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Everything posted by karu

  1. how not allowed? reset link from net-7.org portal does not point to right place? you can use the forum reset link also.
  2. Do you run C&S editor from launcher tools menu?
  3. run Net7 launcher. Under Tools menu, run E&B Config. In the 'Driver:' box should be your graphics card listed. Run performance test. If the drivers box is empty and directx9 from microsoft actually installed, then I dont know whats wrong.
  4. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=35
  5. 100 is fine. Nothing to do with server resources. If you using proper filters and it still shows the note, then thats a bug and you should provide examples.
  6. avatar transfer should be resolved. thanks,
  7. unfortunately move is not completed yet
  8. Unfortunately there is server move in the progress and portal does not have access to live forum or game server databases. Hopefully it resolves in the weekend.
  9. have you tried running net7proxy directly without launcher? Its described few posts up how to do that.
  10. there is multiple urls that download proposes, so you should try again and maybe get a good one. bad ones will be filtered out automatically.
  11. You do not run the game, but Net7 launcher.
  12. Your HTTPS connection to server is routed thru proxy. Either automatic or manual. You can probably fix it in Windows internet options.
  13. There is not enough smarts in net7proxy to use socks proxy
  14. You probably started using proxy for HTTPS connections. Either automatic or manual. Check your internet settings
  15. Go to net-7.org and select Account/Avatar settings. There you can see your game account names and reset their passwords if you have forgot them. You cannot login into game using forum username.
  16. I cannot help if you do not give more information like login to where with whom?
  17. I take you trying to login somewhere using forum username and password and failing? Those are only valid for forum and www.net-7.org portal and www.net-7.org/wiki You cannot login to game using those.
  18. I currently disabled automatic http to https redirect on net-7.org portal until certificate is sorted.
  19. use forum username and not email to login into wiki.
  20. the error means, that login HTTPS connection and global server connection (both tcp, but different ports) are seen coming from different IP's by sunrise server. One explanation is proxy (either manual, or automatic), other explanation is that tcp:443 (HTTPS) is masqueraded to different IP than global server connection. There is also a possibility that someone is doing MITM attack on your HTTPS connection.
  21. wiki and net7 use forum login and have reasonable limit for password complexity and length. there should not be any problem using special chars on password anymore. game accounts are different and might be limited to alpha-numetic only.
  22. I believe that this error is related to php7 opcache. Last week or so I changed the settings a bit and it seemed to improve things, but seems that did not fix it. I now disabled opcache module, so lets see if that fixes it.
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