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Everything posted by karu

  1. e&b/net7 config will run short benchmark (vidtest) which switches to selected mode to find out polygons/sec metrics, and the default happened to be fullscreen. -- I used clean test container for testing and there some issues. Because wine is not in PATH, winetricks can't find it. Adding "export PATH=$(dirname $WINE_EXEC):$PATH" after "WINE_EXEC=$(install_wine)" will fix it. Worst case, it adds /usr/bin there twice. There's also missing cabextract as it might of been installed by winetricks. Winetricks does suggest installing cabextract when it fails to install fonts (i think). You also cant do "WINE_EXEC=$(install_wine)" because if wine-staging is not installed, then WINE_EXEC will contain all the text displayed at install time. You could do something like this WINE_EXEC=$(find_wine) if [ -z "$WINE_EXEC" ]; then install_wine ; WINE_EXEC=$(find_wine) ; ... if still not found, error out; fi apt install command should probably be "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt --assume-yes install --install-recommends " as I was getting hidden dialog options that required me to press enter blindly.
  2. "Check wine version" does not use WINE_EXEC 😉 wine-gecko always redownloads the msi Ubuntu winetricks depends on 'wine' aswell, so both wine and wine-staging gets installed. If package not installed, then maybe just pull winetricks from github directly and stuck it in wine-enb for example. add_exit_cmd is heavily bash dependant, but ubuntu uses dash for '/bin/sh', if you change it to /bin/bash then it will work. Not sure what you trying to do with 'eval "set -- $(pf trap) | ...."' and later with shift's. e&b/net7 config default seems to be "640x480 fullscreen". Fullscreen anything with linux is usually bad idea, especially when user is running 3 monitors and app is not built for xrandr 😉 (got one of monitors set to 640x480 when config ran hehe) Automation broke this time when launcher ran (worked yesterday), but manually patching worked.
  3. In general it worked, but had to make few modification for it to work in my test container - no wine-gecko (installed it when net7launcher poped up first and got the wine prompt to do so) - add_exit_cmd broken in "Net7 Unified Installer", "DER_CERT_REG", and "Net7 Launcher to perform updates" phases - disabled gsettings as that broke (possibly because I dont have gnome?) Was able to log into game, so good job putting this together.
  4. Ubuntu 22.04 seems to be missing wine-gecko package. Isn't it better to use msi installer for that? wine-staging also got installed into /opt/wine-staging (might be my system tho) and so script failed to find 'wine' (that dir not in path)
  5. Ship planner in portal is just simulator and has not effect to your ship ingame.
  6. On net-7.org Account/Avatar Settings menu will allow to reset / change ingame account password.
  7. Go to net-7.org, Account / "Master account settings" page "Avatar Settings" tab. You can select ingame account and change or reset password there.
  8. Seems to be issue with cronjob. I'll check it. edit: should be working now
  9. Its either connection issue (firewall?) or certificate issue. If you use invasive internet security product that injects itself between https connections, then that might cause issues. If you enter wrong password, then Megan will tell you and you do not get INV-300 popup
  10. Yes, get rid of all folder under there. Reinstall is not needed.
  11. See if deleting launcher config files makes it better. Delete folders under %localappdata%\LaunchNet7
  12. It probably happens because server sees udp and https traffic from you are using different ip addresses. It might be because you have proxy setup in "internet options" (windows setting), or your isp handles udp/https traffic differently.
  13. Thanks, its fixed now. sound01 was corrupted server side.
  14. If its net7 launcher config file error, then delete folders under %localappdata%\LaunchNet7
  15. Log into portal (https://www.net-7.org/), Navigate to Account -> Avatar Settings, Select correct game account and reset your game account password (or request random one to your mail). If you game account is not listed, then it got removed when there was rollback (2days) around a week ago.
  16. There was issue with sending email from portal. Its now resolved and "forgot password" function works again.
  17. I take you using LaunchNet7 and its pointed to release/client.exe file in EnB install folder? Server Host field should read sunrise.net-7.org and version on bottom/right corner should say 544 INV-300 is certificate error. Make sure your application firewall (if any) does not intercepts https traffic, and you are not using proxy with https, and are not overriding sunrise.net-7.org IP in c:/window/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file (or in DNS) If you open http://sunrise.net-7.org/AuthLogin in IE11/any browser, you should not see any certificate errors.
  18. INV-300 (and INV-301) means that sunrise.net-7.org certificate is not trusted. Net7 Unified installer does not fix that (it creates some registry entries, and installs launcher, dotnet, vcruntime). Try accessing https://sunrise.net-7.org/AuthLogin from your browser (chrome/firefox/edge/etc) and check certificate info from there. It should be Let's Encrypt certificate and not expired.
  19. Restoring previous, sort by name only, behavior. Ingame also has only name, or category+name options.
  20. (network) firewall usually does not need any special conf unless its very restrictive what can be created from client to internet. (application) firewall needs to grant access to: game client.exe, net7proxy.exe need tcp/udp access to local interfaces and sunrise.net-7.org launchnet7.exe needs just web access to patch.net-7.org You do say its location specific tho, so your computer seems to be fine, its the ISP side that messes things up.
  21. I changed the inventory/vault list sorting from name only to category/level/quality/structure/name, Unfortunately making it client side using javascript had issues in team/account vault page.
  22. Thanks for report. Sorry for all the issues it caused. I believe GM's were able to restore access to your ingame characters already. It seems that there was an issue where, at a time of deletion, checking if avatars existed or not was not done. I have now added that check and this should not happen anymore.
  23. This error usually means, that "local ip" field in launcher is wrong. Other issue might be firewall (either your pc or router)
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