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Everything posted by garblesoup

  1. How is this nepotism? Are you stating that some relationship exists between Ranko and the other players involved in the chat and that, as a result, they received some preferential treatment?
  2. Perhaps I misinterpreted - I was responding to what appeared to be a suggestion that the FB *should* be solo-able.
  3. I also agree. As a counterpoint, though, is it possible to address some of the issues that currently make the new site less user-friendly than the old site? Understand I in no way mean to sound ungrateful about the effort put in to develop it, it's just that by comparison to the old interface it's "clunky".
  4. Hrmm, seems to be down again at 10:33 in God's Country, the Midwest, time zone of the SEC Champion Auburn Tigers Football Team!
  5. I don't believe that's the BIGGEST reason . . .
  6. If it auto-restarted then they wouldn't have any opportunity to debug the crash . . . during this stress TEST phase.
  7. Just FYI if you are using integer values there's no need to enter the decimals. /setcolor <channel_name> 0 1 0 is the same as /setcolor <channel_name> 0.0 1.0 0.0
  8. That won't help to address the issue that mining groups typically face, that the sheer volume of loot messages - "Doodle has mined 6 units of unobtanium" - scrolling across makes group chat useless. I don't believe anyone is having a problem identifying the source of the message, simply that the value-add of the message isn't there when compared to the deleterious effects of the message quantity. Heck, even when not grouped it's amazing the backlog of messages that can build. If I'm out mining alone, say in Glenn, and just hammering away at those gas fields I'm generating a LOT of messages. The volume is then exacerbated by the byproduct of having Explore already maxed - as the system then tells me the Explore XP has been converted to Trade/Combat XP. It's common for that backlog of messages to continue scrolling for 10 minutes or more AFTER I've docked. I don't consider this a serious problem, mind you, simply pointing out how easy it is to generate large message volumes. I think there's more value in combat groups where there may be a need to know who's looted what. Ever mindful of what can and can't be modified with the Emulator I'm not jumping up and down over this by any means. Had we the ability to use our hindsight coupled with Mr. Peadbody's Wayback Machine I could see where perhaps a "group loot" channel might have existed which would allow group members to enable/disable their viewing.
  9. I hate macro'ers. That said, I think what is being discussed is an issue that offends our sensibilities of what is right and wrong much more than it is an issue that - currently - has any major effect on gameplay.
  10. Sort of like Halloween when all the players had "scary faces" how about putting holiday-appropriate hats on all the players - you know, those little red numbers with the white trim and stuff. Just for the holidays, of course. Or full bore and give everyone faces like Santa, elves, etc.
  11. +1 I always have the race chat ON for which ever race type I'm logged in as. Basic questions going to n00b chan makes sense, but specific questions about your particular race are (IMO) best queued up in their respective channel. I used to have n00b on to be able to help out but it became such an off-topic gabfest that I couldn't take it anymore.
  12. At the end of the day "best" is whatever you find you enjoy playing the most. Even then I can't imagine many people play only one char - being able to swap to different chars helps keep things fun, especially during those times when you might feel you've been *grinding* one char a bit much or there's a gameplay or mission bug with another char that you need to have resolved. I played Live from beta until sunset and my initial primary char was a TT and then later, when I added a second account, my other primary was a JE. I've taken that same approach here in ST but . . . having recently started a PP (Progen Trader) I *really* like this chartype. Very TT-like from a building perspective, has the shield repair skill I grew dependent on as a TT, great firepower - really fun to play. I initially created him just to have a char that could build Progen reactors but I'm seeing this as a great all-around char . . . at least for *my* style of gameplay. Had this been an option back in Live it's quite possible that Jarod would have been a PP and not a TT. The great thing is it's easy to try them out and see what *you* think - because that's what really matters.
  13. Hmm, my notifier says 1:15 and 34 seconds.
  14. Down, suddenly, at 1:17 AM Central.
  15. Did you register for the *game* as well as the forum? That's frequently the source of the problem as you've described it. Game registration is found by clicking on the "Earth and Beyond Emulator" link on the top right of this webpage where you will find a "Register" button - that *should* send you an email that you will need to acknowledge/confirm to complete your registration (I say should as some have reported not receiving their emails). If you've done all this and it's not the source of your issue then I'm out of ideas.
  16. LOL, a blast from the past! Those things dropped like flies back in Live.
  17. Huh, learn something every day. Thanks for that tip, Cia.
  18. All races DO have access to lvl 9 weapons - but only the variety that matches their racial profile.
  19. You guys know the server has been down most of the day, right?
  20. Where does one get these mythical Level XI missiles and how does one use them?
  21. Wait, I never got any cookies? Where are the cookies?????
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