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I understand its Alpha and its no longer EA live but I do remember in Live they enforced the chat sections... Im trying to buy items and my chat gets bumped up fast because people wanna talk about talk shows or sports or what they had for dinner.. Im all for chatting it up in the other channels but I think Market should be reserved for Market related only IE WTB, WTS and asking questions about what comps are needed to make a particular item etc

Tonight several GM's/Devs online and not one said anything about the random crap beeing talked about in Market.



I understand its Alpha and its no longer EA live but I do remember in Live they enforced the chat sections... Im trying to buy items and my chat gets bumped up fast because people wanna talk about talk shows or sports or what they had for dinner.. Im all for chatting it up in the other channels but I think Market should be reserved for Market related only IE WTB, WTS and asking questions about what comps are needed to make a particular item etc

Tonight several GM's/Devs online and not one said anything about the random crap beeing talked about in Market.


you must be older than i am for your memory to be that poor... cuz enforcement wasnt that tough... it was rare at best imo


I guess it may have depended on the server? On Pegasus we had a bit of an understanding that Market spam was pretty much only WTS / WTB / WTT; there were a few off topic discussions, but as I remember it, the flurry of WTS (etc) spam was enough to make any conversation hard to follow (they'd get the hint and move the chat to General).


Stil think 1000 cost credits per character typed above 5 characters (would allow WTT for free) may be a way to work the market channel! No? Ok bad idea, I'll drop it.


I understand its Alpha and its no longer EA live but I do remember in Live they enforced the chat sections... Im trying to buy items and my chat gets bumped up fast because people wanna talk about talk shows or sports or what they had for dinner.. Im all for chatting it up in the other channels but I think Market should be reserved for Market related only IE WTB, WTS and asking questions about what comps are needed to make a particular item etc

Tonight several GM's/Devs online and not one said anything about the random crap beeing talked about in Market.


Who was this mythical "they"?

Chat channels were always self-enforced by the playerbase. On Gali it wasn't uncommon for non-market chat to be on Market channel - but if market was busy or if topic continued to grow gentle suggestions would be made to redirect to another channel. Nothing stopping YOU from being one of those people making the suggestion if it bothers you that much. It's a community game - be a part of the community and speak up.


Who was this mythical "they"?

Chat channels were always self-enforced by the playerbase. On Gali it wasn't uncommon for non-market chat to be on Market channel - but if market was busy or if topic continued to grow gentle suggestions would be made to redirect to another channel. Nothing stopping YOU from being one of those people making the suggestion if it bothers you that much. It's a community game - be a part of the community and speak up.

I did, twice actually. I did not bother the GM's because they had there handsfull dealing with some faction problems that like 15ppl were having.

Im posting it here since this is the suggestion forum... and it is afterall a suggestion.


I understand its Alpha and its no longer EA live but I do remember in Live they enforced the chat sections... Im trying to buy items and my chat gets bumped up fast because people wanna talk about talk shows or sports or what they had for dinner.. Im all for chatting it up in the other channels but I think Market should be reserved for Market related only IE WTB, WTS and asking questions about what comps are needed to make a particular item etc

Tonight several GM's/Devs online and not one said anything about the random crap beeing talked about in Market.


It's not even Alpha, it's still stress testing. The reason it had no enforcement in EA days is because EA's only reason for buying it was actually to shut it down to make way for Sims Online (biggest failure ever on EA's part). The GMs here DO try to keep chat from getting TOO far off topic, but they have a lot of other things to deal with until everything works like a well oiled machine. If you have an issue with the way chat is going, you have two options. 1) Make GENTLE suggestions about them moving to OoC or General chat. 2) Do what I do and shut public chat off all together.


Simple answer: The GMs/Devs have FAR more important things to be doing than babysitting people in chat. If you're willing to be that babysitter, more power to you, but I don't think it's going to happen.


Simple answer: The GMs/Devs have FAR more important things to be doing than babysitting people in chat. If you're willing to be that babysitter, more power to you, but I don't think it's going to happen.

Indeed they do, Which is why I did not bother them about this while there in-game... Once they send a message and people see the DEV or GM in there name they get swamped in chat with peoples questions/concerns/problems and im sure with Private messages too.

I have tried a few times now to get the folks to move our of Market and into one of the other chats... with no luck. But I did get a PM from one player who said he likes the market/new player chat because the color of the chat is easy for him to read compared to other cahnnels.. At least someone out there has a decent reason not to leave.. I think im about done trying to get people to move along, guess ill have to resort to flooding the market chat with my needs from here on out.


I guess it may have depended on the server? On Pegasus we had a bit of an understanding that Market spam was pretty much only WTS / WTB / WTT; there were a few off topic discussions, but as I remember it, the flurry of WTS (etc) spam was enough to make any conversation hard to follow (they'd get the hint and move the chat to General).

Yeah I was on Pegasus too. Whilst their wasn't that much official enforcement, the community tended to do a good job of ostracising people who abused it, enough so that it was never really a problem.

The reverse is true though, people use the other channels for trade in Net7.

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