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Everything posted by Mimir

  1. I think I suggested this to B a while ago and it got shot down ... but anyway on the subject of missions... I made a new Terran Scout and the missions there (excluding the HUs) are fun and not so cryptic that I feel I need a doctorate in puzzles to complete. They do require you to read the mission text, as the clues for location and mobs are not always in the log files. This is as it should be IMO. Read the text, write down information that you think you may need and go do it. Great Fun. Thanks whoever has the terran missions. Hint: B you should run through a few of these and see if you can get some mission ideas.
  2. I'm pretty sure that the Devs, being average? Joes and Joettes have the weekends to do their magic Dev stuff. As far as I know they all have seperate lives outside EnB development and the weekends are most likely their prime time for development.
  3. same here, and unless there is a way to get these it will be a long long long time for these missions to be tested en masse. So again......... possibly not the best way to get your missions tested B. I know they don't have issues nor bugs... but
  4. Mimir

    BB ammo samples

    Oh...and token? My PS has done every mission except for the bonus missions and I don't have a token??
  5. Mimir

    BB ammo samples

    LOL ...and what will you do when the Dev working on the FB does his magic? Only have these drop in an organized FB? or is that just a pipe dream of that dev to get the FB back to something like it was in live? Or will that take a back seat to the boo boo mission?
  6. Mimir

    BB ammo samples

    LMAO.....................................................*Choke*............*cough*.............. *cough*........... IMO, keep them. LOL this is an epic mission for ammo samples....Does everyone in the group get them? If I as a PS help an ammo make get them and they can be traded so what's in it for me? Silly .... It's like you are taking your ball and going home!
  7. There is no need to apologize for making a suggestion. When I read it I was thinking how I would miss what was posted above, hitting the head, grabbibg a snack... you know the drill. But I also thought that getting from point A to point B in here (was like it in live as well) you need to go to point X,Y,Z before getting to point B. In that if you have the Nav Computer device that is in game I would think that that should be able to bypass all the extra navs between A and B for those times you just need to get through a sector.
  8. So as I understand it you are saying (yet again) you do not need nor want the missions to be tested? Just looked at? I wonder if any of the other races need help in testing... as a Progen in live and two in this ST I am sooooooo confused trying to help you test these missions.
  9. Mimir

    BB ammo samples

    This must be a language issue... I dont think anyone ever said they did not want missions. So here it is yet again. We (most of us) LIKE missions. We (most of us) DISLIKE missions that are confusing, misleading, and or so buggy as to be undoable without GM intervention. Repeat........... We LIKE missions. We want missions that make sense. We want bug free missions (read we are here to test them......LISTEN to us when we report errors.) So for you to say we are not interested must have been made up or a misunderstanding.
  10. That would be great, I just dont have the time nor energy to level up a new toon on the test server from level 0. (as fun as that may be) I deleted the lvl 0 toon no big loss there. But I would be happy to test if I could get something in the level range needed.
  11. Ok...so what missions are to be tested? What levels? I'm getting the impression that you really don't want the missions tested other than in a live setting? Being the only player on the test server is a bit lonley, and getting a lvl 0 toon up a level to test your missions is going to be a bit more than I signed on for.
  12. Yup, but it DOES make the reported bug on the Gravity link valid. It does not work.
  13. Alrighty ... I created a new toon on the PTR server, a little PW named Mimir. I did the 1st mission: Hold Your Foe, and I can 100% tell you that the gravity link does nothing on the level 0 mobs. Pretty graphic all chocolaty brown and all but does nothing else. I think the same no joy applies to the play server as well, and has been reported in another post. I will continue to test these new missions as I get time. Oh and I hope that my observations mean more and get better response than "Missions are in flux"
  14. I'm not sure this needs further posts, it looks as though there was an issue, reported, and taken care of. Pretty much should be deleted as to not wreck any future attemps at those involved to change their evil ways.
  15. What might be of use is if Slayerman's DB could have an export feature. That way you could export sections such as the vendors and their wares as well as level and locations. I'm pretty sure that he wouldnt want to have the whole thing exportable but sections may be very helpful...
  16. Perhaps the resources make it worthwhile? Thank you Merlin.
  17. I LIKE IT!!! /agree Guess I will have to get into a guild when that comes
  18. Actually I think this is much to do about nothing. Where a gate goes should not be an issue. Think about it, if we could travel now from Earth to Mars AND build a gate from Earth to Mars, wouldn’t that gate naturally be built from Earth to Mars? And taking that further as we explore more of the galaxy... gates would be from our home world to our new found places. Sort of a Star topology? But the big nasty in all this, I thought in EnB lore that the gates were originally built by the forgotten race? Virix? So if this is true there could be some totally unimaginable reason for where the gates are placed and where they go. And I thought the Terrans (could be wrong here) also were able to build gates, so who knows why they do anything they do? Wouldn’t it be a cool add-on to the game if there were a “Build a gate project” that would take a bit of time to build, requiring builders, miners and warriors (to protect the builders)to assemble a new gate? The destination could be kept secret by the Devs until the project is completed. And as long as wishin, after that along the same line of cooperative building, build a star base? Cool beans imo. Get on i:)Devs.
  19. yup, warping from roid to roid is remembered. dont know what the distance was but I do remember jumping from rock to rock.
  20. I am pretty impressed with the new Progen mission format. Not to give away the whole enchilada but, there are separate NPCs for Warriors and Sentinals, (possibly others?) these NPCs have CLEARLY marked missions for Progens in the ranges of 50-75, 75-100, 100-135, 135 and above. I can’t wait to get in and play some of the missions. The token thing seems to be fair for everyone, (took me a while to think it through). As I understand it if you do the missions you get 2 tokens. The more missions you do you get more tokens. These tokens are not tradable (except to the NPC) they are tradable for mission rewards (?) and for a tradable token. You trade in 2 earned tokens for 1 tradable token. These may be sold or given to other players. So what it looks like if you like to do missions, or even if you don't you are not excluded from playing. Not easy to do from a Dev stand point. Byakhee has done a great job on the new mission format imo, I think it would be a good idea for more of us to go in and take a look on the test server. Good job Byakhee!! thank you for sticking with it, even with the constant whining:)
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