doctor Tiki's request to simply update the data of the old site. It's a better site in literally every way (well, before the pruning, anyways).
  16. Saw the notice over on enbdatabase.net-7.org just now, and wanted to put up a protest against the disabling of that site. It's nice to hear that the new site will be all kinds of up-to-date and stuff, but imho, it's also less user-friendly. I'll use the new database if I want to get accurate information about drop locations or for looking up builders, but for pretty much everything else the old site is far easier to use. I like being able to right click stuff and "open in new tab" to do comparisons and whatnot, and the new site does not allow it, so please don't take it away from me.
  17. I'll be honest with you Castagere, your reply makes me think that when you played in live you had everything handed to you for little or no effort by some high level guildie/friend. A JD in live that wanted to hunt at or above parity with his CL had to use some kind of tactics to minimize the number of hits he took. Psi shield was NEVER strong enough to go toe-to-toe with equal or higher CL mobs without several re-applications.
  18. Are there wolves in the server room again or something?
  19. At the very least, the DA3 comps should be a little more out of the way than one of the 5 most used stations in the galaxy, imho. It wouldn't be out of the question, i think, for them to be available at a place like Detention Center Onorom, or Arx Emporos. I don't think the progen would have anything against the idea of "acquiring" DigiApogee's components and then taking money from any terrans that want some.
  20. I do. The only exception being high level hulk fields.
  21. My memory of it was that if your summon range was, for example, 5250, you could activate summon, then if the mob moved away past 5250, it was still summoned to you as long as it did not get further away than a certain maximum limit (never checked what the max was, guessing 150% of 5250).
  22. If you did that with LESS VARIETY per field, I'd be completely fine with it. The biggest reason we even HAVE cherry picking is because there's such a large variety of ores per field.
  23. Alright, seems like every night we end up having some talk on market/general about cherry picking. And every time it happens, you get the same two arguments: 1. "Ban cherry pickers!" (honestly, this does more to encourage cherry picking than anything else) 2. "Who cares?" or "What's the big deal?" So I wanted to post and tell y'all how to end this annoying debate. There's only two ways I can see o EVER stop cherry picking: 1. Start banning all cherry pickers. -It would probably work, but that kind of heavy handed behavior would cause a reduction in playerbase. Both from the bans themselves, and from a loss of confidence in the Net-7 team. 2. Reduce the variation within individual ore fields. -At present, it seems to me that a given ore field has an average tech level (eg: 6), and the roids that can spawn within that field have a ±1 variation around that number (tech lvl 5-7 in an L6 ore field), and on top of that, within each roid there is a variation of up to one level below the tech of the roid. So in a L6 ore field, you can get ores ranging from level 4 to level 7. Add in that each level of ore is likely to have anywhere from 2-4 different specific ores, and it's easily possible to come away with 16 different stacks from a SINGLE ore field. Also, there is a very large difference between mining L4 ores and mining L7 ores. Generally speaking a player that wants L7 ores doesn't care at all about L4/5, and a player that's actively mining L4 ores has no chance at all to pull even a single L7. This situation CREATES the cherry picking problem. Suggestions: -reduce the variation of roid level. A L6 field should only ever have L5 and L6 rocks. -reduce the variation at each ore level in a given field. 1-3 ores of each level is MORE than enough variation, and would create more variation from field to field. You might have to explore around a little more to find the specific ores you're after. Finally.. about hulks.. less debris please? Seriously.. I'd be more than happy to see overall LESS hulks if it would mean I don't have to mine 100+ damn debris and 50+ wreckage slag from every hulk field I visit. (for the record, and other miners can back me up here, I did NOT exaggerate those debris/slag numbers)
  24. oh, just to add.. both sectors for the vega MCG 4 are indeed currently closed.
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