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Everything posted by bondct

  1. that will do it gratz...
  2. i assume you installed all the service packs and updates and not just the frameworks? make sure the path in the launcher is correct... make sure you are running the game as admin
  3. you can't roll with milk in your hands...
  4. well yes, that progen is smokin hot... no offense... and yeah... I would like to see her in a skirt too...
  5. no doubt... and area shield recharge on a L9 reactor goes omg a long way... and inbetween charges you have all that dps... as the healer would defintely goto guns when not healing... it also would not be as close as you thnk... in the end game... projectiles pick up some range... and a progen sig properly buffed isnt as big as you would think... /edit and actually the healer would be better capable to goto guns than a TT would be... on my tt I will goto guns inbetween heals... but since its missles... the gun cooldowns are not insync... but with projectiles... one heal and all the guns are ready to go... who do I see about tranforming my 3 toons to PP's
  6. so then I guess what you are saying is that the PP is a TE/TT mix with L9 reactor... making it OP compared to a TE... next question... what is the primary role of a PP... combat or trade? and I guess you can see where I am going here is that how can a trader class be more powerful than a warrior class? it would seem like some down the road balancing is on its way? no wonder there are soooo many of these all over the place... I just rolled one up fast to see the skill sets... WOW! if progens werent so damned ugly... I would have to kill all my toons and roll 3 PP... you would be unstoppable...
  7. it allows you to get all the skill points back for any one skill so you can respend them in a different way
  8. Gratz Merl... damn 10 toons... thats 3 and 1/3 hat tricks... question... what makes the PP a better warrior than the TE... I have never rolled a PP so just curious...
  9. well there can also not be a toon already in that slot... so if you made a ts in slot 1 on the character creator... then slot one when you login must not already have a toon in it
  10. if i remember correctly, build components is the last skill you can get? so make sure you have everything else and make sure you have like 30k creds laying around to complete the mission or whatever amt she wants... there is definitely a pecking order to the TT missions...
  11. to make the L9 Dragon Rage... I wanted to use all PM comps... one of which is the L1 Electro AI InfoROM v2.0 I have L9 Build everything and a ton of comps already analyzed... and great rep where I dismantle (although it is my understanding that rep and building are not in the game yet)... So I am dismantling a L1 Comp for ores and consistently not getting back all 3 ores... sometimes yes... but usually I will get back 1-2 ores... I know we went over this awhile ago in another thread that such a serious outleveling should always get back ALL comps... as mentioned previously to not get back all is just a meaningless waste of time as anyone L150+ and poor would have enough credits to easily buy a few thousand stacks of this item and dismantle it... Can this please be looked into again... and for that matter... imho any item that does not give xp should be an auto 100% win... I mean if you are not giving xp for items analyzed or built at a certain level... then why would the results be anything less than max all the time...
  12. did you follow all the instructions from here https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/714-install-enb-from-scratch-instructions-rev-7222010/ b4 you ask, enb does work on all versions of windows7... but you do need to run the game as an administrator...
  13. have you ever logged in sucessfully before? and will it eventually connect or never?
  14. great idea seeker, I mean i really like it... make ceres the new bbw... did you have any thoughts on rep with this? as you have us farming chavez directly as a raid... in their own sector...
  15. if server is down... its my fault... trying to change screen resoulition while ingame... sry
  16. instead of a mob... you should hijack megan and make her into a ship... ill leave the rest to your imagination
  17. just dont screw too much with the gamma... think of that as brightness/darkness kinda... all the rest you can max...
  18. bondct

    XP Per Level

    I just recently in the last month hit 150 on 2 of my toons... how slow is the post 150 leveling? and would it be possible (since Terrell is probably correct in his post, just based on his rep)... would it be possible to maybe provide a post L150 xp boost... something where the game would know that you are L150 and give you an extra bump that you wouldnt get pre 150? /edit or maybe 2 skill points per level post 150 instead of 1? or sumtin like that... I mean we do need 400k+ xp per level post 150... and many post 150 activities are not big in giving out xp...
  19. Once donated you need to be logged out to be able to donate again or see other persons donations. So basically log out and click the donation link fixed by cdel
  20. come to think of it... sometimes checking the box for packet optimization can be an issue... although I couldnt tell you why... just for kicks maybe try checking that box and see if you get in... if you do... is was prob just one of the garden variety cert problems that happen... but if you dont... that could be interesting...
  21. I am pretty sure that the EnB universe is pissed at you for taking a break... I am still pondering your dilemma... but in the meantime I would strongly suggest that you do not turn off any virus protection and that you do not turn off your windows firewall... enb needs to work with these things on... so turning them off really doesnt help the situation... you could turn off a 3rd party firewall so long as you leave the windows fw on... you might wanna run through these steps https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/714-install-enb-from-scratch-instructions/ those are the never played enb before instructions... so skip the ones you can and try the rest? in the meantime ps also a few screenshots never hurt
  22. click help on the right upper corner and INV-300 and with luck it will install a certificate to get you past that... otherwise try checking the box that says local and oyu should get in
  23. got any raw eye stone or discordite to spare
  24. bondct

    XP Per Level

    so then there is a sweet spot between L21 and 31 (assuming you were responding to my post) where the amount of xp to get to the next level does not change...
  25. This reminded me of some things I forgot from live... inviting another miner in the same field to a group was always easy to do and always a win win... and I can also recall needing different things and doing exactly that... trading off ores and getting done in half the time...
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