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Everything posted by r8rsfans75

  1. Its kind of an unwritten rule of how this situation should be handled. If you come across a mob that is an obvious job mob (has the intended players name at the end), send a tell directly to that person "/t Grendwalpp Target "Chavez Fodder for Grendwalpp" at (x, y, z)". If the computer prompt replies that person is no longer online, the mob is fair game as that person wouldn't get credit for it anyway if they came back. Otherwise I would give the person about 5 min, then send the tell again. If after another minute or so, still no response, the mob is toast (also I only kill unclaimed job mobs if they are within range enough for me to get xp or if I know they drop some loot only stuff that one of my toons would find useful, otherwise I leave it alone regardless). I'm not suggesting that this is what is happening to you Morte, but I have seen this happen before. There are a couple situations that have come up in the past: 1. Intended person does not reply to their in game tells, which may be a little cold-hearted of me, but sorry, you don't reply to 2 tells after about 6 or 7 minutes especially when you know you are doing combat jobs, tough luck, go get another job. 2. Mob is spawned in an area where I am farming another mob and in the process of moving from mob to mob I accidentally target and fire on someone's job mob, which in turn causes it to attack me and then I have to destroy it. My bad, but not really anything I can do about it after that point. This used to happen a lot when I would farm CL26-30 Zenshai near Gaius Wreck in Freya and Net-7 would spawn lvl 17 job mobs at the same location.
  2. Didn't even think to look at that, I will have to check that out when I get home, thanks Merlin
  3. I was in a field the other day and thought that I found the motherload. Even though most of the stuff was lvl 3 or 4, I had a beam, a PL and an ML plus ammo for both and an engine (never did find a reactor ). Which got me to asking, I noticed that the engine was much better than any other engine (PM or not) of the same level, which would make sense for a prototype. I had also heard that the prototype reactors were pretty decent too, but I was just wondering why the weapons seem to be so underpowered? Maybe not underpowered but average powered. The beam that I found was like 142% and the damage output was comparable to the Ocelot but had a 6 second reload as opposed to the 4 second reload on the Ocelot, so the DPS would end up being a lot lower. Is this something that is going to be looked at? As Merlin said, this whole thing is a work in progress and I have to say how awesome it is that Merlin likes to just throw stuff out there first and see how it works and adjusts as needed on the fly.
  4. I'm just going to throw this out there, the suggestion of putting something above the NPC's head or changing the color of the name to indicate mission availability is a really good idea. Regardless of whether or not this was something that occurred in live, if it is something that the current community would want, why not implement it? Remember live was controlled by EA (Evil A--holes), while I liked a lot of the GM's from live, it always seemed like most of the good ideas were shot down or never implemented, probably because of the suits at EA. Since we don't have that problem here (and I'm just assuming that Tien, David, Suricata, etc do not work on this game in suits ), why not throw this idea on the PTR and see what people think?
  5. I agree to a point. When I started the very first time, I did mostly solo for like the first 50 levels. When I started to create newer toons, I found it so much easier to just ask in chat if anyone around my same lvl wanted to go farm a certain mob, could almost always find one if not two or more people willing to group. I did this with my PW and about doubled my lower lvl build list by trading a bunch of looted items to my PP.
  6. So being lvl 127, how many tokens should I have accumulated to this point in the game doing HU at 50, 75 and 100 and not using any of the tokens to do any missions? If I'm reading right, you get 3 at 50, 2 at 75 and 1 at 100, so I should have 6 by now, yes? If I ask a GM in game can I get 6, or do I have to keep asking for them one at a time?
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see the issue that existing progens are having with the token system. It appears the "master" mission is given when you achieve your lvl 10 HU and doesn't go away until you hit 150. However those of us that are past the lvl 10 HU do not have the "master" mission and as such are being excluded from the rest of this process.
  8. My PP is currently lvl 127, so since I have already completed the 50, 75 and 100 HU prior to this last patch, I of course have no tokens. Since the patch just happened last night, there is, of course, nobody around who is selling these "tradable" tokens. I'm wondering just what the market is actually going to be for these tokens (how many progens are going to not use their tokens and trade 3 to sell the tradable one). There are 3 build missions currently available from the NPC in Arx Magister for the PP between lvl 100 and 135, so if no one is around to sell me one of these "tradable" tokens before I get 8 more levels, then these bonus missions will never be available to me. Which brings me to the next point, the NPC at Arx Magister tells me that after lvl 135, there is a repeatable "capture the cargo" mission, but in order to get it, I need a mission token and have to have unlocked all of the previous missions. Is my progen going to somehow be grandfathered in to this process so if I am somehow able to get a mission token I can do the "capture the cargo" mission? One person last night suggested to start a new toon, lvl to 50, trade the tokens and start over again, which seems a little like cheating to me, but if its what I have to do, I want to make sure the effort is even worth the time for my current PP.
  9. Lot, I usually agree with your assessments about certain progen projects that have gone awry, but this post is a little bit of unnecessary Byakhee bashing IMO. The reason I say "unnecessary" is your first comment in the 2nd paragraph "I don't even use a Brimstone Ballista..." Then why comment here? Believe me I have had my issues with Byakhee's stuff in the past, but for as often as I hear people complain about wanting more higher level content, I am actually kind of happy there is one more thing a progen can do now at lvl 150, even if the reward is just a BB and ammo samples. Now that I have defended Byakhee, I'm going to another post to question his logic on another issue.
  10. /signed I was just thinking the same thing, it was pretty late local time for me when the content push was done and its rare that I am on too much later than that during the week (even though I'm not ready for lvl 7-9 hulks yet, I will be soon)
  11. I have noticed our numbers have been rising lately which is good to see. Every so often I had been checking out the "other" project's forums to see whats going on over there to see if they have any ideas that might work over here (I think CDel does the same thing), and have noticed that their project is pretty much dead. Doesn't sound like the server has been on in about a month, 2 of their primary developers had left for RL issues and the main guy (ex-dev from this project iirc), seems to have disappeared without a word. That brings me to a question that I hope I won't get flamed for. Since this project is a variation of open source what are the possibilities of re-opening the source code to the public again? A while ago, this project used to provide DB dumps and such and part of the reason for stopping this practice was people who disagreed with this project would take the information and splinter off into their own public server. As it has been shown, this is a practice in futility as I believe the net-7 team is probably going to remain the only project able to sustain itself over a long period of time. Another reason I ask this question is one of the ideas the other project had was anyone who had any type of programming experience could mess around with their own version of the code and if they came up with an improvement/bug fix/enhancement, they could post their code in the forum and the dev team could try it out to see if it was something they would like to implement. I have some C/C++ experience and have offered my assistance in the past (which is another topic for discussion, there should be an easier way for someone to apply to become part of the development team), this would be an easier way for someone who can't commit to being a full-fledged dev team member to contribute to the project. Sorry for getting long-winded, I am done now.
  12. Is this all on the PTR right now? If CDel gets the slash commands to adjust levels added in, I would love to go on and give this one a shot and report my objective findings here.
  13. While I do agree that spending a third of your time playing the game just watching your ship fly by nav points and gating does get a little old, the insta-warp idea has a few disadvantages to the game balance. First of all, it almost completely removes the need for WH's which besides mining is almost the entire purpose of even having a JE in the game. Jobs would become way too easy if you could basically skip through each section until you got to the one you needed. As it is right now, if you have a JE with max WH, you are basically a WH and two or fewer gates away from just about everywhere in the galaxy. The one thing I miss from live is how often the Market channel would have "WTB WH to xxx"
  14. Not to reopen old wounds or anything, but on the "other-emu-of-which-we-don't-speak", they have a test server that provides a slash command that you can set your levels wherever you want. So like in this case I could log any character or create a new one on the test server, and if the lvl 50 HU needs to be tested, I type in a slash command that sets my CL, EL and TL all to lvl 14 so that I can go straight to testing the lvl 50 HU.
  15. I would agree with Byakhee to wait until mobs getting added back into the game that drop the weapons/ammo, however if the wait is going to be like 6 months, I would think at least providing ammo drops would be preferred, otherwise the market channel is going to turn in to every other statement being "WTB BB ammo" and people who know how to build it will spend quite a bit of time doing nothing else and when they get sick of it, will stop building, which will make it that much harder for someone who needs the ammo that doesn't have the print to build it themselves.
  16. In that case my answer would be solo-multi boxing. I'm usually running two toons at a time, but usually not together. Mining with one while the other is doing combat/trade runs, etc.
  17. I don't believe there is room for this in the entire emulator period. Just my opinion. We've got some weirdo's in our guild who always keep things interesting. And we have some that have no problem sharing their opinion [cough]Magoo[cough], but at least they will help out whenever they can, builds, JS, WH, etc.
  18. You are missing an option....all of the above. I started by getting toured, did a lot of solo stuff, did a little group stuff, had some guildies help me, did some multi-boxing, provided a tour, did jobs, farmed some mobs, my main is still only in the 120's right now, but by the time I reach 150, I will have participated in just about all of it. If I had to do it over again? Probably would do it all the same way again. Don't have the patience to do the Merlin method and my adult-ADD prevents me from doing the trade-run to 150 method or picking any one way to level 150. One of the great things about this game, soooo many ways to do it. (Some just take a LOT longer than others)
  19. That reminded me of an idea I thought of the other day. There used to be a slash command on live that told you when your character was created and how much time you had spent on the game, I likened it to frequent flier miles and thought they should implement some type of reward system based on how long people had been on the game. It would have to be toon specific since it would be almost impossible to track along several different accounts that some people have. The reward would be something simple but useful like 5 SP's or something like that.
  20. Well one big issue I see with this discussion is that too many people are thinking too linear when it comes to where planets should be in comparison to the other planets. For instance, right now, Mars and Saturn are on the opposite side of the sun from Jupiter, so actually at this moment in time, it would be a shorter trip to reach Jupiter from Mars than it would from Saturn. Usually Venus and Mercury are closer to us than Mars, but in about 8 years or so Mars will be in an almost identical orbit with the sun as we are so Mars will be about half as close to us as Venus and Mercury.
  21. I would like to see the highest level of repair equipment also have a repair quality feature to it.
  22. I remember in the newbie zones back in live if a mob was right outside beam range, you could warp to them. IIRC beam range for a newbie is usually around 1k or less.
  23. <---slaps Tyran along side the head How dare you provide ideas such as this. Now Byakhee is going to implement this mission for the Progen lvl 135 HU, LOL.
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