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Everything posted by fuulishone

  1. Will the old, stripped down interface at least have access to updated item specific info? Specifically things like build costs, recipes, perhaps item reload/damage/buff changes? I know that philosophically neither database will show the actual percentages/values associated with buffs, so that's fine. I just want to know that I can use either interchangeably for their intended purposes without having to worry about synchronization. If the answer is that the old interface will continue to point to data that's out of date (and again, I'm only referring to the slimmed down filtered information, not drops or locations), then leaving it up provides a lot less value, despite being a much friendlier interface for the purposes already discussed above.
  2. The whole discussion of cherry picking and how it's just impacts one's gameplay in such a terrible manner is all a bit melodramatic and overplayed. To be perfectly honestly, what does cherry picking really do that affects one's gameplay? Aside from game mechanics that get borked (which are all fixable), I would submit that cherry picking doesn't actually affect anyone at all (assuming the perceived game mechanics issues are resolved). The only thing that I can tell that's affected is that cherry picked roids don't despawn. But is this truly how it's supposed to work? Way back when, there seemed to be some discussion that fields (and thus roids) that were interacted with at all would start a timer that would respawn the entire field. Now if that was working, then it would be highly likely that picked fields would simply come back at some point in time, all fresh and new. If that's not happening, then it's either a bug which a dev needs to look at, or a change in field behavior. Either way, you need a dev to make a statement about it. On the topic of field clears... Again, it shouldn't matter to anyone. Granted one may say, the miner that fully clears the field doesn't get the full credit of the field clear, but again I submit that it's hearsay. The clear "credit" doesn't seem to come from the act of pulling an ore out of a roid, but from whomever finishes the roid. This should be easy to test. Find a small field, have two miners clear it. One miner only pulls one ore from a multi-roid, and never touches single ore roids. The miner is solely responsible for clearing the roid. Then see who gets the clear bonus and what they get. If both get it, seems reasonable then this shouldn't work this way. If only the "clearer" gets it, then that's behaving in a positive manner for well-behaved miners. On the topic of pickers getting the best stuff out of fields. This one's touchy, but I'm going to have to say, that's tough and is the nature of playing MMO games. No one is entitled to getting the best stuff, or even having access to it 100% of the time. EnB was built in a manner that actually encouraged competition in this area. It was all about whoever got there first gets the goods. If you want to take the time to clear a field, then you miss out on the opportunity to check other fields. It's that simple. If you choose to fly around and cherry pick, then you may hit more fields overall, but then again, maybe not as others are racing to them at the same time as well. It's all a gamble. All I'm really saying is, folks need to stop complaining and venting about cherry picking and perhaps come up with a better game mechanic to address that makes the whole process more enjoyable and rewarding for everyone, while keeping the competitive nature of the game alive.
  3. Folks that have actually posted their interest to volunteer thus far are: CptGemini Lannister Haviland Tuf @Kyp: Is that enough to move forward and post an actual voting poll?
  4. Actually Kyp, I think some mobs are more plentiful, or at least respawn properly without having to travel so far. So that part is great. I no longer feel as safe in certain areas and that's a good thing.
  5. If the mail isn't showing up in your spam box (so you can recover and mark it as safe) the other typical way is to add the sender's address to your contacts list and see if that helps. I don't know the sender for registration emails, but for support tickets it's: support at net-7 dot org Squish that together into a valid email address and that may do it for you.
  6. Someone needs to go get Vaden and/or Magoo to come here and self-nominate themselves in order for their nomination to be valid...
  7. Consider including the entire group in the field clear bonus as an added incentive for the combat support.
  8. Try this old thread... Hasn't been updated in a long while, but may provide some good starting points. https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/2245-enb-on-a-mac/
  9. @David Thanks very much for the official word. Much appreciated. Can you comment on the hulk situation as well? Right now there seems to be L1 Debris added to the hulk pull list, which naturally makes other items more rare. Was this also part of the temporary fix?
  10. Alternatively, one of GoBB's drops has shield recharge skill on it, but I'm unsure of it's value relative to the L6 Guardian Device and other itmes already in game that have the buff.
  11. You're right. Posting on the forums isn't enough, with the ultimate answer being a play server shutdown with the offending fields/content removed being the correct solution. But barring that due to logistics (holidays, real life, etc) posting on the forums isn't all bad since it's public and can be communicated to others by word of mouth.
  12. I wasn't criticizing you, was simply asking if someone with a tag said something in game or not. By tag I mean like a DEV/GM type.
  13. When you say "you hear" where's that information coming from? Without an official word, we're all left with guessing.
  14. --Disclaimer: I wasn't there and didn't witness the mob spawn nor the interchange. Just voicing an (unasked for) opinion as a fellow miner. In general, anything that gets put out into the play environment and is thus player-accessible should be considered fair game by the player base. The only exception to this is anything where a DEV or GM has publicly communicated on the FORUMS that such activity is considered an exploit and should be stopped. Example: Lots of folks knew about the super devices in roids that peppered VG. Lots of folks camped those roids to obtain items that weren't necessarily meant to be in game right now. There was no mention on the forums that this was an exploit and such activity should be stopped. If a DEV/GM had stepped in and posted something, then any consequences after the fact should be treated as warranted, right? Well some would say in this case, it's obviously a bug/exploit... But without proper communication how is anyone to know it's not a test of various game features? Example: Shadow Point was another one of these spots with uber mineables. Those were removed a long time ago. What was left behind was a very large field of roids. The fields are unclearable for the most part due to the mechanics of roid respawn once a field has been interacted with. Aside from being able to sit there and mine forever (barring hold restrictions) there is currently nothing to be gained here aside from ores. Is this a honey pot per the DEV in the screenshot above? Again as there was no public posting on the FORUMS, I would say no. Folks were mining, even forming mining groups to try and tackle the field. They were playing by the rules and having fun. They were not even obtaining anything out of the ordinary. Again, without proper communication, then there's really no reason for some random DEV/GM type to come along and punish players for doing something that hasn't been explicitly forbidden. There are plenty of asteroid fields that are large. Yes many are clearable, but many are not. Has anyone tried to solo clear Arduinne planet? Glenn gas field? VG's level 4-6 field near Ratatosk Trail 4? Saying that a field simply being 300 roids large is an exploit is poor logic. Who's to say that it's not a test mining RAID field that requires more than one group to clear? How is the player base meant to know it's not intended for player use when it's sitting out there in player space? If you made it this far, thanks for reading. My point here is, if something on the play server isn't meant to be there and the DEVs don't like players interacting with it, then post that information on the forums. Yes there's a risk that more folks will go and exploit it, but at the same time, any consequences imposed later on will be totally expected.
  15. Have you tried going back to net-7.org and regenerating your sig file? You'll need to refresh your browser's cache to see the changes, but it should update properly.
  16. I gotcha. I was asking about the Fang's buff since it seemed you had already factored in the enhance projectile buff from the Reaver as part of it's dps benefit. On the BB, same reasoning. According to purely dps numbers, you'd be better off dropping the BB and replacing w/ a Bile Cannon. Not criticizing, just offering feedback that may perhaps point you in a direction to go in terms of filling out the spreadsheet.
  17. The only "open" gate in Earth sector is the one to ABA. The others go to the Terran starter zones and are class restricted.
  18. Are you launching the game from the EnB shortcut or the Net7 launcher one?
  19. A couple comments... - Your Prototype Z 9 reload time is different than what's listed at enbdb. I don't have one so I can't verify it, but I do need to ask, is 3.8 at 100% correct? - The Fang has the projectile force buff on it, but I don't know the actual amount. Is it 3% or 4% added damage? And does it work? - The Brimstone Ballista really seems to have kinda mediocre dps. Aside from the reactor cap buff and shield renewal (which is really only important if you're solo) why would you use that versus replacing it with another Bile Cannon? - Your reload numbers seem like they're compiled from the in game screen, but the server side code calculates time out to milliseconds, so there's rounding error in your numbers. Not statistically significant, but something interesting nonetheless. - Lastly your spreadsheet didn't have any formulas in it, not sure if that was intended, but again figured I'd mention it.
  20. Anyone have a list of what was intended to be fixed/changed in today's server restart? Upon logging in today, there seems to be some commentary pointing at changes that may or may not be intended and would like some clarification on them. - Hulks were changed with the Jenq/Terran/Progen suits removed and apparently replaced universally with Debris. This does not relate to hulks be more interesting according to the October content change notes. Edit: Looks like some folks are still finding suits, so perhaps they were simply cherry picked. But with L1 Debris being added to the loot table, it's just a worse situation than before when we had only L2 Wreckage Slag to contend with. - There's some dispute about ammo comp costs skyrocketing for certain ammo types and being inconsistent. I don't have a full list, but it *feels* like an error/bug and not intentional. There may be more issues, but these are the big ones off the top of my mind. Thanks
  21. fuulishone


    @Daywolf While your ideas have merit, you lose credibility with the constant passive, aggressive commentary that peppers your commentary. Back on topic, the question becomes, while you may think it's easy to implement based on game systems you've used/implemented in the past, they are probably not the same as this one. So it may be harder than simply due to the lack of sufficient tools, scripting support, etc. Also, there's a question of priority. With the limited development resources, where does PvP even fit in the priority list? PvP was never a priority in the old EnB, what would make one think PvP is a priority or even an interest here?
  22. I've been noticing this too. Resetting my home network, rebooting, checking other Internet locations and such pretty point at it NOT being my Internet connection. If you let it wait long enough, you might get in, or the client will eventually time out. It seems like the client/proxy is simply sitting there waiting for an answer back from the server. P.S. There also didn't seem to be any packet loss, so probably not the trans-atlantic internet connection either.
  23. I think there needs to be a clear communication of what the story plan is, and what items/mobs/sectors do or don't fit into the current story point. There are currently many inconsistencies. If we're sticking to "story" then why is the Tada-O gate open right now when there's no V'rix? Didn't they both exist at the same time? I recall the original Tada-O raids involved attacking the gate and killing named Ten-Gu in Cooper space. It wasn't until much later that it became a sector. Why were Brimstone Ballistas allowed into the game and then not subsequently removed? Aren't they DT content? Conversely, while items like the Solar Sail 7/8 and Dung Flinger weren't intended to be available during that short stint of uber-roidness, why were they removed from inventories and build lists when the Brimstone Ballistas were left in? There seems to be some hidden jockeying for what items do or don't get removed to support the "storyline." As far as I know, the Ghost of Black Beard was never a mob in live, and sorely needs balancing. Right now his drops are some of the best in the game, far exceeding some of the late game patch content from the live storyline. Being available now feels unbalanced and detrimental to the continuation of story content. And with no V'rix mobs at all right now, why do we still see V'rix related drops like the CH1NN2LFL4W? With Ardus closed, why are Dark Matter enriched ores available in roid fields? These were only available in Ardus during live. This isn't a criticism post, just one pointing out that inconsistencies in the current game implementation may lead folks to incorrect assumptions on exactly what the intended "storyline" is meant to be. I'm not asking for things to get removed, just that some exposure of the plan would be nice. If we go on the premise that we're all testers in the building/recreation of a game, then I think it's valid for everyone to have some better understanding of where things are planned to go. I'm sure this can be done without revealing spoilers. Thanks for reading this far. P.S. Happy Turkey day to all the folks in the States!
  24. Ah okay. I started a few months after retail launch so must've missed that patch. Thanks for the clarification.
  25. @Kyp Do the Shears map to something storyline-ish? When I started playing EnB, the Shears were open, so I'd imagine they should be open now too. Or are they closed pending V'rix storyline?
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