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Everything posted by Lot

  1. Hey Lars! Nice to hear from you see you haven't forgotten E&B either! Is that Lars ingame actually you or someone else?

  2. Says online but getting an INV-300 error.
  3. Pages shows but controls to add/remove skill points are not working.
  4. Just wondering what "balance reasons" they might be. I don't get why Terrans can't build reactors either.
  5. Any news? Hope nothing dire has happened.
  6. /thread I haven't multi-cliented on Sunrise yet but I might in future. I did multi-client when playing on Andromeda when there was stuff that I wanted to do solo - like parking a TT at a safe spot while my PW went on the rampage in Mazz or tripling up PW / TE / TT clients versus drones in BBW. I liked grouping too but did whatever was most fun. I think nothing special needs to be done "against" multi-boxing. I think people perceive a problem when there isn't one.
  7. HU10 is Kerr. Starting out title is Quastor and HU10 title is Aedile.
  8. FWIW in live it started off requiring that components be in hold for manufacturing items and ammo. Sometime during live they patched in a change that allowed components to be taken from vault during manufacture. Of course you had to be in a station for vault access - only mention this because Sentinels could manufacture ammo using a special device and they had to have components in hold as it could only be used in space. The Sentinels device was a reward from the capital construction project in Mars. It was expensive to use for a reason I can't recall. While it would be nice to have components taken from vault how it works now can be worked with. In time I'm sure I'll stop gnashing my teeth when I manufacture anything and remember to shuffle components to hold.
  9. I think avoiding travel time to accomplish giving another character credits would be convenient. And it doesn't prevent personal trade box feely touchy play styles either if that is your thing.
  10. I look forward to trying this out one day. During live it was one of the most memorable times figuring out how to beat the challenge when it was newly added. While I don't remember the details after all this time I still remember the community effort expended over a few days. My Magister Magna was right there in the leading group and as luck had it ended up being the first one to complete the mission and consequently gain the call forward skill. A good day for Andromeda. A snapshot I took at the time: Ahhh good memories.
  11. I don't know if they were a "pop-roid mob" exactly. But they did float about in Legarto / Gallina in the asteroid belts along the Deneb Path. I remember attacking them a few times in live to find out 1) if it was possible to solo them 2) what they dropped. I found them pretty tough so did not conclusively learn what they dropped.
  12. I don't remember using anything except the .com which was for their web site and forums before they offloaded the forums to ebportal.com. And a quick search shows no previous ownership history for your .co.uk.
  13. Lot

    STO key!!!!

    I think I'd like to give STO a play but will be waiting until a few months after release. In the meantime, if an absolutely FREE beta key comes my way I'd use it.
  14. Don't care if people want to multibox or macro. All that matters to me is if they are behaving badly towards other players and affecting basic game play of others. Examples - If a macro goes out of control and the owner doesn't intervene, or the owner doesn't respond to another player asking for a turn farming mobs at a navigation buoy then it would be all right for a GM to kick and warn them. A whole game of nothing but macros might be bad though.
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